what.html 2.0 KB

  1. <h1>What is Libre.fm?</h1>
  2. <p>Libre.fm is a website that allows you to share your listening
  3. habits and discover new music.</p>
  4. <h2>Share your listening habits</h2>
  5. <p>To get started with Libre.fm, you install a small piece of software
  6. on your computer, which sends the title, artist and album of every
  7. song you listen to, to the Libre.fm website. We log this information
  8. against your unique profile page, where yourself and other users of
  9. the site can see which bands you listen to, and which songs you
  10. like. This is known to many people as <em>scrobbling</em>.</p>
  11. <p><strong>Many players already contain this software, but if you use
  12. Windows or Mac OS X you may have to download something to get
  13. started.</strong></p>
  14. <p>You may already have a piece of software that can do this for you,
  15. but it may be for <strong>Last.fm</strong>, a site similar to
  16. Libre.fm, but run by CBS. It is usually possible with these programs
  17. to simply tell your computer to send things to our website, instead of
  18. Last.fm. We have full instructions on how to do this, to help you get
  19. started as quickly as possible.</p>
  20. <h2>Discover new music</h2>
  21. <p>At Libre.fm, we're constantly on the search for new artists
  22. releasing libre music. Libre music is music which allows you as a fan
  23. of the artist to download the music, share it and even incorporate it
  24. into your own videos, mix CDs and other creative works, legally. The
  25. artists who make these songs <strong>want</strong> you to do this with
  26. their work, and license it to the general public under a mechanism we
  27. call <strong>copyleft</strong>. Copyleft is very similar to copyright,
  28. but instead of the usual list of things you're not allowed to do,
  29. copyleft musicians flip things around, and let you do a wide range of
  30. exciting and interesting things with their music. If you enjoy their
  31. music, please consider helping the artist by buying downloads, CDs and
  32. merchandise from their website, or going to see them live. For many
  33. musicians, money made from gigs is a significant portion of their
  34. income.</p>