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- <h1>What is Libre.fm?</h1>
- <p>Libre.fm is a website that allows you to share your listening
- habits and discover new music.</p>
- <h2>Share your listening habits</h2>
- <p>To get started with Libre.fm, you install a small piece of software
- on your computer, which sends the title, artist and album of every
- song you listen to, to the Libre.fm website. We log this information
- against your unique profile page, where yourself and other users of
- the site can see which bands you listen to, and which songs you
- like. This is known to many people as <em>scrobbling</em>.</p>
- <p><strong>Many players already contain this software, but if you use
- Windows or Mac OS X you may have to download something to get
- started.</strong></p>
- <p>You may already have a piece of software that can do this for you,
- but it may be for <strong>Last.fm</strong>, a site similar to
- Libre.fm, but run by CBS. It is usually possible with these programs
- to simply tell your computer to send things to our website, instead of
- Last.fm. We have full instructions on how to do this, to help you get
- started as quickly as possible.</p>
- <h2>Discover new music</h2>
- <p>At Libre.fm, we're constantly on the search for new artists
- releasing libre music. Libre music is music which allows you as a fan
- of the artist to download the music, share it and even incorporate it
- into your own videos, mix CDs and other creative works, legally. The
- artists who make these songs <strong>want</strong> you to do this with
- their work, and license it to the general public under a mechanism we
- call <strong>copyleft</strong>. Copyleft is very similar to copyright,
- but instead of the usual list of things you're not allowed to do,
- copyleft musicians flip things around, and let you do a wide range of
- exciting and interesting things with their music. If you enjoy their
- music, please consider helping the artist by buying downloads, CDs and
- merchandise from their website, or going to see them live. For many
- musicians, money made from gigs is a significant portion of their
- income.</p>