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  1. The Types to Ruin a Revolution in Animal Farm
  2. There are the infamous examples of Stalin and Hitler in history in which
  3. someone takes abuse of power for their own personal gain. George Orwell emphasizes
  4. this idea of the abuse of power through animals in his novel Animal Farm. The
  5. characters of Napoleon, Squealer, the dogs, and Boxer all symbolize important types of
  6. people in the making and breaking of a revolution. Animal Farm contains the theme that
  7. there will always be some group of people who will contaminate an idealistic revolution
  8. for their own gain.
  9. The main character in Animal Farm who takes advantage of the stupider animals
  10. and completely ruins the Revolution is Napoleon, a pig. Napoleon loves power and
  11. chases away another pig with power, Snowball, so he can be the sole ruler. Napoleon
  12. symbolizes the people of the world who will do anything to be in control. One especially
  13. famous example of this type of person is the character Macbeth from William
  14. Shakespeare's Macbeth. Macbeth murdered the king, killed innocent people, and
  15. sacrificed his morals in order to become king. This type of person is needed in order for
  16. an idealistic revolution to be corrupted. Through the character of Napoleon, George
  17. Orwell emphasizes that there will always be someone willing to commit heinous deeds in
  18. order to become leader, dictator, or tyrant
  19. The pigs of the farm are much smarter then the rest of the barn animals and take
  20. up the job as the thinkers and planners. The other animals are the workers and
  21. diligently believe anything the pigs tell them. The abuse of power begins when they
  22. notice that the apples and milk start disappearing. Sqealer, the public speaker pig,
  23. explains this to the worker animals:
  24. You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of
  25. selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I
  26. dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve
  27. our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades)
  28. contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We
  29. pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this
  30. farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It
  31. is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you
  32. know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come
  33. back! Yes, Jones would come back!
  34. (p52)
  35. This is only the only the beginning, as the pigs keep taking more for themselves and
  36. leaving less for the rest of the animals. Eventually the worker animals are worse of then
  37. when they were with Mr. Jones. They are worked to death and on the verge of starvation
  38. because of the greed of the pigs. Orwell uses this suffering as an example of the extent
  39. some people will go to for personal gain.
  40. As any reader can see, Squealer had an important part in this process. Squealer
  41. symbolizes the public relations man who will say anything to get what he wants - kind of
  42. like a lawyer. Squealer is the most handy with words and can convince the worker
  43. animals of anything. He is even able to continually convince them that they remember
  44. things wrong. Squealer alters the past to the convenience of his idol, Napoleon. A
  45. squealer is needed for any man or animals rise to power, to brainwash the public into
  46. believing their leader is god. Orwell uses the character of Squealer to prove that there
  47. will always be a group of people who take a Revolution and corrupt it for their own
  48. personal gain.
  49. And then there are the dogs. Early in the novel , while Snowball is working on
  50. literacy for the entire farm, Napoleon steals some puppies sand raises them to be his
  51. guard dogs. The dogs symbolizes the Secret Police or law enforces that are needed to
  52. force the animal workers, or public, to do as the leader demands. The dogs are
  53. responsible for Napoleons rise to power. They look up to him as an master:
  54. It was noticed that they wagged their tails to him as the other dogs had
  55. been used to do to Mr. Jones. (p68)
  56. The dogs are also the type of people who can be easily brainwashed into believing that
  57. their master is God. They are the ones who do the dirty work. It is partly the terrorism of
  58. the dogs that rule the animals. Orwell uses these dogs to convince the reader that there
  59. are these types of people out there who will use force to work towards the corruption of
  60. an idealistic revolution.
  61. Boxer is an important character in the novel. He is a not very bright old cart
  62. horse whose answer to any problem is I will work harder. Boxer is known for saying
  63. If Comrade Napoleon said it, then it must be right. He symbolizes all the people in the
  64. world whose blind faith allow their leader to take advantage of them. Boxer believed in
  65. the cause but was innocent at heart. There are always simple people who know nothing
  66. else but to follow a leader. The pigs arrange for Boxer to be taken to a glue factory once
  67. he is no longer of any use. This is Orwell's example of the abuse of the innocent. Orwell
  68. uses the character of Boxer to emphasize that these types of loyal and self-sacrificing
  69. people will always be willing to follow their leader to the end, making it easier for a
  70. revolution to be corrupted with personal gain.
  71. Animal Farm contains many characters which symbolize the types of people
  72. willing to corrupt a revolution for their own personal gain. This has been proven in
  73. many instances throughout history and other novels. Orwell chose to prove this through
  74. the simple story of barnyard animals, making it easy for everyone to understand his ideas.
  75. In conclusion, there are always going to be the power-hungry, the weak and strong, the
  76. followers and the leaders, and those willing to go to any extreme in order to be in achieve
  77. inner profit.
  78. <br><br>
  79. Words: 1026