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- *TuxFamily* is a French non-profit organization founded in 2004^<<1>>^ that
- provides free hosting for projects adhering to the free software philosophy^<<2>>^.
- TuxFamily's hosting facilities are controlled with
- link:virtual_hosting_platform_for_free_software[VHFFS], a software developed
- by TuxFamily members that allows administrators to accept or refuse services
- requested by users via a web interface^<<3>>^. As of 2018 TuxFamily hosts more
- than 2700 projects^<<2>>^.
- = Services
- TuxFamily makes these services available to free projects:
- - Web hosting (PHP5 or Python^<<4>>^)
- - MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
- - CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, and GIT repositories hosting
- - Manage domain names (DNS hosting)
- - Email accounts (reachable over POP, IMAP or webmails)
- - Mailing lists
- - Download area of 1GB
- - 200MB quota for all groups, not including the download area
- = References
- [[[1]]] https://www.tuxfamily.org/en/organization +
- [[[2]]] https://www.tuxfamily.org/en/about +
- [[[3]]] https://vhffs.org +
- [[[4]]] https://faq.tuxfamily.org/WebArea/Compat/Python
- = External links
- - Official website: https://www.tuxfamily.org