6 years ago | |
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articles | 6 years ago | |
.gitignore | 6 years ago | |
Makefile | 6 years ago | |
README.md | 6 years ago | |
dokk.ttl | 6 years ago | |
relations.py | 6 years ago |
This graph contains articles on a broad range of topics. They provide an introduction to subjects from all branches of knowledge (see example).
Each article is a node in the graph, and they are useful for two purposes: 1) provide an entry point for any subject, and 2) help linking graphs together.
Help needed! Please help us improve the articles. The more articles are available and are linked to other graphs, the more all graphs become useful.
The articles
folder contains all the articles, one per file. They are
formatted using asciidoc.
is the actual graph in Turtle
syntax. It contains metadata about all the articles.
Tools required to build HTML files: asciidoc
, source-highlight
, make
By contributing to this repository, you agree to release all your contributions under the CC-BY-SA license, either version 4 or any later version.