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- The *GNU Hackers' Meetings*, or *GHM*, is an annual conference for people
- interested in the GNU operating system. The conference promotes an informal
- environment for developers and users of GNU to share experiences and exchange
- opinions. It usually lasts for three days over which multiple presentations
- are scheduled. Presentations are allowed to cover a wide range of subjects,
- both technical and social, related to the GNU project or to the free software
- movement as a whole.
- Participation in the conference is subject to prior registration and to the
- payment of a fee. A limited budget is available to assist those who cannot
- otherwise afford to attend the conference.
- The first GHM took place in Orense, Spain in 2007 and every year it is held
- in a different location^<<1>>^.
- = References
- [[[1]]] https://www.gnu.org/ghm/previous.html
- = External links
- - link:https://www.gnu.org/ghm/[Official website] at gnu.org +
- - link:https://www.gnu.org/ghm/faq.html[FAQ] at gnu.org