#19 Display control characters

1 سال پیش باز شده توسط nuclearkev · 0 دیدگاه

I had an issue when working on updating games/minetest in pkgsrc where a return carrier character was hiding at the end of one of my lines, it would be nice to see those.

This worked in atto but was broken when I ported it to termbox and I haven't fixed it yet.

I had an issue when working on updating games/minetest in pkgsrc where a return carrier character was hiding at the end of one of my lines, it would be nice to see those. This worked in `atto` but was broken when I ported it to termbox and I haven't fixed it yet.
Kevin "The Nuclear" Bloom ارجاع این مسئله به کامیت 1 سال پیش
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