123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109 |
- #!/bin/env python3
- import ithildin as ith
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import sys
- from typing import List
- from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
- from pydiffmap.diffusion_map import DiffusionMap
- from pydiffmap import visualization as diff_visualization
- import matplotlib
- # Courtemanche1998 model, 2 ruimtedimensies, 21 variabelen
- data = ith.SimData.from_stem("myokit12/myokit_2")
- # Vermijd randeffecten en initialiatie
- # TODO: begintijd zou in principe in de log moeten staan
- def snij_randen_weg(variabele,begintijd, eindtijd):
- def begin(index):
- if index == 0:
- return begintijd
- return variabele.shape[index]//8
- def eind(index):
- if index == 0:
- return eindtijd
- if variabele.shape[index] < 20:
- return variabele.shape[index]
- return (7 * variabele.shape[index])//8
- return variabele[begin(0):eind(0),begin(1):eind(1),begin(2):eind(2),begin(3):eind(3)]
- def snij_randen_weg2(variables,begintijd,eindtijd):
- newdata = dict()
- for key in variables.keys():
- newdata[key] = snij_randen_weg(variables[key], begintijd,eindtijd)
- return newdata
- t0 = 1
- t1 = 150
- aantal_punten = 15000
- vars = snij_randen_weg2(data.vars, t0, t1)
- for key in vars.keys():
- vars[key] = vars[key].ravel()
- def plot4(x,y,z,w,autoclose=False):
- choices = np.random.choice(vars[x].shape[0], aantal_punten, replace=True)
- var1 = vars[x][choices]
- var2 = vars[y][choices]
- var3 = vars[z][choices]
- var4 = vars[w][choices]
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
- ax.scatter(var1, var2, var3, c=var4, cmap='viridis')
- ax.set_xlabel(x)
- ax.set_ylabel(y)
- ax.set_zlabel(z)
- plt.axis('tight')
- #plt.savefig("Courtemanche2D (%s, %s, %s -> %s).png" % (x, y, z, w))
- if not autoclose:
- plt.show()
- plt.close()
- matplotlib.use("TkAgg")
- # Choose random combinations of vour variables.
- keys = list(vars.keys())
- assert(np.std(data.vars['K']) == 0) # it is constant, so don't plot it (the contrentation of K+ ions remains constant?)
- keys.remove('K')
- keys.sort()
- np.random.seed(1234)
- for i in range(0,500):
- which_keys = np.random.choice(keys, 4, replace=False)
- print(which_keys)
- plot4(which_keys[0], which_keys[1], which_keys[2], which_keys[3])
- # , autoclose=True)
- plot4("gatexr", "gatev", "gatew", "Ca")
- # gateh, Na, gateu, ??
- # gated, >Ca, gateexr
- # PDF cOURTEMANCHE: https://journals-physiology-org.kuleuven.e-bronnen.be/doi/epdf/10.1152/ajpheart.1998.275.1.H301
- # ajpheart.1998.275.1.h301
- # ['gateoi' 'gatew' 'gateoa' 'gatefCa'] # saai
- # ['gateui' 'Ca' 'Carel' 'gated'] # saai
- # ['gateh' 'gateu' 'Na' 'Caup']
- plot4('gateh', 'gateu', 'Na', 'Caup')
- plot4('gateh', 'gateu', 'Caup', 'Na')
- plot4('gateh', 'Caup', 'gateu', 'Na')
- plot4('Caup', 'gateh', 'gateu', 'Na')
- # rprobeer: gateu, Caup, ???, ??
- np.random.seed(1234)
- for i in range(0,40):
- keys2 = list(keys)
- keys2.remove('gateu')
- keys2.remove('Caup')
- which_keys2 = np.random.choice(keys2, 2, replace=False)
- print (['gateu', 'Caup', which_keys2[0], which_keys2[1]])
- plot4('gateu', 'Caup', which_keys2[0], which_keys2[1])
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gatexs', 'gateoa'] --> complex, still 2D? (maybe check with diffmap
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gateoi', 'gateh'] --> closed, non-weird
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gateui', 'gatev'] --> not closed, complex, still 2D, maybe
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gateui', 'gateh'] --> not closed, complex, still 2D, maybe
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gateui', 'Ca'] --> complex, maybe closed,
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gateoa', 'gateoi'] --> maybe 2D, but check
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gatev', 'gatefCa'] ---> maybe 3D, check!
- #['gateu', 'Caup', 'gatew', 'gatef'] --> check