class_polygon2d.rst 3.3 KB

  1. .. Generated automatically by doc/tools/ in Godot's source tree.
  2. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the Polygon2D.xml source instead.
  3. .. The source is found in doc/classes or modules/<name>/doc_classes.
  4. .. _class_Polygon2D:
  5. Polygon2D
  6. =========
  7. **Inherits:** :ref:`Node2D<class_node2d>` **<** :ref:`CanvasItem<class_canvasitem>` **<** :ref:`Node<class_node>` **<** :ref:`Object<class_object>`
  8. **Category:** Core
  9. Brief Description
  10. -----------------
  11. A 2D polygon.
  12. Member Variables
  13. ----------------
  14. .. _class_Polygon2D_antialiased:
  15. - :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **antialiased** - If ``true`` polygon edges will be anti-aliased. Default value: ``false``.
  16. .. _class_Polygon2D_color:
  17. - :ref:`Color<class_color>` **color** - The polygon's fill color. If ``texture`` is defined, it will be multiplied by this color. It will also be the default color for vertices not set in ``vertex_colors``.
  18. .. _class_Polygon2D_invert_border:
  19. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **invert_border** - Added padding applied to the bounding box when using ``invert``. Setting this value too small may result in a "Bad Polygon" error. Default value: ``100``.
  20. .. _class_Polygon2D_invert_enable:
  21. - :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **invert_enable** - If ``true`` polygon will be inverted, containing the area outside the defined points and extending to the ``invert_border``. Default value: ``false``.
  22. .. _class_Polygon2D_offset:
  23. - :ref:`Vector2<class_vector2>` **offset** - The offset applied to each vertex.
  24. .. _class_Polygon2D_polygon:
  25. - :ref:`PoolVector2Array<class_poolvector2array>` **polygon** - The polygon's list of vertices. The final point will be connected to the first.
  26. .. _class_Polygon2D_texture:
  27. - :ref:`Texture<class_texture>` **texture** - The polygon's fill texture. Use ``uv`` to set texture coordinates.
  28. .. _class_Polygon2D_texture_offset:
  29. - :ref:`Vector2<class_vector2>` **texture_offset** - Amount to offset the polygon's ``texture``. If ``(0, 0)`` the texture's origin (its top-left corner) will be placed at the polygon's ``position``.
  30. .. _class_Polygon2D_texture_rotation:
  31. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **texture_rotation** - The texture's rotation in radians.
  32. .. _class_Polygon2D_texture_rotation_degrees:
  33. - :ref:`float<class_float>` **texture_rotation_degrees** - The texture's rotation in degrees.
  34. .. _class_Polygon2D_texture_scale:
  35. - :ref:`Vector2<class_vector2>` **texture_scale** - Amount to multiply the ``uv`` coordinates when using a ``texture``. Larger values make the texture smaller, and vice versa.
  36. .. _class_Polygon2D_uv:
  37. - :ref:`PoolVector2Array<class_poolvector2array>` **uv** - Texture coordinates for each vertex of the polygon. There should be one ``uv`` per polygon vertex. If there are fewer, undefined vertices will use ``(0, 0)``.
  38. .. _class_Polygon2D_vertex_colors:
  39. - :ref:`PoolColorArray<class_poolcolorarray>` **vertex_colors** - Color for each vertex. Colors are interpolated between vertices, resulting in smooth gradients. There should be one per polygon vertex. If there are fewer, undefined vertices will use ``color``.
  40. Description
  41. -----------
  42. A Polygon2D is defined by a set of points. Each point is connected to the next, with the final point being connected to the first, resulting in a closed polygon. Polygon2Ds can be filled with color (solid or gradient) or filled with a given texture.