fr33domlover fr33domlover

fr33domlover hat Issue peers/forgefed#110 kommentiert

Switch from custom build script to static site generator

We need a piece of software that takes the Markdown pages, wraps around them the header, footer, navigation, CSS, etc. etc. and places the rendered HTML together properly. Right now it's a custom script and it's making things difficult to extend and edit.

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf master in peers/forgefed gepusht

  • ca5b917996 Vocabulary: Add cloneUri to JSON-LD context file

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Issue peers/forgefed#109 kommentiert

add cloneUri to the vocabulary

Looks good except 1 thing: I notice the property has "Functional" set to "Yes". But at least in Git there can be more than one endpoint, right? An SSH URI, a git:// URI, an HTTPS URI... so perhaps the property shouldn't be functional? i.e. to be able to specify more than one value.

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Issue peers/forgefed#110 geöffnet

Switch from custom build script to static site generator

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Issue peers/forgefed#108 kommentiert

Repository: add the cloneUri element

Yes, I have a comment!

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Issue peers/forgefed#108 kommentiert

Repository: add the cloneUri element

See my comment on #105. I agree we need clarity on the VCS endpoint, but via separate properties (remember Git itself supports git:// and ssh:// in addition to HTTPS, and there are other VCSs, which perhaps don't use HTTPS *at all* for cloning)

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Issue peers/forgefed#105 kommentiert

Split Project out of Repository

A `Repository` is only the VCS part, it doesn't refer to a whole project with issues and MRs and wikis etc. etc.

vor 2 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Pull-Request peers/peers-www#24 erstellt

List Vervis frontend app in project page

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf anvil in fr33domlover/peers-www gepusht

  • 8efc258a77 List Vervis frontend app in project page
  • 5dc4e2c042 Merge branch 'master' of necklace/peers-www into master
  • 31e315c77b Fixed, replaced, and removed broken and dead links - has disappeared, removed - replaced with - replaced with - is dead, removed - is dead, replaced with link - is dead, replaced with link - was renamed to - removed
  • 8899004b36 Change maintainer of freedom-delayed. Reason: Issue: #19
  • c1a8d4da80 Add missing blog entries for 2019 from zPlus.

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat neuen Branch anvil in fr33domlover/peers-www angelegt

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Pull-Request peers/peers-www#23 erstellt

Update details of Vervis in project table

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf vervis in fr33domlover/peers-www gepusht

  • f5e1214253 Update details of Vervis in project table
  • 5dc4e2c042 Merge branch 'master' of necklace/peers-www into master
  • 31e315c77b Fixed, replaced, and removed broken and dead links - has disappeared, removed - replaced with - replaced with - is dead, removed - is dead, replaced with link - is dead, replaced with link - was renamed to - removed
  • 8899004b36 Change maintainer of freedom-delayed. Reason: Issue: #19
  • c1a8d4da80 Add missing blog entries for 2019 from zPlus.

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat neuen Branch vervis in fr33domlover/peers-www angelegt

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat Pull-Request peers/peers-www#22 erstellt

List ForgeFed in project table

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf master in fr33domlover/peers-www gepusht

  • 6dd6934ea5 List ForgeFed in project table on home page

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat das Repository nach fr33domlover/peers-www geforkt

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf master in peers/forgefed gepusht

  • 52bb666cfb Allow 'resolvedBy' to specify an activity

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf master in peers/forgefed gepusht

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf master in peers/forgefed gepusht

vor 4 Jahren

fr33domlover hat auf master in peers/forgefed gepusht

  • 9b9079eb03 Add 'resolvedBy' to the JSON-LD context

vor 4 Jahren