eklektisk a commité dans master sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commité dans globals-fix sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk nouvelle branche créée globals-fix sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commenté le problème jyamihud/FastLBRY-terminal#105
Local and Shared following ( from a closed PR )This could be resolved with a function to create new profiles (for the sake of example, say this is in `flbry/following.py`):
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eklektisk a commité dans master sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commité dans master sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commité dans convert-float sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commité dans master sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commité dans convert-float sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk nouvelle branche créée convert-float sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk pull request créée le jyamihud/FastLBRY-terminal#123
Add support for other data pointsil y a 3 ans
eklektisk a commité dans master sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
il y a 3 ans
eklektisk nouvelle branche créée master sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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branche supprimée master
sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk a commité dans prefs-fix sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk nouvelle branche créée prefs-fix sur eklektisk/FastLBRY-terminal
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eklektisk pull request fermé jyamihud/FastLBRY-terminal#103
Use local preferences over shared preferencesil y a 3 ans
eklektisk pull request ré-ouverte jyamihud/FastLBRY-terminal#103
Use local preferences over shared preferencesil y a 3 ans
eklektisk a commenté le problème jyamihud/FastLBRY-terminal#103
Use local preferences over shared preferencesI added support for other data points and enabled the option to fallback to another data point when no data point is specified, or create the data point if a) not fallback exists, or b) a profile was specified in conjunction with the `following`, `follow`, or `unfollow` commands. Does this look more useful?
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