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- Last steps/commits/actions effected in releasing new AssaultCube version:
- Note: changes should be commited.
- I. Documentation ("assaultcube.github.io" repository):
- 1. Change everywhere number of AC version, date in copyrights info, release notes, uninstall notes, changelog, download page (download links are predicable on GitHub), etc.
- See also https://github.com/assaultcube/assaultcube.github.io/blob/master/README.md - "LIST OF FILES TO CHANGE UPON NEW RELEASES: [...]".
- 2. Add release tag (vMAJOR.MINOR.BUILD.REVISION) to the "master" branch in assaultcube.github.io repository.
- 3. Synchronise local and remote "master" branches in assaultcube.github.io repository.
- II. AssaultCube ("AC" repository - "master" branch):
- 1. Transform docs/reference.xml in assaultcube.github.io repository into docs.cfg, copy it to config/ folder in AC repository. See reference.xml source for how to transform it.
- 2. Make sure that config/pcksources.cfg contains only trusted package source servers, if not, update them.
- 3. Replace maps in packages/maps/official folder by newer dev_* maps from packages/maps/ folder.
- 4. Check, whether in packages/maps/official/preview/ folder there are preview .jpg files for new official maps, if missing, add them.
- 5. Check, whether in bot/waypoint/ folder there are files with bot waypoints for new official maps, if missing, add them.
- 6. Update official maps list in config/: menus.cfg, securemaps.cfg, etc.
- 7. Change everywhere number of AC version, date in copyrights informations. Note: on Mac number of version is also saved in binary file English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings .
- 8. Change everywhere path to profile to assaultcube/v.MAJOR.MINOR .
- 9. Change protocol number, if necessary.
- 10. Update changelog.txt file.
- 11. Change links in README.md file.
- 12. Add release tag (vMAJOR.MINOR.BUILD.REVISION) to the "master" branch in AC repository.
- 13. Synchronise local and remote "master" branches in AC repository.