7 years ago | |
httpd | 7 years ago | |
sites-available | 7 years ago | |
www | 7 years ago | |
.projectile | 7 years ago | |
README.md | 7 years ago | |
docker-compose.yml | 7 years ago |
A simple set of dockers for running a local Drupal or WordPress LAMP
By default this mounts the /var/www/html directory to ~/public_html on your Linux OS. From here you can install drupal using Drush or use any website files. It is intended to keep all of the web application files outside of the containers so you can easily work on the files. The database should go in the mariadb container included with this.
If your running Ubuntu or Fedora as your local development environment you should create a user and group and folder to match the permission of the ~/public_html folder with the container's Apache user/group. The Apache runs as UID and GUID 33 (www-data).
sudo useradd -u 33 www-data; sudo groupadd www-data -g 33; sudo usermod -g 33 www-data
(If you already have a group with GID 33, that is ok this command will fail)
sudo usermod -aG 33 your_username;
*now logout/login of linux as it is needed for the new permissions to take effect.
mkdir ~/public_html; sudo chown -R 33:33 ~/public_html; sudo chmod g+s ~/public_html
(Sets the correct permissions on the folder)
docker-compose up -d
(Starts the Containers)
cd ~/public_html; drush dl drupal-7; mv ~/public_html/drupal*/* ~/public_html; mv ~/public_html/drupal*/.htaccess ~/public_html/drupal*/.gitignore ~/public_html; rm -rf drupal-*
sudo chown -R 33:33 ~/public_html
drush site-install standard --db-url='mysql://root:docker@' --site-name=Example
You need to have Drush, php-mysqlnd/php-mysql, php-gd, php, php-common, and MariaDB-client packages installed locally for Drush to be able to connect to the mariadb container.
You need to change the IP address above to the IP of your database container. You can do a docker inspect your_database_container
to find the IP.
Navigate to http://localhost:8180
Navigate http://localhost:8181