A jwm config to make it work like a traditional desktop (and maybe even faster)

adnan360 669868159e First changes for non-qt 4 rokov pred
.config 1c8fa72367 Added calendar when clock is clicked 6 rokov pred
.local 79931ce136 Added error message on run menu calculation requirements not being found 5 rokov pred
assets 774cc46ec1 added svg for logo 6 rokov pred
.jwmrc 669868159e First changes for non-qt 4 rokov pred
LICENSE 92e25a99c7 Initial commit 6 rokov pred
README.md 669868159e First changes for non-qt 4 rokov pred
screenshot-01.png ed1c351854 updated screenshot 5 rokov pred



JWM is very lightweight and a feature rich desktop. It has so much potential, but by default is a bit too basic with no automatic application menu, weird keyboard shortcuts etc.

This is a JWM config that makes it into a usable desktop, with usable panel, automatic application menu - just like a traditional desktop. JWM is lightweight and inherently faster than other desktop environments, so it should do things faster, make your pc run cooler and all that in a traditional and recognizable interface.


Step 1

Just install these requirements:

	- jwm
	- rofi
	- nm-applet
	- cbatticon
	- volumeicon
	- papirus-icon-theme
	- nitrogen
	- xlockmore (for locking)
	- ksuperkey (optional, if you want super key to open something)
	- xdgmenumaker (for program list generation)
	- gsimplecal (for showing calendar when clock is clicked)
	- xrandr (optional, for connecting to external screens/projectors)
	- xfce4-notifyd (optional, for showing notfications - relogin required to start service)

Of course these are not tight requirements. You can change the config to suit to your needs.

If you don't know which type of distro you are using, run cat /etc/os-release, check the ID_LIKE value and follow accordingly.

Arch Linux

For Arch Linux, it can be something like:

sudo pacman -S jwm rofi nm-applet cbatticon volumeicon papirus-icon-theme nitrogen xlockmore xdgmenumaker gsimplecal xrandr && yaourt -S ksuperkey --noconfirm

Tested on Sparky Linux Rolling (close to Debian Testing):

sudo apt install jwm rofi network-manager-gnome cbatticon volumeicon-alsa papirus-icon-theme nitrogen gsimplecal

Did not find xlockmore on debian repo, so please use i3lock or something else and change .jwmrc accordingly.

Install xdgmenumaker (it is recommended to install for automatic generation of application menu):

sudo apt install make txt2tags python-xdg python-gtk2
git clone https://github.com/gapan/xdgmenumaker.git
cd xdgmenumaker
sudo make install

Install ksuperkey (it is optional and just for the super key shortcut):

sudo apt-get install git gcc make libx11-dev libxtst-dev pkg-config
git clone https://github.com/hanschen/ksuperkey.git
cd ksuperkey
sudo make install

Step 2

cd to the directory where you downloaded/cloned this repository:

cd path/to/this/repo

Copy the .jwmrc file, .config and .local folder into your home directory, or open a terminal on this repo directory and run:

cp -r {.config,.jwmrc,.local} ~

Make sure scripts are executable (git should make them executable by default):

chmod +x ~/.local/share/jwm-config/*.sh

Step 3

Log out and log back into the JWM session. You can make changes to ~/.jwmrc depending on your setup (file manager, terminal, web browser etc.)

When an update to .jwmrc is pushed, you can use meld and open the repo version and your .jwmrc side by side, then click the arrow buttons besides changes to decide which changes you want to accept into your config.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Common Shortcuts:

  • Alt+F1 : Opens Main menu
  • Alt+F2 or F12 : Run something
  • Ctrl+Alt+T : Run Terminal
  • Ctrl+Alt+E or Super+E : Run File Manager
  • Alt+(number) : To go to the desktop of that number
  • Ctrl+Alt+(arrow key) : To go to the desktop in that specific way
  • Super+Tab : Go to the desktop to the right
  • Ctrl+Alt+D or Super+D : Show desktop
  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R : Restart JWM
  • Ctrl+Alt+L : Lock screen
  • Super key: Opens application menu (changeable to run option or anything else, of course)
  • Super key+P or XF86Display or screen change key: Opens up monitor connection option (great for projectors/presentations)
  • Super key+F4: Power menu (for shutdown/reboot/logoff/logout etc.)

Known Issues

  • The Programs menu does not update when you install an application. You have to manually click Restart JWM on the menu or run: jwm -restart. This is a limitation of JWM and not supposed to be fixed. You can probably use hooks for your package manager to restart JWM when new programs are installed.

  • The Show Desktop button at the bottom right corner does not work the first time on a session. It works fine after the first time.

Usability Notes

Choosing Terminal from Thunar

When you first open the terminal on a directory through Thunar, it will show a dialog titled "Choose a Preferred Application". Choose Other..., then type in the executable name of your favorite terminal application (e.g. lxterminal) then click OK, then again OK. It will open your specified terminal. It will work like that from now on.


1. Icons in the system tray does not show in Papirus icons: Install lxappearance and use it to set the icon to Papirus.

2. pcmanfm-qt does not show the icons: Go to Edit - Preferences - Display and choose Papirus then restart pcmanfm.

License: CC0 - do whatever you want with it.