gamelib.txt 1.0 KB

  1. # CGameMovement
  2. vtidx_CheckJumpButton
  3. Portal1_3420 22 + NVDTOR
  4. 2013 28 + NVDTOR
  5. L4D 32 + NVDTOR
  6. L4DS 33 + NVDTOR
  7. Portal2 35 + NVDTOR
  8. off_mv 8
  9. Portal1_3420 4
  10. # IServerGameDLL
  11. vtidx_GetAllServerClasses 10
  12. 2013 11
  13. # TODO(compat): BMS 11
  14. # I(Server|Client)Unknown
  15. vtidx_GetBaseEntity 4 + NVDTOR
  16. # CBaseEntity or CBasePlayer or something
  17. off_netprop_statechanged
  18. L4D 88
  19. off_simtime
  20. L4D 128
  21. vtidx_Spawn
  22. L4D2 22 + NVDTOR
  23. TheLastStand 23 + NVDTOR
  24. vtidx_Teleport
  25. L4D1 104 + NVDTOR
  26. L4D2 116 + NVDTOR # TODO(linux): might actually be 119!?!?
  27. TheLastStand 117 + NVDTOR # I dunno why JAiZ changed this
  28. # CGlobalVars
  29. off_curtime 12
  30. off_edicts
  31. L4D 88
  32. # IServerGameDLL
  33. vtidx_GameFrame 4
  34. vtidx_GameShutdown 7
  35. # CDirector
  36. vtidx_OnGameplayStart
  37. L4D2 11 # note: just happens to be the same on linux!
  38. L4D1 11
  39. # CInput
  40. vtidx_CreateMove 3
  41. vtidx_DecodeUserCmdFromBuffer 7
  42. vtidx_GetUserCmd 8
  43. # VClient
  44. vtidx_VClient_DecodeUserCmdFromBuffer 22
  45. Client014
  46. L4D2 43 # shoutouts to 2000
  47. Client013
  48. L4Dbased 23
  49. # vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80