A Peaceful Relaxing Waterfall Theme For The SDDM Display Manager.
hace 6 años | |
licenses | hace 6 años | |
theme | hace 6 años | |
README.md | hace 6 años |
This is the Offical SDDM Display Manager Greeter Theme for Parabola GNU Linux
Image License:
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-By-3.0)
Software License:
GNU Public License Version 3.0 (GPLv3)
Video License:
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-By-3.0)
The current video of a peaceful waterfall is set to play on an infinite loop.
If you would like to modify this theme to add additional videos to the playlists. Videos are played randomly and diferent playlists are used based on time of day with day and night time playlists.
As of right now there is only 1 long format timelapse video for the playlist_day.m3u and playlist_night.m3u.
More videos will be added to the playlist in future version releases.
[Arch Based Systems]
sudo pacman -S gst-libav phonon-qt5-gstreamer gst-plugins-good
[Ubuntu Based Systems]
sudo apt-get install gst-libav phonon-qt5-gstreamer gst-plugins-good
[Red Hat Based Systems]
sudo yum install gst-libav phonon-qt5-gstreamer gst-plugins-good
To manually install the Lucid Waters SDDM Theme simply clone it from the GIT Repository.
git clone git@notabug.org:lucideagle/lucid-waters-sddm-theme.git
Then simply copy the theme to /usr/share/sddm/themes/ with super user privledges enabled.
mv lucid-waters /usr/share/sddm/themes
Open up the /etc/sddm.conf file via the terminal.
sudo nano /etc/sddm.conf
Search for and change the SDDM theme to "lucid-waters" to enable it as the default theme upon start up.
The Lucid Waters SDDM Theme can be tested by running the following command in the terminal.
sddm-greeter --theme to /usr/share/sddm/themes/lucid-waters
There is an option to stream HD videos with a good internet connection if you would like to add remote video content in the future. If there is no active connection or the video can't be played the background will fallback to the image background.jpg
If you want to add and/or change the local videos files that came with this theme. Use the following command to generate the playlist-file (playlist_day.m3u or playlist_night.m3u) from a directory containing the new videos.
find path-to-your-directory -maxdepth 1 -type f > playlist-file-name
sudo nano to /usr/share/sddm/themes/lucid-waters/theme.conf.user
Here are a few of the settings which can be adjusted for the Lucid Waters SDDM Theme to your specifications.
- background: default background image
- background_day / background_night: current video playlists
- displayFont: default font selected for the Lucid Waters SDDM Theme
- showLoginButton: If set to false this option will hide the login button
- showClearPasswordButton: if set to false will hide the clear password button that appears when text is inputed
- passwordLeftMargin & usernameLeftMargin: set margin input boxes, labels, and fix any text overlaping
- relativePositionX & relativePositionY: Where to set the exact position for the login text box and clock
This software is originally forked from the Aerial SDDM Theme
GIT Repository URL: https://github.com/3ximus/aerial-sddm-theme
See the to-do list via usr/share/sddm/themes/lucid-waters/TODO.md