TestSuite_Smoke_GPU.py 1.9 KB

  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. import os
  7. import pytest
  8. from ly_test_tools.o3de.editor_test import EditorSingleTest, EditorTestSuite, EditorBatchedTest
  9. # File with the list of vulkan validation errors to ignore
  10. # can be found in 'tests\rhi_validation\vulkan_skip_errors.py'
  11. @pytest.mark.SUITE_smoke
  12. @pytest.mark.REQUIRES_gpu
  13. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  14. @pytest.mark.parametrize("launcher_platform", ['windows_editor'])
  15. class TestAutomation_RHIValidation_Vulkan(EditorTestSuite):
  16. # Remove -BatchMode from global_extra_cmdline_args since we need rendering for these tests.
  17. global_extra_cmdline_args = [
  18. "-autotest_mode",
  19. "-rhi=vulkan",
  20. "-rhi-device-validation=enable"
  21. ] # Default is ["-BatchMode", "-autotest_mode"]
  22. use_null_renderer = False # Default is True
  23. class test_RHIValidation_Vulkan_DefaultLevel(EditorBatchedTest):
  24. from .tests.rhi_validation import RHIValidation_Vulkan_DefaultLevel as test_module
  25. @pytest.mark.SUITE_smoke
  26. @pytest.mark.REQUIRES_gpu
  27. @pytest.mark.parametrize("project", ["AutomatedTesting"])
  28. @pytest.mark.parametrize("launcher_platform", ['windows_editor'])
  29. class TestAutomation_RHIValidation_Vulkan_LowEndPipeline(EditorTestSuite):
  30. # Remove -BatchMode from global_extra_cmdline_args since we need rendering for these tests.
  31. global_extra_cmdline_args = [
  32. "-autotest_mode",
  33. "-rhi=vulkan",
  34. "-rhi-device-validation=enable",
  35. "--r_renderPipelinePath=passes/LowEndRenderPipeline.azasset"
  36. ] # Default is ["-BatchMode", "-autotest_mode"]
  37. use_null_renderer = False # Default is True
  38. class test_RHIValidation_Vulkan_DefaultLevel(EditorBatchedTest):
  39. from .tests.rhi_validation import RHIValidation_Vulkan_DefaultLevel as test_module