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Wykonać opis: rozwiązania mobilne w Internecie Rzeczy
# The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a revolutionary technology that is rapidly changing the world. IoT systems strive to provide automated solutions for almost every life aspect; traditional devices are becoming connected, ubiquitous, pervasive, wireless, context-aware, smart, controlled through mobile solutions, to name but a few. IoT devices can now be found in our apartments, places of work, cars, buildings, and in almost every aspect of life. In this investigation, we propose an IoT system Development Model (IDM). The proposed IDM enables the development of IoT systems from concept to prototyping. The model comprises concept refinement pyramids, decision trees, realistic constraint lists, architecture and organization diagrams, communication interface patterns, use cases, and menus of analysis metrics and evaluation indicators. The investigation confirms that the proposed model enjoys several properties, such as, clarity, conciseness, thoroughness, productivity, etc. The model is deployed for a variety of systems that belong to heterogeneous areas of application; the model is proven to be effective in application and successful in integrating mobile solutions.
From the high-tech cars to watches, meters, light bulbs, and now the data-center infrastructure of the established B2B players; day-by-day the concept of ‘IOT’ or Internet of Things is swiftly integrating into every silo of technology and even the vast segment of computing couldn’t pull itself away.
- Low Latency and Cost of Transmission
Mobile solutions for IOT will surely give the required kick to the prevailing trends of edge computing. The concept pushes the computing to the edges of a network so the devices could communicate and perform analytics themselves, closer to the logical endpoints of the network, instead of reaching back to the source. Bringing computing power close to the users and closer to the endpoints will further reduce the data volume, which will hand ultra-low latency along with reduced cost of transmission and high bandwidth.
- Real Time Access to Radio Networks at the Edge
The mobile edge computing (MEC) offers the attributes of both the IT and cloud computing within RAN (Radio Access Network) at the edge of a cellular network. The system allows sharing of data and services, along with upholding the client’s experience across different network conditions and radio. MEC will give real-time network details like place and cell load, which could be further used to return related mobile edge computing services to the interested cellular customers.
- Limited Resources
Bootstrapping the mobile edge environment has a list of challenges in the way, but the first and foremost obstacle that I could see will be “the lack of computing and storage resources”. As the services will approach, there is a strong probability that the contemporary resources will turn out to be heavy for mobile, and only fulfill the computation and storage necessities of the applications with limited requirements. Hence, the service providers will have to seek for new ways or platforms as the ideas will take shape.
- Industrial Deadlock
The deadlock that the industry is currently facing could prove to be a challenge for mobile edge computing. Where at one place the industrialists are waiting for the further MEC deployments before devoting capital in the concept, the developers are looking for the investments from the industry that could support the edge computing.
Wykonać opis: rozwiązania mobilne w Internecie Rzeczy (przetłumaczone i gotowe)
- Low Security
With the prevalence of the highly heterogeneous hardware and software platforms, the other major issue that the technology is likely to come across is the lower physical security of the data. The limited control of network operator over the applications will have a significant impact on the security, though looking for the ways that could minimize the impacts will remain to be the goal.
Internetu rzeczy szybko integruje się z każdą dziedziną technologii i nawet ogromny segment informatyki jakim są rozwiązania mobilne nie mógł się uchować.
- Niski czas oczekiwania i koszt transmisji
Przeniesienie mocy obliczeniowej bliżej użytkowników i punktów końcowych jeszcze bardziej zmniejszy ilość danych, co zapewni bardzo niskie opóźnienia, a także zmniejszy koszty transmisji i wysoką przepustowość.
- Dostęp w czasie rzeczywistym do sieci radiowych na krawędzi
MEC (mobile edge computing) poda szczegółowe informacje o sieci w czasie rzeczywistym, takie jak miejsce i obciążenie komórki, które mogą być dalej wykorzystywane do zwracania powiązanych usług przetwarzania mobilnego na brzegu sieci zainteresowanym klientom telefonii komórkowej.
- Limitowane zasoby
W związku z tym dostawcy usług będą musieli szukać nowych sposobów lub platform, gdy pomysły nabiorą kształtu.
- Impas przemysłowy
Tam, gdzie w jednym miejscu przemysłowcy czekają na dalsze wdrożenia MEC (mobile edge computing) przed przeznaczeniem kapitału na koncepcję, deweloperzy szukają inwestycji z branży, które mogłyby wesprzeć przetwarzanie brzegowe.
- Niski poziom bespieczeństwa
Ograniczona kontrola operatora sieci nad aplikacjami będzie miała znaczący wpływ na bezpieczeństwo, chociaż poszukiwanie sposobów, które mogłyby zminimalizować wpływ, pozostanie celem.