klient.cs 539 B

  1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // klient.cs
  3. // Implementation of the Class klient
  4. // Generated by Enterprise Architect
  5. // Created on: 17-lis-2021 12:39:10
  6. // Original author: local
  7. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. using d_klas_do_kodu;
  9. namespace d_klas_do_kodu {
  10. public class klient {
  11. private string nazwisko;
  12. public towar m_towar;
  13. public klient(){
  14. }
  15. ~klient(){
  16. }
  17. public virtual void Dispose(){
  18. }
  19. }//end klient
  20. }//end namespace d_klas_do_kodu