123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306 |
- // global function to set global options. see below.
- var JSCodeHighlight;
- (function(){
- // Options
- var gopts = {
- rootClass: 'js-code-highlight-root',
- inlineRootClass: 'inline',
- multilineRootClass: 'multiline',
- titleClass: 'title',
- lineClass: 'line',
- gutterClass: 'line-nums',
- codeBlockClass: 'code-block',
- font: "Courier New",
- multilineSelector: "foobar",
- inlineSelector: "ipre, c, m",
- bareSelector: "c",
- failsafe: 10000,
- defaultLanguage: 'c',
- defaultTagLanguage: { m: 'asm', c: 'c' },
- languageClassPrefix: 'lang-',
- };
- JSCodeHighlight = function(o) {
- for(var k in o) {
- gopts[k] = o[k];
- }
- };
- // Highlighting Rules
- // The only non-anonymous group is the one captured
- // name: "foo" will be added as a css class to the element.
- var rule_list = {
- none: [],
- c: [
- {name: 'whitespace', re: /^(\s+)/ },
- {name: 'preproc', re: /^(#[a-zA-Z]+.*)(?:\n|$)/ },
- {name: 'comment', re: /^(\/\/.*)(\n|$)/ },
- {name: 'comment', re: /^(\/\*(?:.|\n)*\*\/)/m },
- {name: 'type', re: /^((?:const|extern|int|inline|restrict|void|volatile|float|char|double|unsigned|signed|short|long|static|struct|union|enum|auto|register|[a-z_0-9]+_t)\**)(?:\W|$)/ },
- {name: 'keyword', re: /^(if|for|else|while|do|switch|return|break|continue|default|case|goto|typedef|sizeof|offsetof)(?:\W|$)/ },
- {name: 'string', re: /^("(?:[^"]*|\\.)*")/ },
- {name: 'charlit', re: /^('(?:[^']*|\\.)*')/ },
- {name: 'number', re: /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+e?[0-9]*[ulfb]*)/i },
- {name: 'number', re: /^([-+]?0x[0-9a-fA-F]*\.?[0-9a-fA-F]+e?[0-9a-fA-F]*[ulfb]*)/i },
- {name: 'punct', re: /^((?:>|<|&)+|[\(\)\[\]{}\|\.,\+=\-?\/\\\*^%:;!~]+)/ },
- {name: 'ident', re: /^(?:([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(?:\W|$))/ },
- ],
- asm: [ // intel style
- {name: 'whitespace', re: /^(\s+)/ },
- {name: 'comment', re: /^(;.*)(\n|$)/ },
- {name: 'keyword', re: /^((?:(?:[qd]?word|byte)\s+(?:ptr))|(offset (?:flat)?))(?:\W|$)/i },
- {name: 'directive', re: /^(\.(?:align|ascii|bcd|bss|[248]?byte|comm|data|double|even|ext|file|float|glabl|group|hidden|ident|lcomm|local|long|popsection|previous|pushsection|quad|rel|section|set|size|skip|sleb128|string|symbolic|tbss|tcomm|tdata|text|type|uleb128|value|weak|zero))/i },
- {name: 'label', re: /^(\.?[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*:)/i },
- {name: 'label', re: /^(\.[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*:?)/i },
- {name: 'register', re: /^([RE]?[ABCD]X|[RE]?[SBI]P|[RE]?[SD]I|[ABCD][HL]|[SB]PL|[SD]IL|R[89][BWD]?|R1[0-5][BWD]?|EFLAGS|FLAGS)(?:\W|$)/i },
- {name: 'simd-register', re: /^([xyz]?mm\d\d?)(?:\W|$)/i },
- {name: 'string', re: /^("(?:[^"]*|\\.)*")/ },
- {name: 'number', re: /^([-+]?0[xb][0-9a-fA-F]*\.?[0-9a-fA-F]+e?[0-9a-fA-F]*[ulfb]*)/i },
- {name: 'number', re: /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+e?[0-9]*[ulfb]*)/i },
- {name: 'punct', re: /^([\[\],\+\-:]+)/ },
- {name: 'ident', re: /^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(?:\W|$)/ },
- ]
- };
- window.addEventListener('load', function() {
- // utility functions
- function min(a,b) {return a > b ? b : a }
- function leadingTabs(s) {
- for(var i = 0; i < s.length && s[i] == "\t"; i++);
- return i;
- }
- function eat(s, re, cl, out_lines) {
- var m = s.l.match(re);
- if(m) {
- // console.log(cl, m);
- var t = m[1];
- out_lines.push(
- t.split('\n')
- .map(function(x) { return '<span class="'+cl+'">'+x+'</span>'})
- .join('\n')
- );
- s.l = s.l.slice(t.length);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function processLine(s, rules) {
- var k = {l: s};
- var j = 0;
- var ol = []
- while(k.l.length > 0) {
- if(j++ > gopts.failsafe) return;
- // preserve tags
- var m = k.l.match(/^<\/?[^>]*>/);
- if(m) {
- ol.push(m[0]);
- console.log(m[0]);
- k.l = k.l.slice(m[0].length);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- // preserve &..;
- var m = k.l.match(/^&[a-z]{1,4};/);
- if(m) {
- ol.push(m[0]);
- console.log(m[0]);
- k.l = k.l.slice(m[0].length);
- continue;
- }
- */
- // process the rules
- var br = false;
- for(var r of rules) {
- if(j++ > gopts.failsafe) return;
- if(eat(k, r.re, r.name, ol)) {
- br = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(br) continue;
- ol.push(k.l[0]);
- k.l = k.l.slice(1);
- }
- return ol;
- }
- // multiline pre's
- /*
- var pres = document.querySelectorAll(gopts.multilineSelector);
- for(var pre of pres) {
- var text = pre.innerHTML;
- var lines = text.split("\n");
- var lang = pre.getAttribute('lang') || gopts.defaultLanguage;
- var rules = rule_list[lang];
- if(!rules) rules = rule_list['none'];
- var start_line = parseFloat(pre.getAttribute('ln') || 1);
- // find out how many tabs to trim on the left
- var least_tabs = 999999999;
- var trailing_empty = 0;
- for(var l of lines) {
- var n = leadingTabs(l);
- if(l[n] !== undefined) {
- least_tabs = min(least_tabs, n);
- if(l[n] != ' ') {
- trailing_empty = 0;
- }
- }
- trailing_empty++;
- }
- lines = lines.slice(0, -trailing_empty+1);
- var out_lines = [];
- for(var l of lines) {
- l = l.slice(least_tabs);
- out_lines.push(l);
- }
- // all this messy joining and splitting is to handle multi-line matches like comments
- // but also put each code line inside its own span
- var txt = out_lines.join("\n");
- var hl = processLine(txt, rules);
- out_lines = hl.join("").split("\n");
- var parent = document.createElement('div');
- parent.classList.add(gopts.rootClass);
- parent.classList.add(gopts.multilineRootClass);
- parent.classList.add(gopts.languageClassPrefix + lang);
- parent.style.display = "block";
- parent.style.position = "relative";
- parent.style.overflowX = "auto";
- parent.style.overflowY = "auto";
- pre.replaceWith(parent);
- var title = pre.getAttribute('title')
- if(title) {
- var tn = document.createElement('div');
- tn.classList.add(gopts.titleClass);
- tn.innerHTML = title;
- parent.append(tn);
- }
- var scrollp = document.createElement('div');
- scrollp.style.clear = "both";
- parent.appendChild(scrollp);
- var line_nums = document.createElement('span');
- line_nums.classList.add(gopts.gutterClass);
- line_nums.style.display = "block";
- line_nums.style.float = "left";
- line_nums.style.fontFamily = gopts.font;
- line_nums.style.whiteSpace = "pre";
- line_nums.style.userSelect = "none";
- for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- var nl = document.createElement('span');
- nl.classList.add(gopts.lineClass);
- nl.innerHTML = (i + start_line) + "\n";
- line_nums.append(nl);
- }
- scrollp.append(line_nums);
- var code_block = document.createElement('div');
- code_block.classList.add(gopts.codeBlockClass);
- code_block.style.position = "absolute";
- code_block.style.fontFamily = gopts.font;
- code_block.style.whiteSpace = "pre";
- code_block.style.left = line_nums.offsetWidth;
- // getComputedStyle
- for(var l of out_lines) {
- var nl = document.createElement('span');
- nl.classList.add(gopts.lineClass);
- nl.innerHTML = l + "\n";
- code_block.append(nl);
- }
- scrollp.append(code_block);
- }
- */
- // inline pre's
- /*
- var pres = document.querySelectorAll(gopts.inlineSelector);
- for(var pre of pres) {
- var extra = "";
- var src = pre.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '')
- var lang = pre.getAttribute('lang') || gopts.defaultLanguage;
- var rules = rule_list[lang];
- if(!rules) rules = rule_list['none'];
- var line_num = pre.getAttribute('ln');
- if(line_num) {
- extra = '<span class="line-nums">'+line_num+'</span>';
- }
- var parent = document.createElement('span');
- parent.style.display = "inline-block";
- parent.style.whiteSpace = "pre";
- parent.style.fontFamily = gopts.font;
- parent.classList.add(gopts.rootClass);
- parent.classList.add(gopts.inlineRootClass);
- parent.classList.add(gopts.languageClassPrefix + lang);
- parent.innerHTML = extra + processLine(src, rules).join('');
- pre.replaceWith(parent);
- }
- */
- // bare lines
- var bare = document.querySelectorAll(gopts.bareSelector);
- for(var pre of bare) {
- var extra = "";
- var src = pre.innerHTML;//.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '')
- var lang = pre.getAttribute('lang') || gopts.defaultLanguage;
- var rules = rule_list[lang];
- if(!rules) rules = rule_list['c'];
- /*
- var parent = document.createElement('span');
- parent.style.display = "inline-block";
- parent.style.whiteSpace = "pre";
- parent.style.fontFamily = gopts.font;
- parent.classList.add(gopts.rootClass);
- parent.classList.add(gopts.inlineRootClass);
- parent.classList.add(gopts.languageClassPrefix + lang);
- parent.innerHTML = extra + processLine(src, rules).join('');
- */
- pre.innerHTML = extra + processLine(src, rules).join('');
- // pre.replaceWith(parent);
- }
- });
- })();