todo 1.2 KB

  1. textures:
  2. pile of wood
  3. hammer icon
  4. paint icon
  5. saw icon
  6. glue icon
  7. posterboard icon
  8. dollars icon
  9. cash wad icon
  10. paper icon
  11. flyers icon
  12. advertising:
  13. flyer
  14. poster
  15. sign
  16. billboard
  17. mixer
  18. blender
  19. juicer, hand and electric
  20. individual lemons icon
  21. bag of lemons
  22. crate of lemons
  23. pitchers, empty and full
  24. cups, empty and full
  25. pallet container of lemons
  26. container of caffeine
  27. container of cocaine
  28. sugar icons:
  29. small bag
  30. large bag
  31. 50lb bag
  32. pallet of sugar bags
  33. locks of various strengths
  34. keyring icon
  35. clothes images:
  36. poor
  37. decent
  38. fancy
  39. stylish
  40. pimp
  41. mafia
  42. sprites:
  43. lemonade stands:
  44. shitty
  45. basic
  46. fancy
  47. telephone pole
  48. shipping containers
  49. animations:
  50. "poof" dust
  51. buildings:
  52. random houses
  53. random stores
  54. hardware store
  55. bank
  56. grocery store
  57. department store
  58. uniform store
  59. tailor (gotta buy pimp suits)
  60. print shop
  61. uhaul
  62. lemonade/juice store
  63. vehicles:
  64. random cars
  65. small pickup truck
  66. rental versions of all trucks
  67. small delivery truck
  68. large delivery truck
  69. taxi
  70. mafia cars
  71. cop cars
  72. characters:
  73. susie
  74. random people
  75. kids/ workers/ bullies
  76. cops
  77. mafiosos
  78. hired thugs
  79. professional private security
  80. mercenaries
  81. bums