123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147 |
- /* eslint-env mocha */
- 'use strict'
- const { assert } = require('chai')
- const shlex = require('../shlex')
- describe('shlex.split()', function () {
- // The original test data set was from shellwords, by Hartmut Goebel
- const posixTestcases = [
- ['x', 'x'],
- ['foo bar', 'foo', 'bar'],
- [' foo bar', 'foo', 'bar'],
- [' foo bar ', 'foo', 'bar'],
- ['foo bar bla fasel', 'foo', 'bar', 'bla', 'fasel'],
- ['x y z xxxx', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'xxxx'],
- ['\\x bar', 'x', 'bar'],
- ['\\ x bar', ' x', 'bar'],
- ['\\ bar', ' bar'],
- ['foo \\x bar', 'foo', 'x', 'bar'],
- ['foo \\ x bar', 'foo', ' x', 'bar'],
- ['foo \\ bar', 'foo', ' bar'],
- ['foo "bar" bla', 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ['"foo" "bar" "bla"', 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ['"foo" bar "bla"', 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ['"foo" bar bla', 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ["foo 'bar' bla", 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ["'foo' 'bar' 'bla'", 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ["'foo' bar 'bla'", 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ["'foo' bar bla", 'foo', 'bar', 'bla'],
- ['blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz', 'blurb', 'foobarbarfasel', 'baz'],
- ["blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz", 'blurb', 'foobarbarfasel', 'baz'],
- ['""', ''],
- ["''", ''],
- ['foo "" bar', 'foo', '', 'bar'],
- ["foo '' bar", 'foo', '', 'bar'],
- ['foo "" "" "" bar', 'foo', '', '', '', 'bar'],
- ["foo '' '' '' bar", 'foo', '', '', '', 'bar'],
- ['\\"', '"'],
- ['"\\""', '"'],
- ['"foo\\ bar"', 'foo\\ bar'],
- ['"foo\\\\ bar"', 'foo\\ bar'],
- ['"foo\\\\ bar\\""', 'foo\\ bar"'],
- ['"foo\\\\" bar\\"', 'foo\\', 'bar"'],
- ['"foo\\\\ bar\\" dfadf"', 'foo\\ bar" dfadf'],
- ['"foo\\\\\\ bar\\" dfadf"', 'foo\\\\ bar" dfadf'],
- ['"foo\\\\\\x bar\\" dfadf"', 'foo\\\\x bar" dfadf'],
- ['"foo\\x bar\\" dfadf"', 'foo\\x bar" dfadf'],
- ["\\'", "'"],
- ["'foo\\ bar'", 'foo\\ bar'],
- ["'foo\\\\ bar'", 'foo\\\\ bar'],
- ["\"foo\\\\\\x bar\\\" df'a\\ 'df\"", "foo\\\\x bar\" df'a\\ 'df"],
- ['\\"foo', '"foo'],
- ['\\"foo\\x', '"foox'],
- ['"foo\\x"', 'foo\\x'],
- ['"foo\\ "', 'foo\\ '],
- ['foo\\ xx', 'foo xx'],
- ['foo\\ x\\x', 'foo xx'],
- ['foo\\ x\\x\\"', 'foo xx"'],
- ['"foo\\ x\\x"', 'foo\\ x\\x'],
- ['"foo\\ x\\x\\\\"', 'foo\\ x\\x\\'],
- ['"foo\\ x\\x\\\\""foobar"', 'foo\\ x\\x\\foobar'],
- ["\"foo\\ x\\x\\\\\"\\'\"foobar\"", "foo\\ x\\x\\'foobar"],
- ["\"foo\\ x\\x\\\\\"\\'\"fo'obar\"", "foo\\ x\\x\\'fo'obar"],
- ["\"foo\\ x\\x\\\\\"\\'\"fo'obar\" 'don'\\''t'", "foo\\ x\\x\\'fo'obar", "don't"],
- ["\"foo\\ x\\x\\\\\"\\'\"fo'obar\" 'don'\\''t' \\\\", "foo\\ x\\x\\'fo'obar", "don't", '\\'],
- ["'foo\\ bar'", 'foo\\ bar'],
- ["'foo\\\\ bar'", 'foo\\\\ bar'],
- ['foo\\ bar', 'foo bar'],
- // ["foo#bar\nbaz", "foo", "baz"], // FIXME: Comments are not implemented
- [':-) ;-)', ':-)', ';-)'],
- ['\u00e1\u00e9\u00ed\u00f3\u00fa', '\u00e1\u00e9\u00ed\u00f3\u00fa'],
- ['hello \\\n world', 'hello', 'world']
- ]
- const ansiCTestcases = [
- ['$\'x\'', 'x'], // non-escaped character
- ['$\'\\a\'', '\x07'], // alert (bell)
- ['$\'\\b\'', '\x08'], // backspace
- ['$\'\\e\'', '\x1b'], // escape character
- ['$\'\\E\'', '\x1b'], // escape character
- ['$\'\\f\'', '\x0c'], // form feed / new page
- ['$\'\\n\'', '\x0a'], // newline
- ['$\'\\r\'', '\x0d'], // carriage return
- ['$\'\\t\'', '\x09'], // horizontal tab
- ['$\'\\v\'', '\x0b'], // vertical tab
- ['$\'\\\\\'', '\\'], // backslash
- ['$\'\\\'\'', '\''], // single quote
- ['$\'\\"\'', '"'], // double quote
- ['$\'\\?\'', '?'], // question mark
- ['$\'\\79\'', '\x07\x39'], // octal + non-octal
- ['$\'\\07\'', '\x07'], // octal, zero prefix
- ['$\'\\xfx\'', '\x0f\x78'], // hex (one digit) + non-hex
- ['$\'\\xffx\'', '\xff\x78'], // hex (two digits) + non-hex
- ['$\'\\xxx\'', '\\xxx'], // invalid hex
- ['$\'\\u2603\'', '☃'], // unicode character
- ['$\'\\U2603\'', '☃'], // unicode character
- ['$\'\\ca\'', '\x01'], // control-a character
- ['$\'\\cA\'', '\x01'], // control-A character, same as above
- ['$\'\\c@\'', '\x00'], // control-@ character: null
- ['$\'\\c?\'', '\x7f'], // control-? character: del
- ['$\'\\\\x30\'', '\\x30'],
- ['x$\'y\'z', 'xyz'],
- ['"x"$\'y\'"z"', 'xyz'],
- ['$\'x\'"y"$\'z\'', 'xyz'],
- ['x"$\'y\'"z', 'x$\'y\'z']
- ]
- const localeTestcases = [
- ['$"x"', 'x'], // non-escaped character
- ['$"\\""', '"'], // escaped quotation mark
- ['$"\\\\"', '\\'], // escaped escape character
- ['$"\\x33"', '\\x33'], // other escape sequences do not work
- ['x$"y"z', 'xyz'],
- ['"x"$"y""z"', 'xyz'],
- ['$"x""y"$"z"', 'xyz'],
- ['x"$"y""z', 'x$yz']
- ]
- it('should split according to POSIX rules', function () {
- posixTestcases.forEach(function (test) {
- const input = test[0]
- const expected = test.slice(1)
- assert.deepEqual(shlex.split(input), expected)
- })
- })
- it('should split ANSI C strings', function () {
- ansiCTestcases.forEach(function (test) {
- const input = test[0]
- const expected = test.slice(1)
- assert.deepEqual(shlex.split(input), expected)
- })
- })
- it('should split localized strings', function () {
- localeTestcases.forEach(function (test) {
- const input = test[0]
- const expected = test.slice(1)
- assert.deepEqual(shlex.split(input), expected)
- })
- })
- })