123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178 |
- #!/usr/bin/python
- import os, argparse
- from datetime import datetime
- SPEC_DIR = "/home/luna/.foxpkg/catalyst/"
- ROOTS = "/home/luna/Documents/projects/xenia/"
- def init(developer):
- os.system(f"git clone https://gitlab.com/xenia-group/catalyst {SPEC_DIR}")
- input("Go to ~/.foxpkg/catalyst now and switch branch if needed, press enter when done: ")
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && git config user.name 'foxpkg' && git config user.email 'foxpkg@example.com'")
- os.system("sudo mkdir -p /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/")
- input("Download a stage3 tarball to /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/stage3-amd64-openrc-latest.tar.xz, and press enter: ")
- os.system(f"sudo ln -sf {SPEC_DIR}config /var/tmp/catalyst/")
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && git branch local && git checkout local")
- with open(os.path.expanduser(f"{SPEC_DIR}stage4-openrc.spec")) as specfile:
- contents = specfile.read()
- with open(os.path.expanduser(f"{SPEC_DIR}stage4-openrc.spec"), "w") as specfile:
- specfile.write(contents.replace("[CATALYST_DIR]", os.path.expanduser(SPEC_DIR)))
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && git add * && git commit -m 'foxpkg: Changed catalyst dir.'")
- update(False, developer)
- upgrade(developer=developer)
- def install_root(developer):
- os.system(f"sudo mount -o remount,rw {ROOTS}") if not developer else None
- os.system(f"sudo rm {ROOTS}root_temp.img")
- os.system(f"sudo tar2sqfs {ROOTS}root_temp.img < /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/stage4-amd64-openrc-\@TIMESTAMP\@.tar.xz")
- def update(instant, developer):
- specfile = open(os.path.expanduser(f"{SPEC_DIR}stage1-openrc.spec")).readlines()
- snapshot_date = [line for line in specfile if line.startswith("snapshot:")][0]
- old_snapshot = snapshot_date.split("snapshot: ")[1].strip()
- os.system("sudo emerge-webrsync")
- date = datetime.today().strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
- os.system(f"sudo catalyst -s {date}")
- for specfilename in [os.path.expanduser(f"{SPEC_DIR}{name}") for name in os.listdir(os.path.expanduser(SPEC_DIR)) if name.endswith(".spec")]:
- with open(specfilename, "r") as specfile:
- contents = specfile.read()
- with open(specfilename, "w") as specfile:
- specfile.write(contents.replace(old_snapshot, date))
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && git add * && git commit -m 'foxpkg: Changed timestamp in specfile.'")
- upgrade(developer=developer) if instant else None
- def upgrade_kernel():
- os.system("sudo mkdir /mnt/root")
- os.system("sudo mount /boot")
- os.system(f"sudo mount -o ro,loop -t squashfs {ROOTS}root_temp.img /mnt/root")
- os.system("sudo cp -r /mnt/root/boot/* /boot/")
- os.system("umount /mnt/root")
- os.system(f"sudo rm {ROOTS}root_b.img")
- os.system(f"sudo mv {ROOTS}root.img {ROOTS}root_b.img")
- os.system(f"sudo mv {ROOTS}root_temp.img {ROOTS}root.img")
- def upgrade(full=False, stage4=True, developer=False):
- if full:
- os.system(f"sudo catalyst -a -f {SPEC_DIR}stage1-openrc.spec")
- os.system(f"sudo catalyst -a -f {SPEC_DIR}stage3-openrc.spec")
- if stage4:
- os.system(f"sudo catalyst -a -f {SPEC_DIR}stage4-openrc.spec")
- input("Waiting: ")
- install_root(developer)
- upgrade_kernel() if not developer else None
- def edit(name, instant, developer):
- os.system(f"nano {SPEC_DIR}config/stages/{name}")
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && git add * && git commit -m 'foxpkg: Edited {name}.'")
- upgrade(developer=developer) if instant else None
- def revert(commit=None, instant=False, developer=False):
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && " + ("git reset --hard HEAD~1" if commit == None else f"git reset --hard {commit}"))
- upgrade(developer=developer) if instant else None
- def install(package, instant, developer):
- specfile = open(os.path.expanduser(f"{SPEC_DIR}stage4-openrc.spec")).readlines()
- start = specfile[:specfile.index("stage4/packages:\n")]
- packages = specfile[specfile.index("stage4/packages:\n"):specfile.index("stage4/rcadd:\n")]
- end = specfile[specfile.index("stage4/rcadd:\n"):]
- if "/" not in package:
- print("Error: Package not formatted properly.")
- else:
- if package in [pkg.strip("\n").strip("\t") for pkg in packages]:
- print("already in list")
- else:
- packages.append(f"\t{package}\n")
- new = start + packages + end
- with open(os.path.expanduser(f"{SPEC_DIR}stage4-openrc.spec"), "w") as specfile:
- for line in new:
- specfile.write(line)
- os.system(f"cd {SPEC_DIR} && git add * && git commit -m 'foxpkg: Added package {package}'")
- upgrade(developer=developer) if instant else None
- def parse():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog = "foxpkg",
- description = "foxpkg enables the installation of packages and updates for Xenia Linux",
- epilog = "Thank you for being apart of Xenia Linux!"
- )
- parser.add_argument("-d", "--developer", action="store_true", help="Enables developer mode: Stores root images in ~/.foxpkg/output and doesn't install kernel")
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action", required=True)
- init = subparsers.add_parser("init", help="Initialises the catalyst directory and builds stage1 through stage3")
- update = subparsers.add_parser("update", help="Updates the system repositories and updates catalyst repositories")
- update.add_argument("-i", "--instant", action="store_true", help="Upgrades the system after this action.")
- upgrade = subparsers.add_parser("upgrade", help="Upgrades the stage4 to include any package changes or use flag changes.")
- upgrade.add_argument("-f", "--full", action="store_true", help="Also upgrades/rebuilds stage1 and stage3")
- install = subparsers.add_parser("install", help="Adds the specified package to the catalyst spec file.")
- install.add_argument("package")
- install.add_argument("-i", "--instant", action="store_true", help="Upgrades the system after this action.")
- edit = subparsers.add_parser("edit", help="Edits a specific file in the config directory. For example, foxpkg edit package.use/stage4.")
- edit.add_argument("file")
- edit.add_argument("-i", "--instant", action="store_true", help="Upgrades the system after this action.")
- revert = subparsers.add_parser("revert", help="Reverts the last commit, or the commit given after it. Note: This uses git reset, enter the commit you want to go back to.")
- revert.add_argument("commit", nargs="?", default=None)
- revert.add_argument("-i", "--instant", action="store_true", help="Upgrades the system after this action.")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- return args
- def main():
- global ROOTS
- arguments = parse()
- if arguments.developer:
- os.system("mkdir /home/luna/.foxpkg/output")
- ROOTS = "/home/luna/.foxpkg/output/"
- match arguments.action:
- case "init":
- init(arguments.developer)
- case "update":
- update(arguments.instant, arguments.developer)
- case "upgrade":
- upgrade(arguments.full, developer=arguments.developer)
- case "install":
- install(arguments.package, arguments.instant, arguments.developer)
- case "edit":
- edit(arguments.file, arguments.instant, arguments.developer)
- case "revert":
- revert(arguments.commit, arguments.instant, arguments.developer)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()