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Use an adblocker like uBlock Origin before visiting any of the linked sites.

⚠️ General-purpose indexers to search for any type of content. If you're looking for software, it's recommended to use the Software Downloads section of the wiki instead. In regards to non-software, sites like thepiratebay/limetorrents can also have fake torrents - follow these preliminary measures to avoid accidentally running malware.

General Indexers


Warez Boards

Discussion and release boards for multiple types of content



⚠️ [Warning] The below search engines / torrent aggregators will list as many publicly available torrents as possible, unfiltered and unfettered. This means that torrents that download malware are likely to appear in the search results. Never use these to search for software/games, but when searching for other media types, such as videos, take some preliminary measures to avoid running malware.

► DDL Search Engines


  • - DDL search engine. In regards to video, you can paste their download URL into your video player to stream it. Search the web for files, videos, audio, eBooks & more.

  • - Search engine for content hosted on Mega and other file hosts

  • - File search engine


► Torrent Aggregators

These are sites that index torrents from a predefined list of torrent sites


DHT Crawlers

These torrent search engines/DHT crawlers are the most powerful torrent search tools that can be used to search within as many publicly listed torrents as possible to find rare content that may not be available in the above trackers/indexers.


General Private Trackers

Intro to private trackers

  • TorrentLeech - One of the largest general private trackers

  • - A general private tracker focused on scene releases. Inferior in content compared to other general trackers like IPT, TL, FL etc but has a very strong request section. Great for requests for which personalised trackers don't exist or aren't good enough. Can be joined through MAM and RED during AR's global invites period, keep an eye out

  • Filelist - One of the largest general private trackers. Romanian tracker, but media content will typically include dual language audio (English and Romanian).

  • IPTorrents - The largest general private tracker