123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- apiVersion: batch/v1
- kind: Job
- metadata:
- name: skopeo-copy
- annotations:
- # Setting spec.force to true will make Flux recreate the Job when any
- # immutable field is changed, forcing the Job to run every time the
- # container image tag changes.
- kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/force: enabled
- spec:
- backoffLimit: 0
- template:
- spec:
- restartPolicy: Never
- containers:
- - command:
- - bash
- - -e
- - -c
- - "cat /docker-credentials | skopeo login -u kubernetes --password-stdin $SKOPEO_DESTINATION_REGISTRY; if skopeo inspect --config $SKOPEO_DESTINATION_IMAGE; then :; else HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTPS_PROXY skopeo copy $SKOPEO_SOURCE_IMAGE $SKOPEO_DESTINATION_IMAGE; fi"
- image: nixery.dev/shell/skopeo
- name: skopeo-copy
- resources:
- limits:
- cpu: 8000m
- memory: 4096Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 1000m
- memory: 512Mi
- securityContext:
- allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
- capabilities:
- drop:
- - ALL
- readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
- runAsNonRoot: true
- runAsUser: 65534 # nobody
- runAsGroup: 65534 # nobody
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /etc/containers/policy.json
- name: skopeo-configuration
- subPath: policy.json
- readOnly: true
- - mountPath: /docker-credentials
- name: docker-credentials
- subPath: password
- readOnly: true
- - mountPath: /run
- name: run
- volumes:
- - name: skopeo-configuration
- configMap:
- name: skopeo-configuration
- - name: docker-credentials
- secret:
- secretName: docker-credentials
- - name: run
- emptyDir:
- sizeLimit: 1M