title: IRC
Name | IRC Address | description |
Beast-XDCC | irc://irc.abjects.net/BEAST-XDCC |
One more XDCC source |
IRCHighway - ebooks | irc://irc.irchighway.net/ebooks |
A nice, friendly irc channel for trading ebooks |
Undernet - bookz | irc://irc.undernet.org/bookz |
For downloading ebooks (use @search <book name> for a list of available ebooks) |
Abandoned IRC - ZOMBIE WAREZ | irc://irc.abandoned-irc.net/#ZOMBIE-WAREZ |
Zombie Warez channel for various software |
Moviegods | irc://irc.abjects.net/MOVIEGODS |
XDCC file sharing network, join #mg-chat to continue downloading |
The Source | irc://irc.scenep2p.net/THE.SOURCE |
Another XDCC source |