socket_ bb32816e57 merging 3 年之前
2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php 8f5a1ff5f1 Fixed so main shows posts and separate views to show topics 3 年之前
2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php c77efc9ed0 First commit 3 年之前
2014_10_12_200000_add_two_factor_columns_to_users_table.php efa7e8820d login and stuff yoohoo lets go 3 年之前
2019_08_19_000000_create_failed_jobs_table.php c77efc9ed0 First commit 3 年之前
2019_12_14_000001_create_personal_access_tokens_table.php efa7e8820d login and stuff yoohoo lets go 3 年之前
2020_05_21_100000_create_teams_table.php efa7e8820d login and stuff yoohoo lets go 3 年之前
2020_05_21_200000_create_team_user_table.php efa7e8820d login and stuff yoohoo lets go 3 年之前
2020_05_21_300000_create_team_invitations_table.php efa7e8820d login and stuff yoohoo lets go 3 年之前
2021_05_06_201529_create_sessions_table.php efa7e8820d login and stuff yoohoo lets go 3 年之前
2021_05_06_220510_create_topic_table.php 151c5933ac some major changes to database and message system 3 年之前
2021_05_07_094600_create_message_table.php 76bbba8eb0 changed from_id and to_id (they can't be unique, or two users can only send one message between them) 3 年之前
2021_05_07_200909_create_posts_table.php 3b9f5d6a78 merge nightmare time 3 年之前
2021_05_09_094525_create_subtopicmoderators_table.php f2bf8ea928 minor bugs fixed. Change subtopic-mod table, so it uses the id from the user and not the name 3 年之前
2021_05_09_094716_create_subtopicsubs_table.php cede6d8706 changed subscriptions to use userID instead of name 3 年之前
2021_05_10_224135_create_comments_table.php bb32816e57 merging 3 年之前