123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499 |
- ## SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- ifneq ($(words $(CURDIR)),1)
- $(error Error: Path to the main directory cannot contain spaces)
- endif
- top := $(CURDIR)
- src := src
- srck := $(top)/util/kconfig
- obj ?= build
- override obj := $(subst $(top)/,,$(abspath $(obj)))
- xcompile ?= $(obj)/xcompile
- objutil ?= $(obj)/util
- objk := $(objutil)/kconfig
- absobj := $(abspath $(obj))
- additional-dirs :=
- VBOOT_HOST_BUILD ?= $(abspath $(objutil)/vboot_lib)
- COREBOOT_EXPORTS += top src srck obj objutil objk
- # reproducible builds
- TZ:=UTC0
- ifneq ($(NOCOMPILE),1)
- SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH := $(shell $(top)/util/genbuild_h/genbuild_h.sh . | sed -n 's/^.define COREBOOT_BUILD_EPOCH\>.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p')
- endif
- # don't use COREBOOT_EXPORTS to ensure build steps outside the coreboot build system
- # are reproducible
- DOTCONFIG ?= $(top)/.config
- KCONFIG_AUTOADS := $(obj)/cb-config.ads
- KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER := $(obj)/config.h
- KCONFIG_AUTOCONFIG := $(obj)/auto.conf
- KCONFIG_DEPENDENCIES := $(obj)/auto.conf.cmd
- KCONFIG_SPLITCONFIG := $(obj)/config/
- KCONFIG_TRISTATE := $(obj)/tristate.conf
- # directory containing the toplevel Makefile.inc
- KBUILD_DEFCONFIG := configs/defconfig
- UNAME_RELEASE := $(shell uname -r)
- HAVE_DOTCONFIG := $(wildcard $(DOTCONFIG))
- MAKEFLAGS += -rR --no-print-directory
- # Make is silent per default, but 'make V=1' will show all compiler calls.
- Q:=@
- ifneq ($(V),1)
- ifneq ($(Q),)
- endif
- endif
- # Disable implicit/built-in rules to make Makefile errors fail fast.
- PREPROCESS_ONLY := -E -P -x assembler-with-cpp -undef -I .
- DOXYGEN := doxygen
- all: real-all
- help_coreboot help::
- @echo '*** coreboot platform targets ***'
- @echo ' Use "make [target] V=1" for extra build debug information'
- @echo ' all - Build coreboot'
- @echo ' clean - Remove coreboot build artifacts'
- @echo ' distclean - Remove build artifacts and config files'
- @echo ' doxygen - Build doxygen documentation for coreboot'
- @echo ' doxyplatform - Build doxygen documentation for the current platform'
- @echo ' sphinx - Build sphinx documentation for coreboot'
- @echo ' sphinx-lint - Build sphinx documenttion for coreboot with warnings as errors'
- @echo ' filelist - Show files used in current build'
- @echo ' printall - print makefile info for debugging'
- @echo ' gitconfig - set up git to submit patches to coreboot'
- @echo ' ctags / ctags-project - make ctags file for all of coreboot or current board'
- @echo ' cscope / cscope-project - make cscope.out file for coreboot or current board'
- @echo
- # This include must come _before_ the pattern rules below!
- # Order _does_ matter for pattern rules.
- include $(srck)/Makefile.inc
- # Three cases where we don't need fully populated $(obj) lists:
- # 1. when no .config exists
- # 2. when make config (in any flavour) is run
- # 3. when make distclean is run
- # Don't waste time on reading all Makefile.incs in these cases
- ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_DOTCONFIG)),)
- endif
- ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
- ifneq ($(filter %config %clean cross% clang iasl lint% help% what-jenkins-does,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
- endif
- ifneq ($(filter %clean lint% help% what-jenkins-does,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
- endif
- endif
- ifneq ($(filter help%, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), )
- else
- ifneq ($(filter %-test %-tests %coverage-report, $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
- ifneq ($(filter-out %-test %-tests %coverage-report, $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
- $(error Cannot mix unit-tests targets with other targets)
- endif
- endif
- endif
- $(xcompile): util/xcompile/xcompile
- rm -f $@
- $< $(XGCCPATH) > $@.tmp
- \mv -f $@.tmp $@ 2> /dev/null
- rm -f $@.tmp
- ifeq ($(NOCOMPILE),1)
- # We also don't use .xcompile in the no-compile situations, so
- # provide some reasonable defaults.
- HOSTCC ?= $(if $(shell type gcc 2>/dev/null),gcc,cc)
- HOSTCXX ?= g++
- include $(TOPLEVEL)/Makefile.inc
- include $(TOPLEVEL)/payloads/Makefile.inc
- include $(TOPLEVEL)/util/testing/Makefile.inc
- -include $(TOPLEVEL)/site-local/Makefile.inc
- include $(TOPLEVEL)/tests/Makefile.inc
- real-all:
- @echo "Error: Expected config file ($(DOTCONFIG)) not present." >&2
- @echo "Please specify a config file or run 'make menuconfig' to" >&2
- @echo "generate a new config file." >&2
- @exit 1
- else
- ifneq ($(UNIT_TEST),1)
- include $(DOTCONFIG)
- endif
- # The toolchain requires xcompile to determine the ARCH_SUPPORTED, so we can't
- # wait for make to generate the file.
- $(if $(wildcard $(xcompile)),, $(shell \
- mkdir -p $(dir $(xcompile)) && \
- util/xcompile/xcompile $(XGCCPATH) > $(xcompile) || rm -f $(xcompile)))
- include $(xcompile)
- ifneq ($(XCOMPILE_COMPLETE),1)
- $(shell rm -f $(xcompile))
- $(error $(xcompile) deleted because it's invalid. \
- Restarting the build should fix that, or explain the problem)
- endif
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_MMX),y)
- CFLAGS_x86_32 += -mno-mmx
- endif
- ifneq ($(UNIT_TEST),1)
- include toolchain.inc
- endif
- strip_quotes = $(strip $(subst ",,$(subst \",,$(1))))
- # fix makefile syntax highlighting after strip macro \" "))
- # The primary target needs to be here before we include the
- # other files
- real-all: real-target
- # must come rather early
- $(KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER): $(KCONFIG_CONFIG) $(objutil)/kconfig/conf
- $(MAKE) olddefconfig
- $(MAKE) syncconfig
- true
- $(objutil)/kconfig/toada CB.Config <$< >$@
- $(obj)/%/$(notdir $(KCONFIG_AUTOADS)): $(KCONFIG_AUTOADS)
- cp $< $@
- # Add a new class of source/object files to the build system
- add-class= \
- $(eval $(1)-srcs:=) \
- $(eval $(1)-objs:=) \
- $(eval classes+=$(1))
- # Special classes are managed types with special behaviour
- # On parse time, for each entry in variable $(1)-y
- # a handler $(1)-handler is executed with the arguments:
- # * $(1): directory the parser is in
- # * $(2): current entry
- add-special-class= \
- $(eval $(1):=) \
- $(eval special-classes+=$(1))
- # Converts one or more source file paths to their corresponding build/ paths.
- # Only .ads, adb, .c and .S get converted to .o, other files (like .ld) keep
- # their name.
- # $1 stage name
- # $2 file path (list)
- src-to-obj=\
- $(patsubst $(obj)/%,$(obj)/$(1)/%,\
- $(patsubst $(obj)/$(1)/%,$(obj)/%,\
- $(patsubst 3rdparty/%,$(obj)/%,\
- $(patsubst src/%,$(obj)/%,\
- $(patsubst %.ads,%.o,\
- $(patsubst %.adb,%.o,\
- $(patsubst %.c,%.o,\
- $(patsubst %.S,%.o,\
- $(subst .$(1),,$(2))))))))))
- # Converts one or more source file paths to the corresponding build/ paths
- # of their Ada library information (.ali) files.
- # $1 stage name
- # $2 file path (list)
- src-to-ali=\
- $(patsubst $(obj)/%,$(obj)/$(1)/%,\
- $(patsubst $(obj)/$(1)/%,$(obj)/%,\
- $(patsubst 3rdparty/%,$(obj)/%,\
- $(patsubst src/%,$(obj)/%,\
- $(patsubst %.ads,%.ali,\
- $(patsubst %.adb,%.ali,\
- $(subst .$(1),,\
- $(filter %.ads %.adb,$(2)))))))))
- # Clean -y variables, include Makefile.inc
- # Add paths to files in X-y to X-srcs
- # Add subdirs-y to subdirs
- includemakefiles= \
- $(foreach class,classes subdirs $(classes) $(special-classes), $(eval $(class)-y:=)) \
- $(eval -include $(1)) \
- $(foreach class,$(classes-y), $(call add-class,$(class))) \
- $(foreach special,$(special-classes), \
- $(foreach item,$($(special)-y), $(call $(special)-handler,$(dir $(1)),$(item)))) \
- $(foreach class,$(classes), \
- $(eval $(class)-srcs+= \
- $$(subst $(absobj)/,$(obj)/, \
- $$(subst $(top)/,, \
- $$(abspath $$(subst $(dir $(1))/,/,$$(addprefix $(dir $(1)),$$($(class)-y)))))))) \
- $(eval subdirs+=$$(subst $(CURDIR)/,,$$(wildcard $$(abspath $$(addprefix $(dir $(1)),$$(subdirs-y))))))
- # For each path in $(subdirs) call includemakefiles
- # Repeat until subdirs is empty
- evaluate_subdirs= \
- $(eval cursubdirs:=$(subdirs)) \
- $(eval subdirs:=) \
- $(foreach dir,$(cursubdirs), \
- $(eval $(call includemakefiles,$(dir)/Makefile.inc))) \
- $(if $(subdirs),$(eval $(call evaluate_subdirs)))
- # collect all object files eligible for building
- subdirs:=$(TOPLEVEL)
- postinclude-hooks :=
- # Don't iterate through Makefile.incs under src/ when building tests
- ifneq ($(UNIT_TEST),1)
- $(eval $(call evaluate_subdirs))
- else
- include $(TOPLEVEL)/tests/Makefile.inc
- endif
- ifeq ($(FAILBUILD),1)
- $(error cannot continue build)
- endif
- # Run hooks registered by subdirectories that need to be evaluated after all files have been parsed
- $(eval $(postinclude-hooks))
- # Eliminate duplicate mentions of source files in a class
- $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-srcs:=$(sort $($(class)-srcs))))
- # Build Kconfig .ads if necessary
- ramstage-srcs += $(obj)/ramstage/$(notdir $(KCONFIG_AUTOADS))
- endif
- # To track dependencies, we need all Ada specification (.ads) files in
- # *-srcs. Extract / filter all specification files that have a matching
- # body (.adb) file here (specifications without a body are valid sources
- # in Ada).
- $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-extra-specs := \
- $(filter \
- $(addprefix %/,$(patsubst %.adb,%.ads,$(notdir $(filter %.adb,$($(class)-srcs))))), \
- $(filter %.ads,$($(class)-srcs)))))
- $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-srcs := \
- $(filter-out $($(class)-extra-specs),$($(class)-srcs))))
- $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-objs:=$(call src-to-obj,$(class),$($(class)-srcs))))
- $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-alis:=$(call src-to-ali,$(class),$($(class)-srcs))))
- # For Ada includes
- $(foreach class,$(classes),$(eval $(class)-ada-dirs:=$(sort $(dir $(filter %.ads %.adb,$($(class)-srcs)) $($(class)-extra-specs)))))
- # Save all objs before processing them (for dependency inclusion)
- originalobjs:=$(foreach var, $(addsuffix -objs,$(classes)), $($(var)))
- # Call post-processors if they're defined
- $(foreach class,$(classes),\
- $(if $(value $(class)-postprocess),$(eval $(call $(class)-postprocess,$($(class)-objs)))))
- allsrcs:=$(foreach var, $(addsuffix -srcs,$(classes)), $($(var)))
- allobjs:=$(foreach var, $(addsuffix -objs,$(classes)), $($(var)))
- alldirs:=$(sort $(abspath $(dir $(allobjs))))
- # Reads dependencies from an Ada library information (.ali) file
- # Only basenames (with suffix) are preserved so we have to look the
- # paths up in $($(stage)-srcs).
- # $1 stage name
- # $2 ali file
- create_ada_deps=$$(if $(2),\
- gnat.adc \
- $$(filter \
- $$(addprefix %/,$$(shell sed -ne's/^D \([^\t]\+\).*$$$$/\1/p' $(2) 2>/dev/null)), \
- $$($(1)-srcs) $$($(1)-extra-specs)))
- # macro to define template macros that are used by use_template macro
- define create_cc_template
- # $1 obj class
- # $2 source suffix (c, S, ld, ...)
- # $3 additional compiler flags
- # $4 additional dependencies
- ifn$(EMPTY)def $(1)-objs_$(2)_template
- de$(EMPTY)fine $(1)-objs_$(2)_template
- ifn$(EMPTY)eq ($(filter ads adb,$(2)),)
- $$(call src-to-obj,$1,$$(1).$2): $$(1).$2 $$(call create_ada_deps,$1,$$(call src-to-ali,$1,$$(1).$2)) $(4)
- @printf " GCC $$$$(subst $$$$(obj)/,,$$$$(@))\n"
- $(GCC_$(1)) \
- $$$$(ADAFLAGS_$(1)) $$$$(addprefix -I,$$$$($(1)-ada-dirs)) \
- $(3) -c -o $$$$@ $$$$<
- el$(EMPTY)se
- $$(call src-to-obj,$1,$$(1).$2): $$(1).$2 $(KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER) $(4)
- @printf " CC $$$$(subst $$$$(obj)/,,$$$$(@))\n"
- $(CC_$(1)) \
- -MMD $$$$(CPPFLAGS_$(1)) $$$$(CFLAGS_$(1)) -MT $$$$(@) \
- $(3) -c -o $$$$@ $$$$<
- end$(EMPTY)if
- en$(EMPTY)def
- end$(EMPTY)if
- endef
- filetypes-of-class=$(subst .,,$(sort $(suffix $($(1)-srcs))))
- $(foreach class,$(classes), \
- $(foreach type,$(call filetypes-of-class,$(class)), \
- $(eval $(class)-$(type)-ccopts += $(generic-$(type)-ccopts) $($(class)-generic-ccopts)) \
- $(if $(generic-objs_$(type)_template_gen),$(eval $(call generic-objs_$(type)_template_gen,$(class))),\
- $(eval $(call create_cc_template,$(class),$(type),$($(class)-$(type)-ccopts),$($(class)-$(type)-deps))))))
- foreach-src=$(foreach file,$($(1)-srcs),$(eval $(call $(1)-objs_$(subst .,,$(suffix $(file)))_template,$(basename $(file)))))
- $(eval $(foreach class,$(classes),$(call foreach-src,$(class))))
- # To supported complex package initializations, we need to call the
- # emitted code explicitly. gnatbind gathers all the calls for us
- # and exports them as a procedure $(stage)_adainit(). Every stage that
- # uses Ada code has to call it!
- define gnatbind_template
- # $1 class
- $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).adb: $$$$(filter-out $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).ali,$$$$($(1)-alis))
- @printf " BIND $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n"
- # We have to give gnatbind a simple filename (without leading
- # path components) so just cd there.
- cd $$(dir $$@) && \
- $$(GNATBIND_$(1)) -a -n \
- --RTS=$$(absobj)/libgnat-$$(ARCH-$(1)-y)/ \
- -L$(1)_ada -o $$(notdir $$@) \
- $$(subst $$(dir $$@),,$$^)
- $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).o: $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).adb
- @printf " GCC $$(subst $$(obj)/,,$$@)\n"
- $(GCC_$(1)) $$(ADAFLAGS_$(1)) -c -o $$@ $$<
- $(1)-objs += $$(obj)/$(1)/b__$(1).o
- $($(1)-alis): %.ali: %.o ;
- endef
- $(eval $(foreach class,$(filter-out libgnat-%,$(classes)), \
- $(if $($(class)-alis),$(call gnatbind_template,$(class)))))
- DEPENDENCIES += $(addsuffix .d,$(basename $(allobjs)))
- -include $(DEPENDENCIES)
- printall:
- @$(foreach class,$(classes), echo $(class)-objs: $($(class)-objs) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo; )
- @echo alldirs: $(alldirs) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo
- @echo allsrcs: $(allsrcs) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo
- @echo DEPENDENCIES: $(DEPENDENCIES) | tr ' ' '\n'; echo
- @$(foreach class,$(special-classes),echo $(class):'$($(class))' | tr ' ' '\n'; echo; )
- endif
- ifndef NOMKDIR
- $(shell mkdir -p $(KCONFIG_SPLITCONFIG) $(objk)/lxdialog $(additional-dirs) $(alldirs))
- endif
- $(obj)/project_filelist.txt:
- if [ -z "$(wildcard $(obj)/coreboot.rom)" ]; then \
- echo "*** Error: Project must be built before generating file list ***"; \
- exit 1; \
- fi
- find $(obj) -path "$(obj)/util" -prune -o -name "*.d" -exec cat {} \; | \
- sed "s|$(top)/||" | sed 's/[:\\]/ /g' | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq | \
- grep -v '\.o$$' > $(obj)/project_filelist.txt
- filelist: $(obj)/project_filelist.txt
- printf "\nFiles used in build:\n"
- cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt
- #works with either exuberant ctags or ctags.emacs
- ctags-project: clean-ctags $(obj)/project_filelist.txt
- cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt | \
- xargs ctags -o tags
- cscope-project: clean-cscope $(obj)/project_filelist.txt
- cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt | xargs cscope -b
- cscope:
- cscope -bR
- sphinx:
- $(MAKE) -C Documentation -f Makefile.sphinx html
- sphinx-lint:
- $(MAKE) SPHINXOPTS=-W -C Documentation -f Makefile.sphinx html
- doxy: doxygen
- doxygen:
- $(DOXYGEN) Documentation/Doxyfile.coreboot
- doxygen_simple:
- $(DOXYGEN) Documentation/Doxyfile.coreboot_simple
- doxyplatform doxygen_platform: $(obj)/project_filelist.txt
- echo
- echo "Building doxygen documentation for $(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER)"
- export DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR="$$( echo $(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(call strip_quotes, $(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_VENDOR))_$(call strip_quotes, $(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER)) | sed 's|[^A-Za-z0-9/]|_|g' )"; \
- mkdir -p "$$DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIR"; \
- export DOXYFILES="$$(cat $(obj)/project_filelist.txt | grep -v '\.ld$$' | sed 's/\.aml/\.dsl/' | tr '\n' ' ')"; \
- export DOXYGEN_PLATFORM="$(call strip_quotes, $(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR)) \($(call strip_quotes, $(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_PART_NUMBER))\) version $(KERNELVERSION)"; \
- $(DOXYGEN) Documentation/doxygen/Doxyfile.coreboot_platform
- doxyclean: doxygen-clean
- doxygen-clean:
- clean-for-update: doxygen-clean clean-for-update-target
- rm -rf $(obj) .xcompile
- clean: clean-for-update clean-target clean-utils
- rm -f .ccwrap
- clean-cscope:
- rm -f cscope.out
- clean-ctags:
- rm -f tags
- clean-utils:
- $(foreach tool, $(TOOLLIST), \
- $(MAKE) -C util/$(tool) clean MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= ;)
- distclean-utils:
- $(foreach tool, $(TOOLLIST), \
- $(MAKE) -C util/$(tool) distclean MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= ; \
- rm -f /util/$(tool)/junit.xml;)
- distclean: clean clean-ctags clean-cscope distclean-payloads distclean-utils
- rm -f .config .config.old ..config.tmp* .kconfig.d .tmpconfig* .ccwrap .xcompile
- rm -rf coreboot-builds coreboot-builds-chromeos
- rm -f abuild*.xml junit.xml* util/lint/junit.xml
- .PHONY: $(PHONY) clean clean-for-update clean-cscope cscope distclean doxygen doxy doxygen_simple sphinx sphinx-lint
- .PHONY: ctags-project cscope-project clean-ctags