123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Scala
- " Maintainer: Derek Wyatt
- " URL: https://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-scala
- " License: Same as Vim
- " Last Change: 23 January 2022
- " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if !exists('main_syntax')
- " quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- let main_syntax = 'scala'
- endif
- scriptencoding utf-8
- let b:current_syntax = "scala"
- " Allows for embedding, see #59; main_syntax convention instead? Refactor TOP
- "
- " The @Spell here is a weird hack, it means *exclude* if the first group is
- " TOP. Otherwise we get spelling errors highlighted on code elements that
- " match scalaBlock, even with `syn spell notoplevel`.
- function! s:ContainedGroup()
- try
- silent syn list @scala
- return '@scala,@NoSpell'
- catch /E392/
- return 'TOP,@Spell'
- endtry
- endfunction
- unlet! b:current_syntax
- syn case match
- syn sync minlines=200 maxlines=1000
- syn keyword scalaKeyword catch do else final finally for forSome if
- syn keyword scalaKeyword match return throw try while yield macro
- syn keyword scalaKeyword class trait object extends with nextgroup=scalaInstanceDeclaration skipwhite
- syn keyword scalaKeyword case nextgroup=scalaKeyword,scalaCaseFollowing skipwhite
- syn keyword scalaKeyword val nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition,scalaQuasiQuotes skipwhite
- syn keyword scalaKeyword def var nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition skipwhite
- hi def link scalaKeyword Keyword
- exe 'syn region scalaBlock start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=' . s:ContainedGroup() . ' fold'
- syn keyword scalaAkkaSpecialWord when goto using startWith initialize onTransition stay become unbecome
- hi def link scalaAkkaSpecialWord PreProc
- syn keyword scalatestSpecialWord shouldBe
- syn match scalatestShouldDSLA /^\s\+\zsit should/
- syn match scalatestShouldDSLB /\<should\>/
- hi def link scalatestSpecialWord PreProc
- hi def link scalatestShouldDSLA PreProc
- hi def link scalatestShouldDSLB PreProc
- syn match scalaSymbol /'[_A-Za-z0-9$]\+/
- hi def link scalaSymbol Number
- syn match scalaChar /'.'/
- syn match scalaChar /'\\[\\"'ntbrf]'/ contains=scalaEscapedChar
- syn match scalaChar /'\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]\{4}'/ contains=scalaUnicodeChar
- syn match scalaEscapedChar /\\[\\"'ntbrf]/
- syn match scalaUnicodeChar /\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]\{4}/
- hi def link scalaChar Character
- hi def link scalaEscapedChar Special
- hi def link scalaUnicodeChar Special
- syn match scalaOperator "||"
- syn match scalaOperator "&&"
- syn match scalaOperator "|"
- syn match scalaOperator "&"
- hi def link scalaOperator Special
- syn match scalaNameDefinition /\<[_A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaPostNameDefinition,scalaVariableDeclarationList
- syn match scalaNameDefinition /`[^`]\+`/ contained nextgroup=scalaPostNameDefinition
- syn match scalaVariableDeclarationList /\s*,\s*/ contained nextgroup=scalaNameDefinition
- syn match scalaPostNameDefinition /\_s*:\_s*/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration
- hi def link scalaNameDefinition Function
- syn match scalaInstanceDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaInstanceHash
- syn match scalaInstanceDeclaration /`[^`]\+`/ contained
- syn match scalaInstanceHash /#/ contained nextgroup=scalaInstanceDeclaration
- hi def link scalaInstanceDeclaration Special
- hi def link scalaInstanceHash Type
- syn match scalaUnimplemented /???/
- hi def link scalaUnimplemented ERROR
- syn match scalaCapitalWord /\<[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9$]*\>/
- hi def link scalaCapitalWord Special
- " Handle type declarations specially
- syn region scalaTypeStatement matchgroup=Keyword start=/\<type\_s\+\ze/ end=/$/ contains=scalaTypeTypeDeclaration,scalaSquareBrackets,scalaTypeTypeEquals,scalaTypeStatement
- " Ugh... duplication of all the scalaType* stuff to handle special highlighting
- " of `type X =` declarations
- syn match scalaTypeTypeDeclaration /(/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypeExtension,scalaTypeTypeEquals contains=scalaRoundBrackets skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeTypeDeclaration /\%(⇒\|=>\)\ze/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypeDeclaration contains=scalaTypeTypeExtension skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeTypeDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypeExtension,scalaTypeTypeEquals skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeTypeEquals /=\ze[^>]/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeTypeExtension /)\?\_s*\zs\%(⇒\|=>\|<:\|:>\|=:=\|::\|#\)/ contained contains=scalaTypeOperator nextgroup=scalaTypeTypeDeclaration skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeTypePostExtension skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeTypePostExtension /\%(⇒\|=>\|<:\|:>\|=:=\|::\)/ contained contains=scalaTypeOperator nextgroup=scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration skipwhite
- hi def link scalaTypeTypeDeclaration Type
- hi def link scalaTypeTypeExtension Keyword
- hi def link scalaTypeTypePostDeclaration Special
- hi def link scalaTypeTypePostExtension Keyword
- syn match scalaTypeDeclaration /(/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeExtension contains=scalaRoundBrackets skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeDeclaration /\%(⇒\|=>\)\ze/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration contains=scalaTypeExtension skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeDeclaration /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=scalaTypeExtension skipwhite
- syn match scalaTypeExtension /)\?\_s*\zs\%(⇒\|=>\|<:\|:>\|=:=\|::\|#\)/ contained contains=scalaTypeOperator nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration skipwhite
- hi def link scalaTypeDeclaration Type
- hi def link scalaTypeExtension Keyword
- hi def link scalaTypePostExtension Keyword
- syn match scalaTypeAnnotation /\%([_a-zA-Z0-9$\s]:\_s*\)\ze[_=(\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+/ skipwhite nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration contains=scalaRoundBrackets
- syn match scalaTypeAnnotation /)\_s*:\_s*\ze[_=(\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+/ skipwhite nextgroup=scalaTypeDeclaration
- hi clear scalaTypeAnnotation
- syn match scalaCaseFollowing /\<[_\.A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained contains=scalaCapitalWord
- syn match scalaCaseFollowing /`[^`]\+`/ contained contains=scalaCapitalWord
- hi def link scalaCaseFollowing Special
- syn keyword scalaKeywordModifier abstract override final lazy implicit private protected sealed null super
- syn keyword scalaSpecialFunction implicitly require
- hi def link scalaKeywordModifier Function
- hi def link scalaSpecialFunction Function
- syn keyword scalaSpecial this true false ne eq
- syn keyword scalaSpecial new nextgroup=scalaInstanceDeclaration skipwhite
- syn match scalaSpecial "\%(=>\|⇒\|<-\|←\|->\|→\)"
- syn match scalaSpecial /`[^`]\+`/ " Backtick literals
- hi def link scalaSpecial PreProc
- syn keyword scalaExternal package import
- hi def link scalaExternal Include
- syn match scalaStringEmbeddedQuote /\\"/ contained
- syn region scalaString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=scalaStringEmbeddedQuote,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
- hi def link scalaString String
- hi def link scalaStringEmbeddedQuote String
- syn region scalaIString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/\<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=scalaInterpolation,scalaInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
- syn region scalaTripleIString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/\<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"""/ end=/"""\ze\%([^"]\|$\)/ contains=scalaInterpolation,scalaInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
- hi def link scalaIString String
- hi def link scalaTripleIString String
- syn match scalaInterpolation /\$[a-zA-Z0-9_$]\+/ contained
- exe 'syn region scalaInterpolationB matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBoundary start=/\${/ end=/}/ contained contains=' . s:ContainedGroup()
- hi def link scalaInterpolation Function
- hi clear scalaInterpolationB
- syn region scalaFString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/f"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/ contains=scalaFInterpolation,scalaFInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
- syn match scalaFInterpolation /\$[a-zA-Z0-9_$]\+\(%[-A-Za-z0-9\.]\+\)\?/ contained
- exe 'syn region scalaFInterpolationB matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBoundary start=/${/ end=/}\(%[-A-Za-z0-9\.]\+\)\?/ contained contains=' . s:ContainedGroup()
- hi def link scalaFString String
- hi def link scalaFInterpolation Function
- hi clear scalaFInterpolationB
- syn region scalaTripleString start=/"""/ end=/"""\%([^"]\|$\)/ contains=scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
- syn region scalaTripleFString matchgroup=scalaInterpolationBrackets start=/f"""/ end=/"""\%([^"]\|$\)/ contains=scalaFInterpolation,scalaFInterpolationB,scalaEscapedChar,scalaUnicodeChar
- hi def link scalaTripleString String
- hi def link scalaTripleFString String
- hi def link scalaInterpolationBrackets Special
- hi def link scalaInterpolationBoundary Function
- syn match scalaNumber /\<0[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " Just a bare 0
- syn match scalaNumber /\<[1-9]\d*[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " A multi-digit number - octal numbers with leading 0's are deprecated in Scala
- syn match scalaNumber /\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]\+[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " Hex number
- syn match scalaNumber /\%(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\%([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=/ " exponential notation 1
- syn match scalaNumber /\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>/ " exponential notation 2
- syn match scalaNumber /\<\d\+\%([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>/ " exponential notation 3
- hi def link scalaNumber Number
- syn region scalaRoundBrackets start="(" end=")" skipwhite contained contains=scalaTypeDeclaration,scalaSquareBrackets,scalaRoundBrackets
- syn region scalaSquareBrackets matchgroup=scalaSquareBracketsBrackets start="\[" end="\]" skipwhite nextgroup=scalaTypeExtension contains=scalaTypeDeclaration,scalaSquareBrackets,scalaTypeOperator,scalaTypeAnnotationParameter
- syn match scalaTypeOperator /[-+=:<>]\+/ contained
- syn match scalaTypeAnnotationParameter /@\<[`_A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/ contained
- hi def link scalaSquareBracketsBrackets Type
- hi def link scalaTypeOperator Keyword
- hi def link scalaTypeAnnotationParameter Function
- syn match scalaShebang "\%^#!.*" display
- syn region scalaMultilineComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=scalaMultilineComment,scalaDocLinks,scalaParameterAnnotation,scalaCommentAnnotation,scalaTodo,scalaCommentCodeBlock,@Spell keepend fold
- syn match scalaCommentAnnotation "@[_A-Za-z0-9$]\+" contained
- syn match scalaParameterAnnotation "\%(@tparam\|@param\|@see\)" nextgroup=scalaParamAnnotationValue skipwhite contained
- syn match scalaParamAnnotationValue /[.`_A-Za-z0-9$]\+/ contained
- syn region scalaDocLinks start="\[\[" end="\]\]" contained
- syn region scalaCommentCodeBlock matchgroup=Keyword start="{{{" end="}}}" contained
- syn match scalaTodo "\vTODO|FIXME|XXX" contained
- hi def link scalaShebang Comment
- hi def link scalaMultilineComment Comment
- hi def link scalaDocLinks Function
- hi def link scalaParameterAnnotation Function
- hi def link scalaParamAnnotationValue Keyword
- hi def link scalaCommentAnnotation Function
- hi def link scalaCommentCodeBlock String
- hi def link scalaTodo Todo
- syn match scalaAnnotation /@\<[`_A-Za-z0-9$]\+\>/
- hi def link scalaAnnotation PreProc
- syn match scalaTrailingComment "//.*$" contains=scalaTodo,@Spell
- hi def link scalaTrailingComment Comment
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /goto([^)]*)\_s\+\<using\>/ contains=scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /stay\_s\+using/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /^\s*stay\s*$/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /when\ze([^)]*)/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /startWith\ze([^)]*)/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /initialize\ze()/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /onTransition/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /onTermination/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSM /whenUnhandled/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing /\<using\>/
- syn match scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing /\<goto\>/
- hi def link scalaAkkaFSM PreProc
- hi def link scalaAkkaFSMGotoUsing PreProc
- let b:current_syntax = 'scala'
- if main_syntax ==# 'scala'
- unlet main_syntax
- endif
- " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et: