123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: Cheetah template engine
- " Maintainer: Max Ischenko <mfi@ukr.net>
- " Last Change: 2003-05-11
- "
- " Missing features:
- " match invalid syntax, like bad variable ref. or unmatched closing tag
- " PSP-style tags: <% .. %> (obsoleted feature)
- " doc-strings and header comments (rarely used feature)
- " quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- syntax case match
- syn keyword cheetahKeyword contained if else unless elif for in not
- syn keyword cheetahKeyword contained while repeat break continue pass end
- syn keyword cheetahKeyword contained set del attr def global include raw echo
- syn keyword cheetahKeyword contained import from extends implements
- syn keyword cheetahKeyword contained assert raise try catch finally
- syn keyword cheetahKeyword contained errorCatcher breakpoint silent cache filter
- syn match cheetahKeyword contained "\<compiler-settings\>"
- " Matches cached placeholders
- syn match cheetahPlaceHolder "$\(\*[0-9.]\+[wdhms]\?\*\|\*\)\?\h\w*\(\.\h\w*\)*" display
- syn match cheetahPlaceHolder "$\(\*[0-9.]\+[wdhms]\?\*\|\*\)\?{\h\w*\(\.\h\w*\)*}" display
- syn match cheetahDirective "^\s*#[^#].*$" contains=cheetahPlaceHolder,cheetahKeyword,cheetahComment display
- syn match cheetahContinuation "\\$"
- syn match cheetahComment "##.*$" display
- syn region cheetahMultiLineComment start="#\*" end="\*#"
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- hi def link cheetahPlaceHolder Identifier
- hi def link cheetahDirective PreCondit
- hi def link cheetahKeyword Define
- hi def link cheetahContinuation Special
- hi def link cheetahComment Comment
- hi def link cheetahMultiLineComment Comment
- let b:current_syntax = "cheetah"