123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498 |
- " Vim indent file
- " Language: Julia
- " Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <carlobaldassi@gmail.com>
- " Homepage: https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vim
- " Last Change: 2022 Jun 14
- " Notes: originally based on Bram Molenaar's indent file for vim
- " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
- if exists("b:did_indent")
- finish
- endif
- let b:did_indent = 1
- setlocal autoindent
- setlocal indentexpr=GetJuliaIndent()
- setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=catch,=finally,),],}
- setlocal indentkeys-=0#
- setlocal indentkeys-=:
- setlocal indentkeys-=0{
- setlocal indentkeys-=0}
- setlocal nosmartindent
- " Only define the function once.
- if exists("*GetJuliaIndent")
- finish
- endif
- let s:skipPatternsBasic = '\<julia\%(Comment\%([LM]\|Delim\)\)\>'
- let s:skipPatterns = '\<julia\%(Comprehension\%(For\|If\)\|RangeKeyword\|Comment\%([LM]\|Delim\)\|\%([bs]\|Shell\|Printf\|Doc\)\?String\|StringPrefixed\|DocStringM\(Raw\)\?\|RegEx\|SymbolS\?\|Macro\|Dotted\)\>'
- function JuliaMatch(lnum, str, regex, st, ...)
- let s = a:st
- let e = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : -1
- let basic_skip = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 'all'
- let skip = basic_skip ==# 'basic' ? s:skipPatternsBasic : s:skipPatterns
- while 1
- let f = match(a:str, '\C' . a:regex, s)
- if e >= 0 && f >= e
- return -1
- endif
- if f >= 0
- let attr = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,f+1,1),"name")
- let attrT = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,f+1,0),"name")
- if attr =~# skip || attrT =~# skip
- let s = f+1
- continue
- endif
- endif
- break
- endwhile
- return f
- endfunction
- function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum, ...)
- " Auxiliary function to inspect the block structure of a line
- let line = getline(a:lnum)
- let s = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
- let e = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : -1
- let blocks_stack = []
- let num_closed_blocks = 0
- while 1
- let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<\%(if\|else\%(if\)\?\|while\|for\|try\|catch\|finally\|\%(staged\)\?function\|macro\|begin\|mutable\s\+struct\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\@<!struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|let\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|do\)\>', s, e)
- let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<end\>', s, e)
- if fb < 0 && fe < 0
- " No blocks found
- break
- end
- if fb >= 0 && (fb < fe || fe < 0)
- " The first occurrence is an opening block keyword
- " Note: some keywords (elseif,else,catch,finally) are both
- " closing blocks and opening new ones
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<if\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- call add(blocks_stack, 'if')
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<elseif\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] == 'if'
- let blocks_stack[-1] = 'elseif'
- elseif (len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] != 'elseif') || len(blocks_stack) == 0
- call add(blocks_stack, 'elseif')
- let num_closed_blocks += 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<else\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] =~# '\<\%(else\)\=if\>'
- let blocks_stack[-1] = 'else'
- else
- call add(blocks_stack, 'else')
- let num_closed_blocks += 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<try\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- call add(blocks_stack, 'try')
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<catch\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] == 'try'
- let blocks_stack[-1] = 'catch'
- else
- call add(blocks_stack, 'catch')
- let num_closed_blocks += 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<finally\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && (blocks_stack[-1] == 'try' || blocks_stack[-1] == 'catch')
- let blocks_stack[-1] = 'finally'
- else
- call add(blocks_stack, 'finally')
- let num_closed_blocks += 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<\%(bare\)\?module\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- if i == 0
- call add(blocks_stack, 'col1module')
- else
- call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<\%(while\|for\|function\|macro\|begin\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\?struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|let\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- if match(line, '\C\<\%(mutable\|abstract\|primitive\)', i) != -1
- let s = i+11
- else
- let s = i+1
- endif
- call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
- continue
- endif
- " Note: it should be impossible to get here
- break
- else
- " The first occurrence is an 'end'
- let s = fe+1
- if len(blocks_stack) == 0
- let num_closed_blocks += 1
- else
- call remove(blocks_stack, -1)
- endif
- continue
- endif
- " Note: it should be impossible to get here
- break
- endwhile
- let num_open_blocks = len(blocks_stack) - count(blocks_stack, 'col1module')
- return [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks]
- endfunction
- function GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
- " Auxiliary function to inspect the brackets structure of a line
- let line = getline(a:lnum)[0 : (a:c - 1)]
- let s = 0
- let brackets_stack = []
- let last_closed_bracket = -1
- while 1
- let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '[([{]', s)
- let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '[])}]', s)
- if fb < 0 && fe < 0
- " No brackets found
- break
- end
- if fb >= 0 && (fb < fe || fe < 0)
- " The first occurrence is an opening bracket
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '(', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- call add(brackets_stack, ['par',i])
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\[', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- call add(brackets_stack, ['sqbra',i])
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '{', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fb
- let s = i+1
- call add(brackets_stack, ['curbra',i])
- continue
- endif
- " Note: it should be impossible to get here
- break
- else
- " The first occurrence is a closing bracket
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, ')', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fe
- let s = i+1
- if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'par'
- call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
- else
- let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, ']', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fe
- let s = i+1
- if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'sqbra'
- call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
- else
- let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '}', s)
- if i >= 0 && i == fe
- let s = i+1
- if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'curbra'
- call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
- else
- let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
- endif
- continue
- endif
- " Note: it should be impossible to get here
- break
- endif
- " Note: it should be impossible to get here
- break
- endwhile
- let first_open_bracket = -1
- let last_open_bracket = -1
- let infuncargs = 0
- if len(brackets_stack) > 0
- let first_open_bracket = brackets_stack[0][1]
- let last_open_bracket = brackets_stack[-1][1]
- if brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'par' && IsFunctionArgPar(a:lnum, last_open_bracket+1)
- let infuncargs = 1
- endif
- endif
- return [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket, infuncargs]
- endfunction
- let s:bracketBlocks = '\<julia\%(\%(\%(Printf\)\?Par\|SqBra\%(Idx\)\?\|CurBra\)Block\|ParBlockInRange\|StringVars\%(Par\|SqBra\|CurBra\)\|Dollar\%(Par\|SqBra\)\|QuotedParBlockS\?\)\>'
- function IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
- let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, a:c), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
- call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# s:bracketBlocks')
- return len(stack) > 0
- endfunction
- function IsInDocString(lnum)
- let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, 1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
- call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# "\\<juliaDocString\\(Delim\\|M\\\(Raw\\)\\?\\)\\?\\>"')
- return len(stack) > 0
- endfunction
- function IsInContinuationImportLine(lnum)
- let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, 1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
- call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# "\\<juliaImportLine\\>"')
- if len(stack) == 0
- return 0
- endif
- return JuliaMatch(a:lnum, getline(a:lnum), '\<\%(import\|using\|export\)\>', indent(a:lnum)) == -1
- endfunction
- function IsFunctionArgPar(lnum, c)
- if a:c == 0
- return 0
- endif
- let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, a:c-1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
- return len(stack) >= 2 && stack[-2] ==# 'juliaFunctionDef'
- endfunction
- function JumpToMatch(lnum, last_closed_bracket)
- " we use the % command to skip back (tries to ues matchit if possible,
- " otherwise resorts to vim's default, which is buggy but better than
- " nothing)
- call cursor(a:lnum, a:last_closed_bracket)
- let percmap = maparg("%", "n")
- if exists("g:loaded_matchit") && percmap =~# 'Match\%(it\|_wrapper\)'
- normal %
- else
- normal! %
- end
- endfunction
- " Auxiliary function to find a line which does not start in the middle of a
- " multiline bracketed expression, to be used as reference for block
- " indentation.
- function LastBlockIndent(lnum)
- let lnum = a:lnum
- let ind = 0
- while lnum > 0
- let ind = indent(lnum)
- if ind == 0
- return [lnum, 0]
- endif
- if !IsInBrackets(lnum, 1)
- break
- endif
- let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
- endwhile
- return [max([lnum,1]), ind]
- endfunction
- function GetJuliaIndent()
- " Do not alter doctrings indentation
- if IsInDocString(v:lnum)
- return -1
- endif
- " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
- let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
- " At the start of the file use zero indent.
- if lnum == 0
- return 0
- endif
- let ind = -1
- let st = -1
- let lim = -1
- " Multiline bracketed expressions take precedence
- let align_brackets = get(g:, "julia_indent_align_brackets", 1)
- let align_funcargs = get(g:, "julia_indent_align_funcargs", 0)
- let c = len(getline(lnum)) + 1
- while IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
- let [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket, infuncargs] = GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
- " First scenario: the previous line has a hanging open bracket:
- " set the indentation to match the opening bracket (plus an extra space)
- " unless we're in a function arguments list or alignment is disabled, in
- " which case we just add an extra indent
- if last_open_bracket != -1
- if (!infuncargs && align_brackets) || (infuncargs && align_funcargs)
- let st = last_open_bracket
- let ind = virtcol([lnum, st + 1])
- else
- let ind = indent(lnum) + shiftwidth()
- endif
- " Second scenario: some multiline bracketed expression was closed in the
- " previous line. But since we know we are still in a bracketed expression,
- " we need to find the line where the bracket was opened
- elseif last_closed_bracket != -1
- call JumpToMatch(lnum, last_closed_bracket)
- if line(".") == lnum
- " something wrong here, give up
- let ind = indent(lnum)
- else
- let lnum = line(".")
- let c = col(".") - 1
- if c == 0
- " uhm, give up
- let ind = 0
- else
- " we skipped a bracket set, keep searching for an opening bracket
- let lim = c
- continue
- endif
- endif
- " Third scenario: nothing special: keep the indentation
- else
- let ind = indent(lnum)
- endif
- " Does the current line start with a closing bracket? Then depending on
- " the situation we align it with the opening one, or we let the rest of
- " the code figure it out (the case in which we're closing a function
- " argument list is special-cased)
- if JuliaMatch(v:lnum, getline(v:lnum), '[])}]', indent(v:lnum)) == indent(v:lnum) && ind > 0
- if !align_brackets && !align_funcargs
- call JumpToMatch(v:lnum, indent(v:lnum))
- return indent(line("."))
- elseif (align_brackets && getline(v:lnum)[indent(v:lnum)] != ')') || align_funcargs
- return ind - 1
- else " must be a ')' and align_brackets==1 and align_funcargs==0
- call JumpToMatch(v:lnum, indent(v:lnum))
- if IsFunctionArgPar(line("."), col("."))
- let ind = -1
- else
- return ind - 1
- endif
- endif
- endif
- break
- endwhile
- if ind == -1
- " We are not in a multiline bracketed expression. Thus we look for a
- " previous line to use as a reference
- let [lnum,ind] = LastBlockIndent(lnum)
- let c = len(getline(lnum)) + 1
- if IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
- let [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket, infuncargs] = GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
- let lim = first_open_bracket
- endif
- end
- " Analyse the reference line
- let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum, st, lim)
- " Increase indentation for each newly opened block in the reference line
- let ind += shiftwidth() * num_open_blocks
- " Analyse the current line
- let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(v:lnum)
- " Decrease indentation for each closed block in the current line
- let ind -= shiftwidth() * num_closed_blocks
- " Additional special case: multiline import/using/export statements
- let prevline = getline(lnum)
- " Are we in a multiline import/using/export statement, right below the
- " opening line?
- if IsInContinuationImportLine(v:lnum) && !IsInContinuationImportLine(lnum)
- if get(g:, 'julia_indent_align_import', 1)
- " if the opening line has a colon followed by non-comments, use it as
- " reference point
- let cind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, ':', indent(lnum), lim)
- if cind >= 0
- let nonwhiteind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, '\S', cind+1, -1, 'basic')
- if nonwhiteind >= 0
- " return match(prevline, '\S', cind+1) " a bit overkill...
- return cind + 2
- endif
- else
- " if the opening line is not a naked import/using/export statement, use
- " it as reference
- let iind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, '\<import\|using\|export\>', indent(lnum), lim)
- if iind >= 0
- " assuming whitespace after using... so no `using(XYZ)` please!
- let nonwhiteind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, '\S', iind+6, -1, 'basic')
- if nonwhiteind >= 0
- return match(prevline, '\S', iind+6)
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- let ind += shiftwidth()
- " Or did we just close a multiline import/using/export statement?
- elseif !IsInContinuationImportLine(v:lnum) && IsInContinuationImportLine(lnum)
- " find the starting line of the statement
- let ilnum = 0
- for iln in range(lnum-1, 1, -1)
- if !IsInContinuationImportLine(iln)
- let ilnum = iln
- break
- endif
- endfor
- if ilnum == 0
- " something went horribly wrong, give up
- let ind = indent(lnum)
- endif
- let ind = indent(ilnum)
- endif
- return ind
- endfunction