123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367 |
- *usr_42.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2008 May 05
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Add new menus
- By now you know that Vim is very flexible. This includes the menus used in
- the GUI. You can define your own menu entries to make certain commands easily
- accessible. This is for mouse-happy users only.
- |42.1| Introduction
- |42.2| Menu commands
- |42.3| Various
- |42.4| Toolbar and popup menus
- Next chapter: |usr_43.txt| Using filetypes
- Previous chapter: |usr_41.txt| Write a Vim script
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *42.1* Introduction
- The menus that Vim uses are defined in the file "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim". If
- you want to write your own menus, you might first want to look through that
- file.
- To define a menu item, use the ":menu" command. The basic form of this
- command is as follows: >
- :menu {menu-item} {keys}
- The {menu-item} describes where on the menu to put the item. A typical
- {menu-item} is "File.Save", which represents the item "Save" under the
- "File" menu. A dot is used to separate the names. Example: >
- :menu File.Save :update<CR>
- The ":update" command writes the file when it was modified.
- You can add another level: "Edit.Settings.Shiftwidth" defines a submenu
- "Settings" under the "Edit" menu, with an item "Shiftwidth". You could use
- even deeper levels. Don't use this too much, you need to move the mouse quite
- a bit to use such an item.
- The ":menu" command is very similar to the ":map" command: the left side
- specifies how the item is triggered and the right hand side defines the
- characters that are executed. {keys} are characters, they are used just like
- you would have typed them. Thus in Insert mode, when {keys} is plain text,
- that text is inserted.
- The ampersand character (&) is used to indicate an accelerator. For instance,
- you can use Alt-F to select "File" and S to select "Save". (The 'winaltkeys'
- option may disable this though!). Therefore, the {menu-item} looks like
- "&File.&Save". The accelerator characters will be underlined in the menu.
- You must take care that each key is used only once in each menu. Otherwise
- you will not know which of the two will actually be used. Vim doesn't warn
- you for this.
- The actual definition of the File.Save menu item is as follows: >
- :menu 10.340 &File.&Save<Tab>:w :confirm w<CR>
- The number 10.340 is called the priority number. It is used by the editor to
- decide where it places the menu item. The first number (10) indicates the
- position on the menu bar. Lower numbered menus are positioned to the left,
- higher numbers to the right.
- These are the priorities used for the standard menus:
- 10 20 40 50 60 70 9999
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- | File Edit Tools Syntax Buffers Window Help |
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- Notice that the Help menu is given a very high number, to make it appear on
- the far right.
- The second number (340) determines the location of the item within the
- pull-down menu. Lower numbers go on top, higher number on the bottom. These
- are the priorities in the File menu:
- +-----------------+
- 10.310 |Open... |
- 10.320 |Split-Open... |
- 10.325 |New |
- 10.330 |Close |
- 10.335 |---------------- |
- 10.340 |Save |
- 10.350 |Save As... |
- 10.400 |---------------- |
- 10.410 |Split Diff with |
- 10.420 |Split Patched By |
- 10.500 |---------------- |
- 10.510 |Print |
- 10.600 |---------------- |
- 10.610 |Save-Exit |
- 10.620 |Exit |
- +-----------------+
- Notice that there is room in between the numbers. This is where you can
- insert your own items, if you really want to (it's often better to leave the
- standard menus alone and add a new menu for your own items).
- When you create a submenu, you can add another ".number" to the priority.
- Thus each name in {menu-item} has its priority number.
- The {menu-item} in this example is "&File.&Save<Tab>:w". This brings up an
- important point: {menu-item} must be one word. If you want to put a dot,
- space or tabs in the name, you either use the <> notation (<Space> and <Tab>,
- for instance) or use the backslash (\) escape. >
- :menu 10.305 &File.&Do\ It\.\.\. :exit<CR>
- In this example, the name of the menu item "Do It..." contains a space and the
- command is ":exit<CR>".
- The <Tab> character in a menu name is used to separate the part that defines
- the menu name from the part that gives a hint to the user. The part after the
- <Tab> is displayed right aligned in the menu. In the File.Save menu the name
- used is "&File.&Save<Tab>:w". Thus the menu name is "File.Save" and the hint
- is ":w".
- The separator lines, used to group related menu items together, can be defined
- by using a name that starts and ends in a '-'. For example "-sep-". When
- using several separators the names must be different. Otherwise the names
- don't matter.
- The command from a separator will never be executed, but you have to define
- one anyway. A single colon will do. Example: >
- :amenu 20.510 Edit.-sep3- :
- ==============================================================================
- *42.2* Menu commands
- You can define menu items that exist for only certain modes. This works just
- like the variations on the ":map" command:
- :menu Normal, Visual and Operator-pending mode
- :nmenu Normal mode
- :vmenu Visual mode
- :omenu Operator-pending mode
- :menu! Insert and Command-line mode
- :imenu Insert mode
- :cmenu Command-line mode
- :tlmenu Terminal mode
- :amenu All modes (except for Terminal mode)
- To avoid that the commands of a menu item are being mapped, use the command
- ":noremenu", ":nnoremenu", ":anoremenu", etc.
- The ":amenu" command is a bit different. It assumes that the {keys} you
- give are to be executed in Normal mode. When Vim is in Visual or Insert mode
- when the menu is used, Vim first has to go back to Normal mode. ":amenu"
- inserts a CTRL-C or CTRL-O for you. For example, if you use this command:
- >
- :amenu 90.100 Mine.Find\ Word *
- Then the resulting menu commands will be:
- Normal mode: *
- Visual mode: CTRL-C *
- Operator-pending mode: CTRL-C *
- Insert mode: CTRL-O *
- Command-line mode: CTRL-C *
- When in Command-line mode the CTRL-C will abandon the command typed so far.
- In Visual and Operator-pending mode CTRL-C will stop the mode. The CTRL-O in
- Insert mode will execute the command and then return to Insert mode.
- CTRL-O only works for one command. If you need to use two or more
- commands, put them in a function and call that function. Example: >
- :amenu Mine.Next\ File :call <SID>NextFile()<CR>
- :function <SID>NextFile()
- : next
- : 1/^Code
- :endfunction
- This menu entry goes to the next file in the argument list with ":next". Then
- it searches for the line that starts with "Code".
- The <SID> before the function name is the script ID. This makes the
- function local to the current Vim script file. This avoids problems when a
- function with the same name is defined in another script file. See |<SID>|.
- The menu executes the {keys} as if you typed them. For a ":" command this
- means you will see the command being echoed on the command line. If it's a
- long command, the hit-Enter prompt will appear. That can be very annoying!
- To avoid this, make the menu silent. This is done with the <silent>
- argument. For example, take the call to NextFile() in the previous example.
- When you use this menu, you will see this on the command line:
- :call <SNR>34_NextFile() ~
- To avoid this text on the command line, insert "<silent>" as the first
- argument: >
- :amenu <silent> Mine.Next\ File :call <SID>NextFile()<CR>
- Don't use "<silent>" too often. It is not needed for short commands. If you
- make a menu for someone else, being able to see the executed command will give
- him a hint about what he could have typed, instead of using the mouse.
- When a menu command is used without a {keys} part, it lists the already
- defined menus. You can specify a {menu-item}, or part of it, to list specific
- menus. Example: >
- :amenu
- This lists all menus. That's a long list! Better specify the name of a menu
- to get a shorter list: >
- :amenu Edit
- This lists only the "Edit" menu items for all modes. To list only one
- specific menu item for Insert mode: >
- :imenu Edit.Undo
- Take care that you type exactly the right name. Case matters here. But the
- '&' for accelerators can be omitted. The <Tab> and what comes after it can be
- left out as well.
- To delete a menu, the same command is used as for listing, but with "menu"
- changed to "unmenu". Thus ":menu" becomes, ":unmenu", ":nmenu" becomes
- ":nunmenu", etc. To delete the "Tools.Make" item for Insert mode: >
- :iunmenu Tools.Make
- You can delete a whole menu, with all its items, by using the menu name.
- Example: >
- :aunmenu Syntax
- This deletes the Syntax menu and all the items in it.
- ==============================================================================
- *42.3* Various
- You can change the appearance of the menus with flags in 'guioptions'. In the
- default value they are all included, except "M". You can remove a flag with a
- command like: >
- :set guioptions-=m
- <
- m When removed the menubar is not displayed.
- M When added the default menus are not loaded.
- g When removed the inactive menu items are not made grey
- but are completely removed. (Does not work on all
- systems.)
- t When removed the tearoff feature is not enabled.
- The dotted line at the top of a menu is not a separator line. When you select
- this item, the menu is "teared-off": It is displayed in a separate window.
- This is called a tearoff menu. This is useful when you use the same menu
- often.
- For translating menu items, see |:menutrans|.
- Since the mouse has to be used to select a menu item, it is a good idea to use
- the ":browse" command for selecting a file. And ":confirm" to get a dialog
- instead of an error message, e.g., when the current buffer contains changes.
- These two can be combined: >
- :amenu File.Open :browse confirm edit<CR>
- The ":browse" makes a file browser appear to select the file to edit. The
- ":confirm" will pop up a dialog when the current buffer has changes. You can
- then select to save the changes, throw them away or cancel the command.
- For more complicated items, the confirm() and inputdialog() functions can
- be used. The default menus contain a few examples.
- ==============================================================================
- *42.4* Toolbar and popup menus
- There are two special menus: ToolBar and PopUp. Items that start with these
- names do not appear in the normal menu bar.
- The toolbar appears only when the "T" flag is included in the 'guioptions'
- option.
- The toolbar uses icons rather than text to represent the command. For
- example, the {menu-item} named "ToolBar.New" causes the "New" icon to appear
- on the toolbar.
- The Vim editor has 28 built-in icons. You can find a table here:
- |builtin-tools|. Most of them are used in the default toolbar. You can
- redefine what these items do (after the default menus are setup).
- You can add another bitmap for a toolbar item. Or define a new toolbar
- item with a bitmap. For example, define a new toolbar item with: >
- :tmenu ToolBar.Compile Compile the current file
- :amenu ToolBar.Compile :!cc %:S -o %:r:S<CR>
- Now you need to create the icon. For MS-Windows it must be in bitmap format,
- with the name "Compile.bmp". For Unix XPM format is used, the file name is
- "Compile.xpm". The size must be 18 by 18 pixels. On MS-Windows other sizes
- can be used as well, but it will look ugly.
- Put the bitmap in the directory "bitmaps" in one of the directories from
- 'runtimepath'. E.g., for Unix "~/.vim/bitmaps/Compile.xpm".
- You can define tooltips for the items in the toolbar. A tooltip is a short
- text that explains what a toolbar item will do. For example "Open file". It
- appears when the mouse pointer is on the item, without moving for a moment.
- This is very useful if the meaning of the picture isn't that obvious.
- Example: >
- :tmenu ToolBar.Make Run make in the current directory
- <
- Note:
- Pay attention to the case used. "Toolbar" and "toolbar" are different
- from "ToolBar"!
- To remove a tooltip, use the |:tunmenu| command.
- The 'toolbar' option can be used to display text instead of a bitmap, or both
- text and a bitmap. Most people use just the bitmap, since the text takes
- quite a bit of space.
- The popup menu pops up where the mouse pointer is. On MS-Windows you activate
- it by clicking the right mouse button. Then you can select an item with the
- left mouse button. On Unix the popup menu is used by pressing and holding the
- right mouse button.
- The popup menu only appears when the 'mousemodel' has been set to "popup"
- or "popup_setpos". The difference between the two is that "popup_setpos"
- moves the cursor to the mouse pointer position. When clicking inside a
- selection, the selection will be used unmodified. When there is a selection
- but you click outside of it, the selection is removed.
- There is a separate popup menu for each mode. Thus there are never grey
- items like in the normal menus.
- What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? *42*
- Douglas Adams, the only person who knew what this question really was about is
- now dead, unfortunately. So now you might wonder what the meaning of death
- is...
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_43.txt| Using filetypes
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: