123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602 |
- *usr_08.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2021 May 20
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Splitting windows
- Display two different files above each other. Or view two locations in the
- file at the same time. See the difference between two files by putting them
- side by side. All this is possible with split windows.
- |08.1| Split a window
- |08.2| Split a window on another file
- |08.3| Window size
- |08.4| Vertical splits
- |08.5| Moving windows
- |08.6| Commands for all windows
- |08.7| Viewing differences with vimdiff
- |08.8| Various
- |08.9| Tab pages
- Next chapter: |usr_09.txt| Using the GUI
- Previous chapter: |usr_07.txt| Editing more than one file
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *08.1* Split a window
- The easiest way to open a new window is to use the following command: >
- :split
- This command splits the screen into two windows and leaves the cursor in the
- top one:
- +----------------------------------+
- |/* file one.c */ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |one.c=============================|
- |/* file one.c */ |
- |~ |
- |one.c=============================|
- | |
- +----------------------------------+
- What you see here is two windows on the same file. The line with "====" is
- the status line. It displays information about the window above it. (In
- practice the status line will be in reverse video.)
- The two windows allow you to view two parts of the same file. For example,
- you could make the top window show the variable declarations of a program, and
- the bottom one the code that uses these variables.
- The CTRL-W w command can be used to jump between the windows. If you are in
- the top window, CTRL-W w jumps to the window below it. If you are in the
- bottom window it will jump to the first window. (CTRL-W CTRL-W does the same
- thing, in case you let go of the CTRL key a bit later.)
- To close a window, use the command: >
- :close
- Actually, any command that quits editing a file works, like ":quit" and "ZZ".
- But ":close" prevents you from accidentally exiting Vim when you close the
- last window.
- If you have opened a whole bunch of windows, but now want to concentrate on
- one of them, this command will be useful: >
- :only
- This closes all windows, except for the current one. If any of the other
- windows has changes, you will get an error message and that window won't be
- closed.
- ==============================================================================
- *08.2* Split a window on another file
- The following command opens a second window and starts editing the given file:
- >
- :split two.c
- If you were editing one.c, then the result looks like this:
- +----------------------------------+
- |/* file two.c */ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |two.c=============================|
- |/* file one.c */ |
- |~ |
- |one.c=============================|
- | |
- +----------------------------------+
- To open a window on a new, empty file, use this: >
- :new
- You can repeat the ":split" and ":new" commands to create as many windows as
- you like.
- ==============================================================================
- *08.3* Window size
- The ":split" command can take a number argument. If specified, this will be
- the height of the new window. For example, the following opens a new window
- three lines high and starts editing the file alpha.c: >
- :3split alpha.c
- For existing windows you can change the size in several ways. When you have a
- working mouse, it is easy: Move the mouse pointer to the status line that
- separates two windows, and drag it up or down.
- To increase the size of a window: >
- CTRL-W +
- To decrease it: >
- CTRL-W -
- Both of these commands take a count and increase or decrease the window size
- by that many lines. Thus "4 CTRL-W +" make the window four lines higher.
- To set the window height to a specified number of lines: >
- {height}CTRL-W _
- That's: a number {height}, CTRL-W and then an underscore (the - key with Shift
- on English-US keyboards).
- To make a window as high as it can be, use the CTRL-W _ command without a
- count.
- In Vim you can do many things very quickly from the keyboard. Unfortunately,
- the window resizing commands require quite a bit of typing. In this case,
- using the mouse is faster. Position the mouse pointer on a status line. Now
- press the left mouse button and drag. The status line will move, thus making
- the window on one side higher and the other smaller.
- The 'winheight' option can be set to a minimal desired height of a window and
- 'winminheight' to a hard minimum height.
- Likewise, there is 'winwidth' for the minimal desired width and
- 'winminwidth' for the hard minimum width.
- The 'equalalways' option, when set, makes Vim equalize the windows sizes
- when a window is closed or opened.
- ==============================================================================
- *08.4* Vertical splits
- The ":split" command creates the new window above the current one. To make
- the window appear at the left side, use: >
- :vsplit
- or: >
- :vsplit two.c
- The result looks something like this:
- +--------------------------------------+
- |/* file two.c */ |/* file one.c */ |
- |~ |~ |
- |~ |~ |
- |~ |~ |
- |two.c===============one.c=============|
- | |
- +--------------------------------------+
- Actually, the | lines in the middle will be in reverse video. This is called
- the vertical separator. It separates the two windows left and right of it.
- There is also the ":vnew" command, to open a vertically split window on a new,
- empty file. Another way to do this: >
- :vertical new
- The ":vertical" command can be inserted before another command that splits a
- window. This will cause that command to split the window vertically instead
- of horizontally. (If the command doesn't split a window, it works
- unmodified.)
- Since you can split windows horizontally and vertically as much as you like,
- you can create almost any layout of windows. Then you can use these commands
- to move between them:
- CTRL-W h move to the window on the left
- CTRL-W j move to the window below
- CTRL-W k move to the window above
- CTRL-W l move to the window on the right
- CTRL-W t move to the TOP window
- CTRL-W b move to the BOTTOM window
- You will notice the same letters as used for moving the cursor. And the
- cursor keys can also be used, if you like.
- More commands to move to other windows: |Q_wi|.
- ==============================================================================
- *08.5* Moving windows
- You have split a few windows, but now they are in the wrong place. Then you
- need a command to move the window somewhere else. For example, you have three
- windows like this:
- +----------------------------------+
- |/* file two.c */ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |two.c=============================|
- |/* file three.c */ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |three.c===========================|
- |/* file one.c */ |
- |~ |
- |one.c=============================|
- | |
- +----------------------------------+
- Clearly the last one should be at the top. Go to that window (using CTRL-W w)
- and then type this command: >
- This uses the uppercase letter K. What happens is that the window is moved to
- the very top. You will notice that K is again used for moving upwards.
- When you have vertical splits, CTRL-W K will move the current window to the
- top and make it occupy the full width of the Vim window. If this is your
- layout:
- +-------------------------------------------+
- |/* two.c */ |/* three.c */ |/* one.c */ |
- |~ |~ |~ |
- |~ |~ |~ |
- |~ |~ |~ |
- |~ |~ |~ |
- |~ |~ |~ |
- |two.c=========three.c=========one.c========|
- | |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- Then using CTRL-W K in the middle window (three.c) will result in:
- +-------------------------------------------+
- |/* three.c */ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |three.c====================================|
- |/* two.c */ |/* one.c */ |
- |~ |~ |
- |two.c==================one.c===============|
- | |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- The other three similar commands (you can probably guess these now):
- CTRL-W H move window to the far left
- CTRL-W J move window to the bottom
- CTRL-W L move window to the far right
- ==============================================================================
- *08.6* Commands for all windows
- When you have several windows open and you want to quit Vim, you can close
- each window separately. A quicker way is using this command: >
- :qall
- This stands for "quit all". If any of the windows contain changes, Vim will
- not exit. The cursor will automatically be positioned in a window with
- changes. You can then either use ":write" to save the changes, or ":quit!" to
- throw them away.
- If you know there are windows with changes, and you want to save all these
- changes, use this command: >
- :wall
- This stands for "write all". But actually, it only writes files with
- changes. Vim knows it doesn't make sense to write files that were not
- changed.
- And then there is the combination of ":qall" and ":wall": the "write and
- quit all" command: >
- :wqall
- This writes all modified files and quits Vim.
- Finally, there is a command that quits Vim and throws away all changes: >
- :qall!
- Be careful, there is no way to undo this command!
- To make Vim open a window for each file, start it with the "-o" argument: >
- vim -o one.txt two.txt three.txt
- This results in:
- +-------------------------------+
- |file one.txt |
- |~ |
- |one.txt========================|
- |file two.txt |
- |~ |
- |two.txt========================|
- |file three.txt |
- |~ |
- |three.txt======================|
- | |
- +-------------------------------+
- The "-O" argument is used to get vertically split windows.
- When Vim is already running, the ":all" command opens a window for each
- file in the argument list. ":vertical all" does it with vertical splits.
- ==============================================================================
- *08.7* Viewing differences with vimdiff
- There is a special way to start Vim, which shows the differences between two
- files. Let's take a file "main.c" and insert a few characters in one line.
- Write this file with the 'backup' option set, so that the backup file
- "main.c~" will contain the previous version of the file.
- Type this command in a shell (not in Vim): >
- vimdiff main.c~ main.c
- Vim will start, with two windows side by side. You will only see the line
- in which you added characters, and a few lines above and below it.
- +-----------------------------------------+
- |+ +--123 lines: /* a|+ +--123 lines: /* a| <- fold
- | text | text |
- | text | text |
- | text | text |
- | text | changed text | <- changed line
- | text | text |
- | text | ------------------| <- deleted line
- | text | text |
- | text | text |
- | text | text |
- |+ +--432 lines: text|+ +--432 lines: text| <- fold
- | ~ | ~ |
- | ~ | ~ |
- |main.c~==============main.c==============|
- | |
- +-----------------------------------------+
- (This picture doesn't show the highlighting, use the vimdiff command for a
- better look.)
- The lines that were not modified have been collapsed into one line. This is
- called a closed fold. They are indicated in the picture with "<- fold". Thus
- the single fold line at the top stands for 123 text lines. These lines are
- equal in both files.
- The line marked with "<- changed line" is highlighted, and the inserted
- text is displayed with another color. This clearly shows what the difference
- is between the two files.
- The line that was deleted is displayed with "---" in the main.c window.
- See the "<- deleted line" marker in the picture. These characters are not
- really there. They just fill up main.c, so that it displays the same number
- of lines as the other window.
- Each window has a column on the left with a slightly different background. In
- the picture above these are indicated with "VV". You notice there is a plus
- character there, in front of each closed fold. Move the mouse pointer to that
- plus and click the left button. The fold will open, and you can see the text
- that it contains.
- The fold column contains a minus sign for an open fold. If you click on
- this -, the fold will close.
- Obviously, this only works when you have a working mouse. You can also use
- "zo" to open a fold and "zc" to close it.
- Another way to start in diff mode can be done from inside Vim. Edit the
- "main.c" file, then make a split and show the differences: >
- :edit main.c
- :vertical diffsplit main.c~
- The ":vertical" command is used to make the window split vertically. If you
- omit this, you will get a horizontal split.
- If you have a patch or diff file, you can use the third way to start diff
- mode. First edit the file to which the patch applies. Then tell Vim the name
- of the patch file: >
- :edit main.c
- :vertical diffpatch main.c.diff
- WARNING: The patch file must contain only one patch, for the file you are
- editing. Otherwise you will get a lot of error messages, and some files might
- be patched unexpectedly.
- The patching will only be done to the copy of the file in Vim. The file on
- your harddisk will remain unmodified (until you decide to write the file).
- When the files have more changes, you can scroll in the usual way. Vim will
- try to keep both the windows start at the same position, so you can easily see
- the differences side by side.
- When you don't want this for a moment, use this command: >
- :set noscrollbind
- When you have disabled folding in some way, it may be difficult to find the
- changes. Use this command to jump forward to the next change: >
- ]c
- To go the other way use: >
- [c
- Prepended a count to jump further away.
- You can move text from one window to the other. This either removes
- differences or adds new ones. Vim doesn't keep the highlighting updated in
- all situations. To update it use this command: >
- :diffupdate
- To remove a difference, you can move the text in a highlighted block from one
- window to another. Take the "main.c" and "main.c~" example above. Move the
- cursor to the left window, on the line that was deleted in the other window.
- Now type this command: >
- dp
- The change will be removed by putting the text of the current window in the
- other window. "dp" stands for "diff put".
- You can also do it the other way around. Move the cursor to the right
- window, to the line where "changed" was inserted. Now type this command: >
- do
- The change will now be removed by getting the text from the other window.
- Since there are no changes left now, Vim puts all text in a closed fold.
- "do" stands for "diff obtain". "dg" would have been better, but that already
- has a different meaning ("dgg" deletes from the cursor until the first line).
- For details about diff mode, see |vimdiff|.
- ==============================================================================
- *08.8* Various
- The 'laststatus' option can be used to specify when the last window has a
- statusline:
- 0 never
- 1 only when there are split windows (the default)
- 2 always
- Many commands that edit another file have a variant that splits the window.
- For Command-line commands this is done by prepending an "s". For example:
- ":tag" jumps to a tag, ":stag" splits the window and jumps to a
- tag.
- For Normal mode commands a CTRL-W is prepended. CTRL-^ jumps to the
- alternate file, CTRL-W CTRL-^ splits the window and edits the alternate file.
- The 'splitbelow' option can be set to make a new window appear below the
- current window. The 'splitright' option can be set to make a vertically split
- window appear right of the current window.
- When splitting a window you can prepend a modifier command to tell where the
- window is to appear:
- :leftabove {cmd} left or above the current window
- :aboveleft {cmd} idem
- :rightbelow {cmd} right or below the current window
- :belowright {cmd} idem
- :topleft {cmd} at the top or left of the Vim window
- :botright {cmd} at the bottom or right of the Vim window
- ==============================================================================
- *08.9* Tab pages
- You will have noticed that windows never overlap. That means you quickly run
- out of screen space. The solution for this is called Tab pages.
- Assume you are editing "thisfile". To create a new tab page use this command: >
- :tabedit thatfile
- This will edit the file "thatfile" in a window that occupies the whole Vim
- window. And you will notice a bar at the top with the two file names:
- +----------------------------------+
- | thisfile | /thatfile/ __________X| (thatfile is bold)
- |/* thatfile */ |
- |that |
- |that |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- | |
- +----------------------------------+
- You now have two tab pages. The first one has a window for "thisfile" and the
- second one a window for "thatfile". It's like two pages that are on top of
- each other, with a tab sticking out of each page showing the file name.
- Now use the mouse to click on "thisfile" in the top line. The result is
- +----------------------------------+
- | /thisfile/ | thatfile __________X| (thisfile is bold)
- |/* thisfile */ |
- |this |
- |this |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- | |
- +----------------------------------+
- Thus you can switch between tab pages by clicking on the label in the top
- line. If you don't have a mouse or don't want to use it, you can use the "gt"
- command. Mnemonic: Goto Tab.
- Now let's create another tab page with the command: >
- :tab split
- This makes a new tab page with one window that is editing the same buffer as
- the window we were in:
- +-------------------------------------+
- | thisfile | /thisfile/ | thatfile __X| (thisfile is bold)
- |/* thisfile */ |
- |this |
- |this |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- |~ |
- | |
- +-------------------------------------+
- You can put ":tab" before any Ex command that opens a window. The window will
- be opened in a new tab page. Another example: >
- :tab help gt
- Will show the help text for "gt" in a new tab page.
- A few more things you can do with tab pages:
- - click with the mouse in the space after the last label
- The next tab page will be selected, like with "gt".
- - click with the mouse on the "X" in the top right corner
- The current tab page will be closed. Unless there are unsaved
- changes in the current tab page.
- - double click with the mouse in the top line
- A new tab page will be created.
- - the "tabonly" command
- Closes all tab pages except the current one. Unless there are unsaved
- changes in other tab pages.
- For more information about tab pages see |tab-page|.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_09.txt| Using the GUI
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: