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- This is the source code for the Sniper multicore simulator developed
- by the Performance Lab research group at Ghent University, Belgium.
- Please refer to the NOTICE file in the top level directory for
- licensing and copyright information.
- For the latest version of the software or additional information, please
- see our website:
- http://snipersim.org
- If you are using Sniper, please let us know by posting a message on
- our user forum. If you use Sniper 6.0 or later in your research,
- (if you are using the Instruction-Window Centric core model, etc.),
- please acknowledge us by referencing our TACO 2014 paper:
- Trevor E. Carlson, Wim Heirman, Stijn Eyerman, Ibrahim Hur, Lieven
- Eeckhout, "An Evaluation of High-Level Mechanistic Core Models".
- In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),
- Volume 11, Issue 3, October 2014, Article No. 28
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2629677
- If you are using earlier versions of Sniper, please acknowledge
- us by referencing our SuperComputing 2011 paper:
- Trevor E. Carlson, Wim Heirman, Lieven Eeckhout, "Sniper: Exploring
- the Level of Abstraction for Scalable and Accurate Parallel Multi-Core
- Simulation". Proceedings of the International Conference for High
- Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC),
- pages 52:1--52:12, November 2011.
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2063384.2063454