xxhash.spec 939 B

  1. Name: xxhash
  2. Version: 0.8.1
  3. Release: 1%{?dist}
  4. Summary: fast non-crypto hash algorithm
  5. License: BSD
  6. URL: https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash
  7. Source0: https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash/archive/refs/tags/v0.8.1.tar.gz
  8. %description
  9. xxHash is an Extremely fast Hash algorithm, running at RAM speed limits.
  10. It successfully completes the SMHasher test suite which evaluates collision,
  11. dispersion and randomness qualities of hash functions. Code is highly
  12. portable, and hashes are identical across all platforms (little / big endian).
  13. %prep
  14. %setup -q -n xxHash-%{version}
  15. %build
  16. make PREFIX=%{_prefix} LIBDIR=%{_libdir} %{?_smp_mflags}
  17. %install
  18. make PREFIX=%{_prefix} LIBDIR=%{_libdir} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
  19. %post
  20. /sbin/ldconfig
  21. %postun
  22. /sbin/ldconfig
  23. %files
  24. %license LICENSE
  25. %{_bindir}/xxh*
  26. %{_libdir}/libxxhash.*
  27. %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libxxhash.pc
  28. %{_mandir}/man1/xxh*
  29. %{_includedir}/xxhash.h
  30. %{_includedir}/xxh3.h
  31. %changelog