INSTALL.Q2Mission 885 B

  1. INSTALL for Linux Quake2 Mission Packs
  2. --------------------------------------
  3. Installation
  4. ------------
  5. Mount the Quake2 Mission Pack CD as one would usually mount a CDROM, this can
  6. be accomplished by using the command:
  7. mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  8. As root. Once the CD is mounted, run the setup script on the CD as root.
  9. $ su
  10. Password:
  11. # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  12. # /bin/sh /mnt/setup
  13. The script will ask some questions about what options you want to install
  14. and automatically install the software into /usr/local/games/quake2.
  15. After Installation
  16. ------------------
  17. To run Quake2 Mission Pack #1: The Reckoning add the following option when
  18. executing Quake2:
  19. ./quake2 +set game xatrix
  20. To run Quake2 Mission Pack #2: Ground Zero add the following:
  21. ./quake2 +set game rogue
  22. Requirements
  23. ------------
  24. The Quake2 Mission Packs require a previous installation of Quake2.