123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244 |
- /*************************************************************************************************\
- LogisticsVariant.h : Interface for the LogisticsVariant component. This thing
- is a simplified mech/vehicle object without AI.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //
- //===========================================================================//
- \*************************************************************************************************/
- // forward declarations
- class MechAppearance;
- class LogisticsComponent;
- class CSVFile;
- class FitIniFile;
- #include "EString.h"
- #pragma warning (disable:4514)
- {
- HEAD = 0,
- CHEST = 1,
- LEGS = 2
- };
- class LogisticsChassis
- {
- public:
- LogisticsChassis( );
- int init( CSVFile* fileName, int chassisID );
- void setFitID( int id ){ fitID = id; }
- int getNameID() const { return chassisNameID; }
- int getEncyclopediaID() const { return encyclopediaID; }
- const EString& getFileName() const { return fileName; }
- int getHouseID() const{ return houseID; }
- float getMaxWeight() const{ return maxWeight; }
- const EString& getMechClass() const { return mechClass; }
- long getArmor() const { return baseArmor; }
- int getArmorClass() const;
- float getSpeed() const { return speed; }
- int getDisplaySpeed() const;
- void setScale( float newScale ) { scale = newScale; }
- float getScale() const { return scale; }
- long getMaxArmor() const { return maxArmor; }
- int getSensorID() const;
- int getECM() const;
- bool jumpJetsAllowed() const { return canHaveJumpJets; }
- protected:
- int refCount;
- float maxWeight;
- long chassisNameID; // resource ID
- long baseCost;
- long maxHeat;
- long baseArmor;
- long maxArmor;
- float speed;
- float scale;
- long iconPictureIndex;
- long ID;
- EString fileName;
- EString mechClass;
- EString iconFileNames[3];
- long componentAreaWidth;
- long componentAreaHeight;
- bool canHaveAdvSensor;//can Mech Have Advanced Sensor installed.
- bool canHaveOptics;//can Mech Have Optics Installed.
- bool canHaveGlobalSensor;//can Mech have Global Sensor installed.
- bool canHaveECM;//can Mech have ECM Installed.
- bool canHaveActiveProbe;//can Mech have Active Probe Installed.
- bool canHaveJumpJets;
- bool canHaveExtendedSensor;
- long encyclopediaID;
- long helpID;
- long houseID;
- long fitID;
- MechAppearance* appearance;
- friend class LogisticsVariant;
- friend class LogisticsMech;
- static int weightClasses[]; // mech weights
- friend class LogisticsData;
- struct ComponentInfo
- {
- long xCoord;
- long yCoord;
- LogisticsComponent* component;
- };
- };
- class LogisticsVariant
- {
- protected:
- public:
- LogisticsVariant();
- LogisticsVariant( const LogisticsChassis* pChassis, bool isDesignerMech );
- LogisticsVariant( const LogisticsVariant& ); // going to need copy c'tor
- virtual ~LogisticsVariant();
- int init( CSVFile* fileName, LogisticsChassis*, int blockID );
- int compareWeight( LogisticsVariant* );
- inline bool isAvailable() const { return (availableToUser && !bHidden); }
- unsigned long getID() const { return ID; }
- float getMaxWeight() const { return chassis->maxWeight; }
- long getChassisName() const { return chassis->chassisNameID; }
- const EString& getName() const { return variantName; }
- long getEncyclopediaID() const { return chassis->encyclopediaID; }
- long getHelpID() const { return chassis->helpID; }
- long getBaseCost() const { return chassis->baseCost; }
- long getComponentCount() const { return componentCount; }
- int canAddComponent( LogisticsComponent* pComponent, long& x, long& y ) const;
- int getCost() const;
- int getWeight() const;
- const EString& getMechClass() const;
- int getChassisID() const { return chassis->ID; }
- int getArmor() const;
- int getArmorClass() { return chassis->getArmorClass(); }
- int getJumpRange() const;
- int getMaxJumpRange() const;
- int getSpeed() const;
- int getDisplaySpeed() const;
- int getVariantID() const { return ID & 0x00ffffff; }
- const EString& getSmallIconFileName() const { return chassis->iconFileNames[0]; }
- const EString& getMediumIconFileName() const { return chassis->iconFileNames[1]; }
- const EString& getLargeIconFileName() const { return chassis->iconFileNames[2]; }
- int getComponentsWithLocation( long& count, long* IDArray, long* xLocationArray, long* yLocationArray );
- int removeComponent( long xCoord, long yCoord );
- int addComponent( LogisticsComponent*, long& xCoord, long& yCoord );
- inline bool canDelete( ) const { return !isDesignerMech(); }
- inline bool isDesignerMech() const { return bDesignerMech; }
- int getComponents( long& count, long* array );
- int getComponents( long& count, LogisticsComponent** array );
- int getHeat() const;
- int getMaxHeat() const;
- LogisticsVariant& operator=( const LogisticsVariant& );
- bool operator==( const LogisticsVariant& src );
- const EString& getFileName(){ return chassis->fileName; }
- long save( FitIniFile& file, long counter );
- const LogisticsChassis* getChassis() const { return chassis; }
- bool addComponent( int idFromFitFile, long& x, long& y );
- void setName( const char* name ); // will allocate for you
- void setAvailable( bool available );
- int getIconIndex() const { return chassis->iconPictureIndex; }
- int getComponentAreaWidth() const{ return chassis->componentAreaWidth; }
- int getComponentAreaHeight() const { return chassis->componentAreaHeight; }
- LogisticsComponent* getCompAtLocation( int i, int j, long& realI, long& realJ );
- int getComponentLocation( LogisticsComponent* pComp, long& i, long& j );
- int getOptimalRangeString( long& color ) const;
- long getHouseID(){ return chassis->houseID; }
- long getMaxArmor() const { return chassis->maxArmor; }
- int getSensorID() const { return chassis->getSensorID(); }
- int getECM() const { return chassis->getECM(); }
- bool allComponentsAvailable() const;
- int getFileID() const { return fileID; }
- protected:
- const LogisticsChassis::ComponentInfo* getComponentAtLocation(long x, long y) const;
- unsigned long ID; // bottom 8 bits = mech chassis, next 8 = number within
- int fileID; // in csv file
- LogisticsChassis* chassis;
- EString variantName; // in file
- long componentCount;
- LogisticsChassis::ComponentInfo components[54]; // I count a max of 54 components, might want to check though
- bool availableToUser;
- bool bDesignerMech;
- bool bHidden;
- bool hasJumpJets() const;
- bool hasECM() const;
- bool hasSensor() const;
- friend class LogisticsMech;
- };
- class LogisticsVehicle : public LogisticsChassis
- {
- public:
- void init( FitIniFile& file );
- int getComponents( long& count, LogisticsComponent** array );
- protected:
- long componentCount;
- ComponentInfo components[54]; // I count a max of 54 components, might want to check though
- };
- //*************************************************************************************************
- #endif // end of file ( LogisticsVariant.h )