123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542 |
- //===========================================================================//
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //
- //===========================================================================//
- // Notes essentially EString, except that it uses chars (not wchars) even when UNICODE is defined
- //
- //***************************************************************
- //***************************************************************
- /* just for this file, we want UNICODE, K_UNICODE and MBCS undefined */
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #undef UNICODE
- #endif /* def UNICODE */
- #ifdef K_UNICODE
- #undef K_UNICODE
- #endif /* def K_UNICODE */
- #ifdef MBCS
- #undef MBCS
- #endif /* def MBCS */
- //***************************************************************
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define ECSChar unsigned short
- #else
- #define ECSChar char
- #endif
- #include <gameos.hpp>
- class ECharString
- {
- public:
- static const int INVALID_INDEX;
- /*explicit*/ ECharString( const ECSChar* newString );
- ECharString( const ECharString& );
- /*explicit*/ ECharString( const ECSChar );
- ECharString();
- ~ECharString();
- void Replace( int Start_Index, const ECharString& String );
- void Replace( int Start_Index, const ECSChar* );
- bool Remove( int Start_Index, int End_Index );
- bool Remove( ECharString& Sub_String );
- // puts this string in the middle of another string
- inline void Insert( int Start_Index, const ECharString& String );
- void Insert( int Start_Index, const ECSChar* String );
- void Swap( ECharString& );
- inline void Empty();
- void MakeUpper();
- void MakeLower();
- void Reverse();
- // works like sprintf with the destination buffer being
- // the this pointer
- void Format( const ECSChar*, ... );
- inline const ECharString& operator=( const ECSChar* );
- inline const ECharString& operator=( const ECharString& );
- inline const ECharString& operator=( ECSChar );
- inline const ECharString& operator+=( const ECSChar* );
- inline const ECharString& operator+=( const ECharString& );
- inline const ECharString& operator+=( ECSChar );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECharString&, const ECharString& );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECSChar*, const ECharString& );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECharString& , const ECSChar* );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECharString&, const ECSChar );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECSChar, const ECharString& );
- // these are case sensitive, use Compare
- // if you don't want case senstitivity
- inline bool operator==( const ECharString& ) const;
- inline bool operator==( const ECSChar* ) const;
- inline friend bool operator==( const ECSChar*, const ECharString& );
- // these functions return -1 if "this" is less than the passed in string
- int Compare( const ECharString&, bool Case_Sensitive = false ) const;
- int Compare( const ECSChar*, bool Case_Sensitive = false ) const;
- bool operator!=( const ECharString& ) const;
- bool operator!=( const ECSChar*) const;
- friend bool operator!=( const ECSChar*, const ECharString& );
- inline ECSChar& operator[]( int Index );
- inline const ECSChar& operator[](int Index) const;
- inline bool operator<( const ECharString& ) const;
- inline bool operator<( const ECSChar* ) const;
- inline friend bool operator<( const ECSChar*, const ECharString& );
- inline bool operator<=( const ECharString& ) const;
- inline bool operator<=( const ECSChar*) const;
- inline friend bool operator<=( const ECSChar*, const ECharString&);
- inline bool operator>( const ECharString& ) const;
- inline bool operator>(const ECSChar*) const;
- inline friend bool operator>( const ECSChar*, const ECharString&);
- inline bool operator>=( const ECharString& ) const;
- inline bool operator>=( const ECSChar*) const;
- inline friend bool operator>=( const ECSChar*, const ECharString&);
- int Size() const; // number of bytes
- int Length() const; // number of characters
- // search functions
- int Find( ECSChar, int Start_Index = ECharString::INVALID_INDEX) const;
- int Find( const ECharString&, int Start_Index = ECharString::INVALID_INDEX) const;
- int Find( const ECSChar*, int Start_Index = ECharString::INVALID_INDEX) const;
- int ReverseFind ( ECSChar, int End_Index = ECharString::INVALID_INDEX) const;
- // we are going to treat this object as a TCHAR array, so we
- // don't have to worry about #of chars versus #of bytes
- ECharString SubString( int Start_Index, int End_Index ) const;
- inline ECharString Left( int Num_Chars) const;
- inline ECharString Right( int Num_Chars) const;
- inline bool IsEmpty() const;
- unsigned short* CreateUNICODE() const;
- char* CreateMBCS() const;
- inline const ECSChar* Data() const;
- #ifndef UNICODE
- int Find( unsigned short, int Start_Index = -1 ) const;
- #else // K_UNICODE
- // we'll convert string literals for you
- ECharString( const char* );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECharString&, char* );
- friend ECharString operator+( char*, const ECharString& );
- friend ECharString operator+( char, const ECharString& );
- friend ECharString operator+( const ECharString&, char );
- const ECharString& operator+=( const char* );
- const ECharString& operator+=( char );
- const ECharString& operator=( char );
- bool operator==( const char* );
- friend bool operator==( const char*, const ECharString& );
- bool operator!=( const char*) const;
- friend bool operator!=( const char*, const ECharString& );
- bool operator<( const char* ) const;
- friend bool operator<( const char*, const ECharString& );
- bool operator>( const char* ) const;
- friend bool operator>( const char*, const ECharString& );
- bool operator<=( const char*) const;
- friend bool operator<=( const char*, const ECharString&);
- bool operator>=( const char*) const;
- friend bool operator>=( const char*, const ECharString&);
- void Format( const char*, ... );
- int Find( char, int Start_Index = ECharString::INVALID_INDEX) const;
- #endif // Unicode
- private:
- // helper functions
- // Allocates a specific amount
- void Alloc( int Min_Amount );
- // Reallocates if you want to make a change to a shared buffer
- inline void ChecEBuffer();
- void ChecEBufferDoRealloc();
- // sets the buffer, reallocs if necessary
- void Assign( const ECSChar* p_Str );
- static inline unsigned short* ToUnicode( unsigned short* Buffer, const unsigned char* p_Str, int Num_Chars );
- static inline int StrSize( const ECSChar* p_Str );
- struct EBuffer
- {
- int m_Ref_Count; // reference count
- int m_Data_Length; // Length of String
- int m_Alloc_Length; // Length of the Buffer
- inline ECSChar* Data();
- inline void Release();
- static EBuffer s_Empty_Buffer;
- static EBuffer* s_p_Empty_Buffer;
- };
- EBuffer* m_pBuffer;
- static const int s_Alloc_Allign;
- static const int s_Force_Ansi;
- static const int s_Force_Unicode;
- };
- //***************************************************************
- // inlines
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline void ECharString::ChecEBuffer()
- {
- if ( m_pBuffer->m_Ref_Count > 0 )
- {
- m_pBuffer->m_Ref_Count --;
- m_pBuffer = EBuffer::s_p_Empty_Buffer;
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline void ECharString::EBuffer::Release()
- {
- if ( this != s_p_Empty_Buffer )
- {
- m_Ref_Count --;
- if ( m_Ref_Count < 0 )
- {
- delete [] (char*)this;
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline void ECharString::Empty()
- {
- m_pBuffer->Release();
- m_pBuffer = EBuffer::s_p_Empty_Buffer;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline void ECharString::Insert( int Start_Index, const ECharString& String )
- {
- Insert( Start_Index, String.m_pBuffer->Data() );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECharString& ECharString::operator=( const ECSChar* p_String )
- {
- ChecEBuffer();
- Assign( p_String );
- return *this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECharString& ECharString::operator=( const ECharString& Src )
- {
- if ( &Src != this )
- {
- m_pBuffer->Release();
- m_pBuffer = Src.m_pBuffer;
- Src.m_pBuffer->m_Ref_Count ++;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECharString& ECharString::operator=( ECSChar Char )
- {
- ChecEBuffer();
- ECSChar Tmp[2];
- Tmp[0] = Char;
- Tmp[1] = 0;
- Assign( Tmp );
- return *this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECharString& ECharString::operator+=( const ECSChar* p_String )
- {
- Insert( m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length, p_String );
- return *this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECharString& ECharString::operator+=( const ECharString& String )
- {
- Insert( m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length, String );
- return *this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECharString& ECharString::operator+=( ECSChar Char )
- {
- ECSChar Tmp[2];
- Tmp[0] = Char;
- Tmp[1] = 0;
- Insert( m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length, Tmp );
- return *this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator!=( const ECharString& Str_To_Compare ) const
- {
- return !( operator==(Str_To_Compare) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator!=( const ECSChar* p_Str_To_Compare ) const
- {
- return !( operator==( p_Str_To_Compare ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline ECharString ECharString::Left( int Num_Chars) const
- {
- // Bill changed to Num_Chars - 1, this was always returning one character too many
- return SubString( 0, Num_Chars - 1 );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline ECharString ECharString::Right( int Num_Chars) const
- {
- return SubString( m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length - Num_Chars,
- m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length - 1 );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::IsEmpty() const
- {
- return (m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length <= 0);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECSChar* ECharString::Data() const
- {
- return ( m_pBuffer->Data() );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline ECSChar* ECharString::EBuffer::Data()
- {
- if ( !m_Alloc_Length )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return (ECSChar*)(this + 1);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator==( const ECharString& Str_To_Compare) const
- {
- return ( 0 == Compare( Str_To_Compare, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator==( const ECSChar* p_String ) const
- {
- return ( 0 == Compare( p_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool operator==( const ECSChar* p_String, const ECharString& Str )
- {
- return ( 0 == Str.Compare( p_String ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool operator!=( const ECSChar* p_String, const ECharString& Str )
- {
- return !(Str == p_String );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline ECSChar& ECharString::operator[]( int Index )
- {
- ChecEBufferDoRealloc();
- gosASSERT( Index < m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length );
- return *(m_pBuffer->Data() + Index);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline const ECSChar& ECharString::operator[](int Index) const
- {
- gosASSERT( Index < m_pBuffer->m_Data_Length );
- return *(m_pBuffer->Data() + Index);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator<( const ECharString& Greater_String ) const
- {
- return ( 0 > Compare( Greater_String, true));
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool operator<( const ECSChar* p_Lesser_String,
- const ECharString& Greater_String )
- {
- return ( 0 < Greater_String.Compare( p_Lesser_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator<( const ECSChar* p_Greater_String ) const
- {
- return ( 0 > Compare( p_Greater_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator<=( const ECharString& Greater_String ) const
- {
- return ( 1 > Compare( Greater_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool operator<=( const ECSChar* p_Lesser_String,
- const ECharString& Greater_String )
- {
- return ( 0 < Greater_String.Compare( p_Lesser_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator<=( const ECSChar* p_Greater_String ) const
- {
- return ( 1 > Compare( p_Greater_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator>( const ECharString& Lesser_String ) const
- {
- return ( 0 < Compare( Lesser_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool operator>( const ECSChar* p_Greater_String,
- const ECharString& Lesser_String )
- {
- return ( 0 > Lesser_String.Compare( p_Greater_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator>( const ECSChar* p_Lesser_String ) const
- {
- return ( 0 < Compare( p_Lesser_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator>=( const ECharString& Lesser_String ) const
- {
- return ( -1 < Compare( Lesser_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool operator>=( const ECSChar* p_Greater_String,
- const ECharString& Lesser_String )
- {
- return ( 1 > Lesser_String.Compare( p_Greater_String, true ) );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline bool ECharString::operator>=( const ECSChar* p_Lesser_String ) const
- {
- return ( -1 < Compare( p_Lesser_String, true ) );
- }
- //***************************************************************
- /* restore UNICODE, K_UNICODE and MBCS to their previous state */
- //***************************************************************
- #endif //ECharString_H_