123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- /*************************************************************************************************\
- HeightDlg.cpp : Implementation of the HeightDlg component.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //
- //===========================================================================//
- \*************************************************************************************************/
- #include "HeightDlg.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- HeightDlg::HeightDlg( int minZ, int maxZ)
- : CDialog( IDD_HEIGHT_DLG )
- {
- min = minZ;
- max = maxZ;
- }
- void HeightDlg::Init()
- {
- char minTxt[256];
- char maxTxt[256];
- itoa( min, minTxt, 10 );
- itoa( max, maxTxt, 10 );
- (GetDlgItem( IDC_MIN ))->SetWindowText( minTxt );
- (GetDlgItem( IDC_MAX ))->SetWindowText( maxTxt );
- }
- void HeightDlg::OnOK()
- {
- char minTxt[256];
- char maxTxt[256];
- (GetDlgItem( IDC_MIN ))->GetWindowText( minTxt, 256 );
- (GetDlgItem( IDC_MAX ))->GetWindowText( maxTxt, 256 );
- min = atoi( minTxt );
- max = atoi( maxTxt );
- CDialog::OnOK();
- }
- //void HeightDlg::OnCommand(Window *wnd,int nCommand)
- //{
- /* if (nCommand == BC_CLICKED)
- {
- wchar_t wcsMinTxt[256];
- wchar_t wcsMaxTxt[256];
- ((Entry*)GetDlgItem( IDC_MIN ))->GetEntry( wcsMinTxt, 256 );
- ((Entry*)GetDlgItem( IDC_MAX ))->GetEntry( wcsMaxTxt, 256 );
- char minTxt[256];
- char maxTxt[256];
- WcsToStr( minTxt, wcsMinTxt );
- WcsToStr( maxTxt, wcsMaxTxt );
- min = atoi( minTxt );
- max = atoi( maxTxt );
- EndDialog(wnd->GetID());
- }*/
- //}
- //*************************************************************************************************
- // end of file ( HeightDlg.cpp )