123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358 |
- /*************************************************************************************************\
- EditorObjectMgr.h : Interface for the EditorObjectMgr component. This thing holds lists
- of all the objects on the map.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //
- //===========================================================================//
- \*************************************************************************************************/
- #ifndef ELIST_H
- #include "Elist.h"
- #endif
- #include "EditorObjects.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef FOREST_H
- #include "Forest.h"
- #endif
- #include "mclib.h"
- class ObjectAppearance;
- class AppearanceType;
- class EditorObject;
- class Mech;
- class BuildingLink;
- class EditorObjectMgr
- {
- private:
- struct Building;
- public:
- static EditorObjectMgr* instance(){ return s_instance; }
- enum BuildingType
- {
- DROP_ZONE = 1,
- };
- class EDITOR_OBJECT_LIST : public EList< EditorObject*, EditorObject*>
- {
- public:
- void AddUnique(EditorObject* item)
- {
- if ((0 < Count()) && (INVALID_ITERATOR != Find(item)))
- {
- return;
- }
- Append(item);
- }
- void RemoveIfThere(EditorObject* item)
- {
- if (0 < Count())
- {
- EIterator it = Find(item);
- {
- Delete(it);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- EditorObjectMgr(); // should only be one of these
- ~EditorObjectMgr();
- void render();
- void update();
- void renderShadows();
- void init( const char* bldgListFileName, const char* objectFileName );
- EditorObject* addBuilding( const Stuff::Vector3D& position,
- unsigned long group,
- unsigned long indexWithinGroup,
- int alignment,
- float rotation = 0.0,
- float height = 1.0,
- bool bSnapToCell = true ); // returns NULL if failure
- bool addBuilding( EditorObject* pObjectThatWeWillCopy );
- EditorObject* addDropZone( const Stuff::Vector3D& position,
- int alignment, bool bVTol ); // returns NULL if failure
- bool deleteBuilding( const EditorObject* pInfo ); // should only be one building in a spot
- bool deleteObject( const EditorObject* pInfo){ return deleteBuilding( pInfo ); } // only object FOR NOW
- /* This function (getObjectAtPosition(...)) is for use in determining objects selected by the
- mouse, not really for general use. It appears to return an object that a) is visible on screen,
- and b) has the property that the screen projection of the given position is contained in
- (intersect with) the screen projection of the object. */
- EditorObject* getObjectAtPosition( const Stuff::Vector3D& position );
- /*This function (getObjectAtCell(...)) returns an object that occupies the given cell (i.e. it
- doesn't have to be centered at the given cell).*/
- EditorObject* getObjectAtCell( long cellJ, long cellI );
- /*This function (getObjectAtLocation(...)) returns an object whose x and y positions are the
- same as (or very close to) those given. Screen visibility, object geometry, etc., are not
- considerred.*/
- EditorObject* getObjectAtLocation( float x, float y );
- EditorObject* getBuilding( const EditorObject &building );
- bool canAddBuilding( const Stuff::Vector3D& position,
- float rotation,
- unsigned long group,
- unsigned long indexWithinGroup );
- bool canAddDropZone( const Stuff::Vector3D& position, int alignment, bool bVTol );
- int getBuildingGroupCount() const; // mechs count too!
- int getNumberBuildingsInGroup( int Group ) const;
- void getBuildingGroupNames( const char** names, int& numberOfNames ) const;
- void getNamesOfObjectsInGroup( const char* groupName, const char** names, int& numberOfNames ) const;
- void getBuildingNamesInGroup( int Group, const char** names, int& numberOfNames ) const;
- int getNumberOfVariants( int group, int indexInGroup ) const;
- void getVariantNames( int group, int indexInGroup, const char** names, int& numberOfNames ) const;
- const char* getGroupName( int group ) const;
- const char* getObjectName( int ID ) const;
- int getUnitGroupCount() const;
- void getUnitGroupNames( const char** names, int* IDs, int& numberOfNames ) const;
- bool save( PacketFile& file, int whichPacket );
- bool load( PacketFile& file, int whichPacket );
- bool saveMechs( FitIniFile& file );
- bool loadMechs( FitIniFile& file ); // need to implement this
- bool saveDropZones( FitIniFile& file );
- bool loadDropZones( FitIniFile& file );
- bool saveForests( FitIniFile& file );
- bool loadForests( FitIniFile& file );
- int getFitID( int id ) const;
- bool moveBuilding( EditorObject* pInfo, long cellI, long cellJ );
- bool getBlocksLineOfFire( int id ) const;
- bool getIsHoverCraft( int id ) const;
- inline int getID( long group, long index ) { return (getType(group,index) << 24) | (group << 16) | (index << 8); }
- void clear(); // delete all objects
- __int64 getImpassability( int id );
- inline static unsigned long getGroup( long id );
- inline static unsigned long getIndexInGroup( long id );
- inline int getAppearanceType( int ID );
- bool getBuildingFromID( int fitID, unsigned long& group, unsigned long& index, bool canBeMech );
- void unselectAll();
- void select( const Stuff::Vector4D& pos1, const Stuff::Vector4D& pos2 );
- void select( EditorObject &object, bool bSelect = true );
- void objectSelectionChanged(void) /* use this to notify the EditorObjectMgr when selection states of objects are changed externally */
- { selectedObjectsNeedsToBeSynched = true; }
- bool hasSelection();
- int getSelectionCount(); // returns the number of selected items
- EDITOR_OBJECT_LIST getSelectedObjectList();
- void deleteSelectedObjects();
- void adjustObjectsToNewTerrainHeights();
- ObjectAppearance* getAppearance( unsigned long group,
- unsigned long indexWithinGroup );
- ObjectAppearance* getAppearance( Building* pBuilding );
- // LINKS!
- BuildingLink* getLinkWithParent( const EditorObject* pObj );
- BuildingLink* getLinkWithChild( const EditorObject* pObj );
- BuildingLink* getLinkWithBuilding( const EditorObject* pObj ); // parent or child
- void addLink( BuildingLink* );
- void deleteLink( BuildingLink* );
- inline BuildingType getSpecialType( int ID );
- inline bool isCapturable( int ID );
- inline float getScale( int ID );
- inline bool isAlignable( int ID );
- inline int getObjectTypeNum( int ID );
- inline const char* getFileName( int ID ) const;
- inline const char* getTGAFileName( int ID ) const;
- inline DWORD getTacMapColor( int ID ) const;
- typedef EList< EditorObject*, EditorObject*> BUILDING_LIST; // buildings on the map
- typedef EList< Unit*, Unit* > UNIT_LIST;
- void getSelectedUnits( UNIT_LIST& );
- UNIT_LIST getUnits() { return units; }
- BUILDING_LIST getBuildings() { return buildings; }
- unsigned long getNextAvailableSquadNum() { return nextAvailableSquadNum; }
- void registerSquadNum(unsigned long squadNum);
- void unregisterSquadNum(unsigned long squadNum) {}
- void resetAvailableSquadNums() { nextAvailableSquadNum = 1; }
- int getNextAvailableForestID();
- long createForest( const Forest& settings );
- void editForest( long& ID, const Forest& newSettings );
- void removeForest( const Forest& settings );
- const Forest* getForest( long ID );
- long getForests( Forest** pForests, long& count );
- void selectForest( long ID );
- private:
- struct Building
- {
- char name[64];
- char** varNames;
- int nameID;
- char fileName[64];
- AppearanceType* appearanceType;
- int type;
- unsigned long fitID;
- __int64 impassability;
- bool blocksLineOfFire;
- BuildingType specialType;
- bool capturable;
- bool alignable;
- DWORD writeOnTacMap;
- char tgaName[64];
- long objectTypeNum;
- char forestId;
- float scale;
- bool isHoverCraft;
- ~Building();
- };
- struct Group
- {
- char name[64];
- EList< Building, Building& > buildings;
- };
- typedef EList< EditorObject*, EditorObject*> BUILDING_LIST; // buildings on the map
- typedef EList< Unit*, Unit* > UNIT_LIST;
- typedef EList< Group, Group& > GROUP_LIST;
- typedef EList< BuildingLink*, BuildingLink* > LINK_LIST;
- typedef EList< DropZone*, DropZone* > DROP_LIST;
- typedef EList< Forest*, Forest* > FOREST_LIST;
- GROUP_LIST groups; // list of possible buildings
- Group dropZoneGroup;
- BUILDING_LIST buildings;
- UNIT_LIST units;
- LINK_LIST links;
- DROP_LIST dropZones;
- FOREST_LIST forests;
- EDITOR_OBJECT_LIST selectedObjects;
- bool selectedObjectsNeedsToBeSynched;
- void syncSelectedObjectPointerList(); // makes sure that the "selectedObjects" list corresponds to the objects marked as selected
- int ExtractNextString( unsigned char*& pFileLine, char* pBuffer, int bufferLength );
- int ExtractNextInt( unsigned char*& pFileLine );
- float ExtractNextFloat( unsigned char*& pFileLine );
- int getType( unsigned long group, unsigned long indexWithinGroup );
- void getRandomTreeFromGroup( int treeGroup, int& group, int& index );
- void doForest( const Forest& forest );
- unsigned long nextAvailableSquadNum;
- static EditorObjectMgr* s_instance; // the one and only instance of this object
- };
- inline unsigned long EditorObjectMgr::getGroup( long id )
- {
- return ((id >> 16) & 0x00ff);
- }
- inline unsigned long EditorObjectMgr::getIndexInGroup( long id )
- {
- return ((id >> 8) & 0x00ff);
- }
- inline EditorObjectMgr::BuildingType EditorObjectMgr::getSpecialType( int ID )
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].specialType;
- }
- inline bool EditorObjectMgr::isAlignable( int ID )
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].alignable;
- }
- inline int EditorObjectMgr::getAppearanceType( int ID )
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].appearanceType->getAppearanceClass();
- }
- inline int EditorObjectMgr::getObjectTypeNum( int ID )
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].objectTypeNum;
- }
- inline const char* EditorObjectMgr::getFileName( int ID ) const
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].fileName;
- }
- inline const char* EditorObjectMgr::getTGAFileName( int ID ) const
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].tgaName;
- }
- inline DWORD EditorObjectMgr::getTacMapColor( int ID ) const
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].writeOnTacMap;
- }
- inline float EditorObjectMgr::getScale( int ID )
- {
- return groups[getGroup( ID )].buildings[getIndexInGroup( ID )].scale;
- }
- //*************************************************************************************************
- #endif // end of file ( EditorObjectMgr.h )