123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537 |
- #define MPSTATS_CPP
- /*************************************************************************************************\
- MPStats.cpp : Implementation of the MPStats component.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //
- //===========================================================================//
- \*************************************************************************************************/
- #include "MPStats.h"
- #include "..\resource.h"
- #include "MissionBriefingScreen.h"
- #include "ChatWindow.h"
- #include "MechBayScreen.h"
- #include "LogisticsDialog.h"
- #define MP_STATS_SAVE 400
- MPStats::MPStats( )
- {
- helpTextArrayID = 8;
- status = -1;
- bHostLeftDlg = 0;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPStats::~MPStats()
- {
- }
- int MPStats::init()
- {
- FitIniFile file;
- FullPathFileName path;
- path.init( artPath, "mcl_mp_stats", ".fit" );
- if ( NO_ERR != file.open( path ) )
- {
- char buffer2[512];
- sprintf( buffer2, "couldn't open file %s", (char*)path );
- Assert( 0, 0, buffer2 );
- return false;
- }
- LogisticsScreen::init( file, "Static", "Text", "Rect", "Button", "Edit" );
- entries[0].init( );
- entries[0].moveTo( rects[1].globalX(), rects[1].globalY() );
- entries[0].resize( rects[1].width(), rects[1].height() );
- for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_MC_PLAYERS-1; i++ )
- {
- entries[i+1] = entries[0];
- entries[i+1].move( 0, (i+1) * (entries[0].height()+1) );
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ )
- buttons[i].setMessageOnRelease();
- bSavingStats = 0;
- bHostLeftDlg = 0;
- return true;
- }
- int __cdecl sortStats( const void* pPlayer1, const void* pPlayer2 )
- {
- MC2Player* player1 = *(MC2Player**)pPlayer1;
- MC2Player* player2 = *(MC2Player**)pPlayer2;
- if ( player1->rank > player2->rank )
- return 1;
- else if ( (player1)->rank < (player2)->rank )
- return -1;
- //else if ( (player1)->kills > (player2)->kills )
- // return 1;
- //else if ( (player1)->losses > (player2)->losses )
- // return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- void MPStats::end()
- {
- MPlayer->setInProgress(false);
- bSavingStats = 0;
- }
- void MPStats::begin()
- {
- bSavingStats = 0;
- status = RUNNING;
- beginFadeIn( .5 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_MC_PLAYERS; i++ )
- entries[i].showGUIWindow( 0 );
- statics[15].setColor( 0 );
- // need to set up map name
- bool bRes = 0;
- char text2[256];
- char text[256];
- cLoadString( IDS_MP_LM_MAP_LIST_MAP_NAME, text, 255 );
- sprintf( text2, text, MPlayer->missionSettings.name );
- textObjects[1].setText( text2 );
- unsigned long type = MPlayer->missionSettings.missionType ;
- cLoadString( IDS_MP_LM_MAP_LIST_TYPE, text, 255 );
- char mType[128];
- cLoadString( IDS_MP_LM_TYPE0 + type, mType, 127 );
- sprintf( text2, text, mType );
- textObjects[6].setText( text2 );
- unsigned long numPlayers = MPlayer->missionSettings.maxPlayers;
- cLoadString( IDS_MP_LM_MAP_LIST_MAX_PLAYERS, text, 255 );
- sprintf( text2, text, numPlayers );
- textObjects[7].setText( text2 );
- }
- int MPStats::handleMessage( unsigned long what, unsigned long who )
- {
- if ( who == MP_STATS_SAVE )
- {
- LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->beginTranscript();
- bSavingStats = true;
- }
- else if ( who == MB_MSG_NEXT )
- {
- status = NEXT;
- end();
- beginFadeOut(.5f);
- statics[15].setTexture( (unsigned long)0 );
- statics[15].setColor( 0 );
- }
- return 1;
- }
- void MPStats::render( int xOffset, int yOffset )
- {
- LogisticsScreen::render( xOffset, yOffset );
- for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_MC_PLAYERS; i++ )
- {
- entries[i].render( 0, 0 );
- }
- ChatWindow::instance()->render(xOffset, yOffset);
- if ( bSavingStats )
- {
- LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->render();
- }
- if ( bHostLeftDlg )
- {
- LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->render();
- }
- }
- void MPStats::update()
- {
- if ( status == RUNNING && !statics[15].getColor() )
- {
- long textureHandle = MissionBriefingScreen::getMissionTGA( MPlayer->missionSettings.map );
- statics[15].setTexture( textureHandle );
- statics[15].setUVs( 0, 127, 127, 0 );
- statics[15].setColor( 0xffffffff );
- long playerCount = 0;
- const MC2Player* players = MPlayer->getPlayers(playerCount);
- const MC2Player* sorted[MAX_MC_PLAYERS];
- int winnerCount = 0;
- for ( int j = 0; j < playerCount; j++ )
- {
- sorted[j] = &players[j];
- if ( sorted[j]->rank == 1 )
- winnerCount++;
- }
- bool scoreShown[MAX_MC_PLAYERS]; // keep track of whose shown the score
- memset( scoreShown, 0, sizeof( bool ) * MAX_MC_PLAYERS );
- unsigned long winnerColor = 0xffFFCC00; // gold
- if ( winnerCount > 1 )
- winnerColor = 0xffA6A6A6;
- qsort( sorted, playerCount, sizeof( MC2Player*), sortStats );
- for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_MC_PLAYERS; i++ )
- {
- if ( i < playerCount )
- {
- entries[i].setData( sorted[i], winnerColor, !scoreShown[sorted[i]->team] );
- scoreShown[sorted[i]->team] = true;
- entries[i].showGUIWindow( true );
- }
- else
- entries[i].showGUIWindow( 0 );
- }
- }
- if ( bSavingStats )
- {
- LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->update();
- if ( LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->getStatus() == YES )
- {
- EString str = LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->getFileName();
- FullPathFileName oldPath;
- FullPathFileName newPath;
- newPath.init( "data\\multiplayer\\transcripts\\", str, ".txt");
- oldPath.init( "data\\multiplayer\\transcripts\\", "transcript", ".txt" );
- LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->end();
- CopyFile(oldPath, newPath,0);
- bSavingStats = 0;
- }
- else if ( LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->getStatus() == NO )
- {
- if ( LogisticsVariantDialog::instance()->isDone() )
- bSavingStats = 0;
- }
- }
- else if ( bHostLeftDlg )
- {
- LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->update();
- if ( LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->isDone() )
- {
- LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->end();
- bHostLeftDlg = 0;
- }
- }
- else if ( !ChatWindow::instance()->pointInside(userInput->getMouseX(), userInput->getMouseY()) )
- LogisticsScreen::update();
- if ( ChatWindow::instance() )
- ChatWindow::instance()->update();
- }
- void MPStats::setHostLeftDlg( const char* hostName )
- {
- char leaveStr[256];
- char formatStr[256];
- cLoadString( IDS_PLAYER_LEFT, leaveStr, 255 );
- sprintf( formatStr, leaveStr, hostName );
- LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->setText( IDS_PLAYER_LEFT,
- LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->setText( formatStr );
- LogisticsOneButtonDialog::instance()->begin();
- bHostLeftDlg = true;
- }
- //*************************************************************************************************
- MPStatsEntry::MPStatsEntry()
- {
- overlayColor = 0;
- }
- void MPStatsEntry::render( int x, int y )
- {
- LogisticsScreen::render( x, y );
- }
- MPStatsEntry::~MPStatsEntry()
- {
- }
- void MPStatsEntry::init()
- {
- FitIniFile file;
- FullPathFileName path;
- path.init( artPath, "mcl_mp_scoreboard", ".fit" );
- if ( NO_ERR != file.open( path ) )
- {
- char buffer2[512];
- sprintf( buffer2, "couldn't open file %s", (char*)path );
- Assert( 0, 0, buffer2 );
- return;
- }
- LogisticsScreen::init( file, "Static", "Text", "Rect", "Button", "Edit" );
- aObject::init( rects[2].left(), rects[2].top(), rects[5].right() - rects[0].left(), rects[2].height() );
- overlayColor = 0;
- }
- void MPStatsEntry::setData(const MC2Player* data, bool bShowScore )
- {
- long color = data ? MPlayer->colors[data->baseColor[BASECOLOR_TEAM]] : 0x00000000;
- long color2 = data ? MPlayer->colors[data->stripeColor] : 0x00000000;
- long scoreColor = 0xffffffff;
- if ( data && MPlayer->allUnitsDestroyed[data->commanderID] )
- scoreColor = 0xff7f7f7f;
- rects[0].setColor( color2 );
- rects[1].setColor( color );
- long textColor = 0xff000000;
- if ( ((color & 0xff) + ( (color & 0xff00)>>8 ) + ( (color & 0xff0000)>>16 ))/3 < 85 )
- textColor = 0xffffffff;
- if ( !data )
- {
- textObjects[0].setText( IDS_MP_STATS_PLAYER_NAME );
- textObjects[1].setText( "" );
- textObjects[2].setText( IDS_MP_STATS_SCORE );
- textObjects[3].setText( IDS_MP_STATS_KILLS );
- textObjects[4].setText( IDS_MP_STATS_LOSSES );
- }
- else
- {
- textObjects[1].setColor(scoreColor);
- textObjects[2].setColor(scoreColor);
- textObjects[3].setColor(scoreColor);
- textObjects[4].setColor(scoreColor);
- textObjects[0].setColor( textColor );
- textObjects[0].setText( data->name );
- char team[32];
- sprintf( team, "%ld", data->teamSelected + 1 );
- textObjects[1].setText( team );
- // score needs to do here
- sprintf( team, "%ld", data->score );
- if ( MPlayer->missionSettings.missionType == MISSION_TYPE_KING_OF_THE_HILL )
- {
- sprintf( team, "%ld:%.2ld", data->score/60, data->score % 60 );
- }
- if ( bShowScore )
- textObjects[2].setText( team );
- else
- textObjects[2].setText( "" );
- sprintf( team, "%ld", data->kills );
- textObjects[3].setText( team );
- sprintf( team, "%ld", data->losses );
- textObjects[4].setText( team );
- }
- }
- long MPStatsEntry:: getPlayerHeadingX()
- {
- return location[0].x;
- }
- long MPStatsEntry:: getRankingX()
- {
- return textObjects[0].globalX();
- }
- long MPStatsEntry:: getKillsX()
- {
- return textObjects[1].globalX();
- }
- long MPStatsEntry:: getLossesX()
- {
- return textObjects[2].globalX();
- }
- //*************************************************************************************************
- MPStatsResultsEntry::MPStatsResultsEntry()
- {
- overlayColor = 0;
- }
- MPStatsResultsEntry::~MPStatsResultsEntry()
- {
- }
- void MPStatsResultsEntry::render( int x, int y )
- {
- LogisticsScreen::render( x, y );
- //if ( overlayColor )
- //{
- // GUI_RECT rect = { textObjects[5].left(), rects[0].top(), rects[5].right(), rects[0].y() + rects[0].height() };
- // drawRect( rect, overlayColor );
- //}
- }
- void MPStatsResultsEntry::init()
- {
- FitIniFile file;
- FullPathFileName path;
- path.init( artPath, "mcl_mp_stats_entry", ".fit" );
- if ( NO_ERR != file.open( path ) )
- {
- char buffer2[512];
- sprintf( buffer2, "couldn't open file %s", (char*)path );
- Assert( 0, 0, buffer2 );
- return;
- }
- LogisticsScreen::init( file, "Static", "Text", "Rect", "Button", "Edit" );
- aObject::init( 0, 0, rects[0].width(), rects[0].height() );
- }
- void MPStatsResultsEntry::setData(const MC2Player* data, unsigned long laurelColor, bool bShowScore )
- {
- rects[4].setColor( MPlayer->colors[data->baseColor[BASECOLOR_TEAM]] );
- rects[2].setColor( MPlayer->colors[data->stripeColor] );
- if ( data && MPlayer->allUnitsDestroyed[data->commanderID] )
- overlayColor = 0x7f000000;
- else
- overlayColor = 0;
- long color = MPlayer->colors[data->baseColor[BASECOLOR_TEAM]];
- long textColor = 0xff000000;
- if ( ((color & 0xff) + ( (color & 0xff00)>>8 ) + ( (color & 0xff0000)>>16 ))/3 < 85 )
- textColor = 0xffffffff;
- textObjects[3].setText( data->name );
- textObjects[4].setText( data->unitName );
- textObjects[3].setColor( textColor );
- textObjects[4].setColor( textColor );
- char text[64];
- sprintf( text, "%ld", MPlayer->teamScore[data->team] );
- if ( MPlayer->missionSettings.missionType == MISSION_TYPE_KING_OF_THE_HILL )
- {
- sprintf( text, "%ld:%.2ld", MPlayer->teamScore[data->team]/60, MPlayer->teamScore[data->team] % 60 );
- }
- if ( bShowScore )
- textObjects[0].setText( text );
- else
- textObjects[0].setText( "" );
- sprintf( text, "%ld", data->kills );
- textObjects[1].setText( text );
- sprintf( text, "%ld", data->losses );
- textObjects[2].setText( text );
- sprintf( text, "%ld", data->teamSelected + 1);
- textObjects[5].setText( text );
- char path[256];
- strcpy( path, "data\\multiplayer\\insignia\\" );
- strcat( path, data->insigniaFile );
- if ( data->winner )
- {
- statics[1].setColor( laurelColor );
- rects[7].setColor( laurelColor );
- }
- else
- {
- statics[1].setColor( 0 );
- rects[7].setColor( 0 );
- }
- if ( fileExists( path ) )
- {
- statics[0].setTexture( path );
- statics[0].setUVs( 0, 0, 32, 32 );
- }
- else
- {
- TGAFileHeader* pData = (TGAFileHeader*)MPlayer->insigniaList[data->commanderID];
- if ( pData )
- {
- int size = pData->pixel_depth/8;
- int ID = mcTextureManager->textureFromMemory( (unsigned long*)(pData+1), gos_Texture_Solid, 0, pData->width, size );
- statics[0].setTexture( ID );
- statics[0].setUVs( 0, 32, 32, 0 );
- }
- }
- }
- //*************************************************************************************************
- // end of file ( MPStats.cpp )