menudef.h 6.1 KB

  1. #define ITEM_TYPE_TEXT 0 // simple text
  2. #define ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON 1 // button, basically text with a border
  3. #define ITEM_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON 2 // toggle button, may be grouped
  4. #define ITEM_TYPE_CHECKBOX 3 // check box
  5. #define ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD 4 // editable text, associated with a cvar
  6. #define ITEM_TYPE_COMBO 5 // drop down list
  7. #define ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX 6 // scrollable list
  8. #define ITEM_TYPE_MODEL 7 // model
  9. #define ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW 8 // owner draw, name specs what it is
  10. #define ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD 9 // editable text, associated with a cvar
  11. #define ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER 10 // mouse speed, volume, etc.
  12. #define ITEM_TYPE_YESNO 11 // yes no cvar setting
  13. #define ITEM_TYPE_MULTI 12 // multiple list setting, enumerated
  14. #define ITEM_TYPE_BIND 13 // multiple list setting, enumerated
  15. #define ITEM_TYPE_TEXTSCROLL 14 // scrolling text
  16. #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 // left alignment
  17. #define ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 1 // center alignment
  18. #define ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 2 // right alignment
  19. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL 0 // normal text
  20. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BLINK 1 // fast blinking
  21. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_PULSE 2 // slow pulsing
  22. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED 3 // drop shadow ( need a color for this )
  23. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED 4 // drop shadow ( need a color for this )
  24. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINESHADOWED 5 // drop shadow ( need a color for this )
  25. #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE 6 // drop shadow ( need a color for this )
  26. #define WINDOW_BORDER_NONE 0 // no border
  27. #define WINDOW_BORDER_FULL 1 // full border based on border color ( single pixel )
  28. #define WINDOW_BORDER_HORZ 2 // horizontal borders only
  29. #define WINDOW_BORDER_VERT 3 // vertical borders only
  30. #define WINDOW_BORDER_KCGRADIENT 4 // horizontal border using the gradient bars
  31. #define WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY 0 // no background
  32. #define WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED 1 // filled with background color
  33. #define WINDOW_STYLE_GRADIENT 2 // gradient bar based on background color
  34. #define WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER 3 // gradient bar based on background color
  35. #define WINDOW_STYLE_TEAMCOLOR 4 // team color
  36. #define WINDOW_STYLE_CINEMATIC 5 // cinematic
  37. #define MENU_TRUE 1 // uh.. true
  38. #define MENU_FALSE 0 // and false
  39. #define HUD_VERTICAL 0x00
  40. #define HUD_HORIZONTAL 0x01
  41. // list box element types
  42. #define LISTBOX_TEXT 0x00
  43. #define LISTBOX_IMAGE 0x01
  44. // list feeders
  45. #define FEEDER_SAVEGAMES 0x00 // save games
  46. #define FEEDER_MAPS 0x01 // text maps based on game type
  47. #define FEEDER_SERVERS 0x02 // servers
  48. #define FEEDER_CLANS 0x03 // clan names
  49. #define FEEDER_ALLMAPS 0x04 // all maps available, in graphic format
  50. #define FEEDER_REDTEAM_LIST 0x05 // red team members
  51. #define FEEDER_BLUETEAM_LIST 0x06 // blue team members
  52. #define FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST 0x07 // players
  53. #define FEEDER_TEAM_LIST 0x08 // team members for team voting
  54. #define FEEDER_MODS 0x09 //
  55. #define FEEDER_DEMOS 0x0a //
  56. #define FEEDER_SCOREBOARD 0x0b //
  57. #define FEEDER_Q3HEADS 0x0c // model heads
  58. #define FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS 0x0d // server status
  59. #define FEEDER_FINDPLAYER 0x0e // find player
  60. #define FEEDER_CINEMATICS 0x0f // cinematics
  61. #define FEEDER_PLAYER_SPECIES 0x10 // models/player/*w
  62. #define FEEDER_PLAYER_SKIN_HEAD 0x11 // head*.skin files in species folder
  63. #define FEEDER_PLAYER_SKIN_TORSO 0x12 // torso*.skin files in species folder
  64. #define FEEDER_PLAYER_SKIN_LEGS 0x13 // lower*.skin files in species folder
  65. #define FEEDER_COLORCHOICES 0x14 // special hack to feed text/actions from playerchoice.txt in species folder
  66. #define FEEDER_MOVES 0x15 // moves for the data pad moves screen
  67. #define FEEDER_MOVES_TITLES 0x16 // move titles for the data pad moves screen
  68. #define FEEDER_LANGUAGES 0x17 // the list of languages
  69. #define FEEDER_PROFILES 0x18 //list of saved profiles
  70. #define FEEDER_LEVELSELECT 0x19 // list of levels for level select cheat screen
  71. #define UI_SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACCEPT 197
  72. #define UI_SOFT_KEYBOARD_DELETE 198
  73. #define UI_SOFT_KEYBOARD 199
  74. #define UI_VERSION 200
  75. #define UI_HANDICAP 200
  76. #define UI_EFFECTS 201
  77. #define UI_PLAYERMODEL 202
  78. #define UI_DATAPAD_MISSION 203
  79. #define UI_DATAPAD_WEAPONS 204
  80. #define UI_DATAPAD_INVENTORY 205
  81. #define UI_DATAPAD_FORCEPOWERS 206
  82. #define UI_SKILL 207
  83. #define UI_BLUETEAMNAME 208
  84. #define UI_REDTEAMNAME 209
  85. #define UI_BLUETEAM1 210
  86. #define UI_BLUETEAM2 211
  87. #define UI_BLUETEAM3 212
  88. #define UI_BLUETEAM4 213
  89. #define UI_BLUETEAM5 214
  90. #define UI_REDTEAM1 215
  91. #define UI_REDTEAM2 216
  92. #define UI_REDTEAM3 217
  93. #define UI_REDTEAM4 218
  94. #define UI_REDTEAM5 219
  95. #define UI_NETSOURCE 220
  96. #define UI_NETMAPPREVIEW 221
  97. #define UI_NETFILTER 222
  98. #define UI_TIER 223
  99. #define UI_OPPONENTMODEL 224
  100. #define UI_TIERMAP1 225
  101. #define UI_TIERMAP2 226
  102. #define UI_TIERMAP3 227
  103. #define UI_PLAYERLOGO 228
  104. #define UI_OPPONENTLOGO 229
  105. #define UI_PLAYERLOGO_METAL 230
  106. #define UI_OPPONENTLOGO_METAL 231
  107. #define UI_PLAYERLOGO_NAME 232
  108. #define UI_OPPONENTLOGO_NAME 233
  109. #define UI_TIER_MAPNAME 234
  110. #define UI_TIER_GAMETYPE 235
  111. #define UI_ALLMAPS_SELECTION 236
  112. #define UI_OPPONENT_NAME 237
  113. #define UI_VOTE_KICK 238
  114. #define UI_BOTNAME 239
  115. #define UI_BOTSKILL 240
  116. #define UI_REDBLUE 241
  117. #define UI_CROSSHAIR 242
  118. #define UI_SELECTEDPLAYER 243
  119. #define UI_MAPCINEMATIC 244
  120. #define UI_NETGAMETYPE 245
  121. #define UI_NETMAPCINEMATIC 246
  122. #define UI_SERVERREFRESHDATE 247
  123. #define UI_SERVERMOTD 248
  124. #define UI_GLINFO 249
  125. #define UI_KEYBINDSTATUS 250
  126. #define UI_CLANCINEMATIC 251
  127. #define UI_MAP_TIMETOBEAT 252
  128. #define UI_JOINGAMETYPE 253
  129. #define UI_PREVIEWCINEMATIC 254
  130. #define UI_STARTMAPCINEMATIC 255
  131. #define UI_MAPS_SELECTION 256