123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246 |
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDraw32 Class Interface
- //
- // Basic drawing routines for 32-bit per pixel buffer
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(CM_DRAW_H_INC)
- #define CM_DRAW_H_INC
- // calc offset into image array for a pixel at (x,y)
- #define PIXPOS(x,y,stride) (((y)*(stride))+(x))
- #ifndef MIN
- // handy macros
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #define ABS(x) ((x)<0 ? -(x):(x))
- #define SIGN(x) (((x) < 0) ? -1 : (((x) > 0) ? 1 : 0))
- #endif
- #ifndef CLAMP
- #define SWAP(a,b) { a^=b; b^=a; a^=b; }
- #define SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
- #define CLAMP(v,l,h) ((v)<(l) ? (l) : (v) > (h) ? (h) : (v))
- #define LERP(t, a, b) (((b)-(a))*(t) + (a))
- // round a to nearest integer towards 0
- #define FLOOR(a) ((a)>0 ? (int)(a) : -(int)(-a))
- // round a to nearest integer away from 0
- #define CEILING(a) \
- ((a)==(int)(a) ? (a) : (a)>0 ? 1+(int)(a) : -(1+(int)(-a)))
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- class CPixel32
- {
- public:
- byte r;
- byte g;
- byte b;
- byte a;
- CPixel32(byte R = 0, byte G = 0, byte B = 0, byte A = 255) : r(R), g(G), b(B), a(A) {}
- CPixel32(long l) {r = (l >> 24) & 0xff; g = (l >> 16) & 0xff; b = (l >> 8) & 0xff; a = l & 0xff;};
- ~CPixel32()
- {}
- };
- #define PIX32_SIZE sizeof(CPixel32)
- // standard image operator macros
- #define IMAGE_SIZE(width,height) ((width)*(height)*(PIX32_SIZE))
- inline CPixel32 AVE_PIX (CPixel32 x, CPixel32 y)
- { CPixel32 t; t.r = (byte)(((int)x.r + (int)y.r)>>1);
- t.g = (byte)(((int)x.g + (int)y.g)>>1);
- t.b = (byte)(((int)x.b + (int)y.b)>>1);
- t.a = (byte)(((int)x.a + (int)y.a)>>1); return t;}
- inline CPixel32 ALPHA_PIX (CPixel32 x, CPixel32 y, long alpha, long inv_alpha)
- { CPixel32 t; t.r = (byte)((x.r*alpha + y.r*inv_alpha)>>8);
- t.g = (byte)((x.g*alpha + y.g*inv_alpha)>>8);
- t.b = (byte)((x.b*alpha + y.b*inv_alpha)>>8);
- // t.a = (byte)((x.a*alpha + y.a*inv_alpha)>>8); return t;}
- t.a = y.a; return t;}
- inline CPixel32 LIGHT_PIX (CPixel32 p, long light)
- { CPixel32 t;
- t.r = (byte)CLAMP(((p.r * light)>>10) + p.r, 0, 255);
- t.g = (byte)CLAMP(((p.g * light)>>10) + p.g, 0, 255);
- t.b = (byte)CLAMP(((p.b * light)>>10) + p.b, 0, 255);
- t.a = p.a; return t;}
- // Colors are 32-bit RGBA
- // draw class
- class CDraw32
- {
- public: // static drawing context - static so we set only ONCE for many draw calls
- static CPixel32* buffer; // pointer to pixel buffer (one active)
- static long buf_width; // size of buffer
- static long buf_height; // size of buffer
- static long stride; // stride of buffer in pixels
- static long clip_min_x; // clip bounds
- static long clip_min_y; // clip bounds
- static long clip_max_x; // clip bounds
- static long clip_max_y; // clip bounds
- static long* row_off; // Table for quick Y calculations
- private:
- void BlitClip(long& dstX, long& dstY,
- long& width, long& height,
- long& srcX, long& srcY);
- protected:
- public:
- CDraw32(); // constructor
- ~CDraw32(); // destructor
- // set the rect to clip drawing functions to
- static void SetClip(long min_x, long min_y,long max_x, long max_y)
- {clip_min_x = MAX(min_x,0); clip_max_x = MIN(max_x,buf_width-1);
- clip_min_y = MAX(min_y,0); clip_max_y = MIN(max_y,buf_height-1);}
- static void GetClip(long& min_x, long& min_y,long& max_x, long& max_y)
- {min_x = clip_min_x; min_y = clip_min_y;
- max_x = clip_max_x; max_y = clip_max_y; }
- // set the buffer to use for drawing off-screen
- static void SetBuffer(CPixel32* buf) {buffer = buf;};
- // set the dimensions of the off-screen buffer
- static bool SetBufferSize(long width,long height,long stride_len);
- // call this to free the table for quick y calcs before the program ends
- static void CleanUp(void)
- {if (row_off) delete [] row_off; row_off=NULL; buf_width=0; buf_height=0;}
- // set a pixel at (x,y) to color (no clipping)
- void PutPixNC(long x, long y, CPixel32 color)
- {buffer[row_off[y] + x] = color;}
- // set a pixel at (x,y) to color
- void PutPix(long x, long y, CPixel32 color)
- { // clipping check
- if (x < clip_min_x || x > clip_max_x ||
- y < clip_min_y || y > clip_max_y)
- return;
- PutPixNC(x,y,color);
- }
- // get the color of a pixel at (x,y)
- CPixel32 GetPix(long x, long y)
- {return buffer[row_off[y] + x];}
- // set a pixel at (x,y) with 50% translucency (no clip)
- void PutPixAveNC(long x, long y, CPixel32 color)
- { PutPixNC(x,y,AVE_PIX(GetPix(x, y), color)); }
- // set a pixel at (x,y) with 50% translucency
- void PutPixAve(long x, long y, CPixel32 color)
- { // clipping check
- if (x < clip_min_x || x > clip_max_x ||
- y < clip_min_y || y > clip_max_y)
- return;
- PutPixNC(x,y,AVE_PIX(GetPix(x, y), color));
- }
- // set a pixel at (x,y) with translucency level (no clip)
- void PutPixAlphaNC(long x, long y, CPixel32 color)
- { PutPixNC(x,y,ALPHA_PIX(color, GetPix(x, y), color.a, 256-color.a));}
- // set a pixel at (x,y) with translucency level
- void PutPixAlpha(long x, long y, CPixel32 color)
- { // clipping check
- if (x < clip_min_x || x > clip_max_x ||
- y < clip_min_y || y > clip_max_y)
- return;
- PutPixNC(x,y,ALPHA_PIX(color, GetPix(x, y), color.a, 256-color.a));}
- // clear screen buffer to color from start to end line
- void ClearLines(CPixel32 color,long start,long end);
- // clear screen buffer to color provided
- void ClearBuffer(CPixel32 color)
- {ClearLines(color,0,buf_height-1);};
- // fill buffer alpha from start to end line
- void SetAlphaLines(byte alpha,long start,long end);
- // clear screen buffer to color provided
- void SetAlphaBuffer(byte alpha)
- {SetAlphaLines(alpha,0,buf_height-1);};
- // clip a line segment to the clip rect
- bool ClipLine(long& x1, long& y1, long& x2, long& y2);
- // draw a solid colored line, no clipping
- void DrawLineNC(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, CPixel32 color);
- // draw a solid color line
- void DrawLine(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, CPixel32 color)
- { if (ClipLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)) DrawLineNC(x1,y1,x2,y2,color);}
- void DrawLineAveNC(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, CPixel32 color);
- // draw a translucent solid color line
- void DrawLineAve(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, CPixel32 color)
- { if (ClipLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)) DrawLineAveNC(x1,y1,x2,y2,color);}
- // draw an anti-aliased line, no clipping
- void DrawLineAANC(long x0, long y0, long x1, long y1, CPixel32 color);
- // draw an anti-aliased line
- void DrawLineAA(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, CPixel32 color)
- { if (ClipLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)) DrawLineAANC(x1,y1,x2,y2,color);}
- // draw a filled rectangle, no clipping
- void DrawRectNC(long ulx, long uly, long width, long height,CPixel32 color);
- // draw a filled rectangle
- void DrawRect(long ulx, long uly, long width, long height, CPixel32 color);
- // draw a filled rectangle
- void DrawRectAve(long ulx, long uly, long width, long height,CPixel32 color);
- // draw a box (unfilled rectangle) no clip
- void DrawBoxNC(long ulx, long uly, long width, long height, CPixel32 color);
- // draw a box (unfilled rectangle)
- void DrawBox(long ulx, long uly, long width, long height, CPixel32 color);
- // draw a box (unfilled rectangle)
- void DrawBoxAve(long ulx, long uly, long width, long height, CPixel32 color);
- // draw a circle with fill and edge colors
- void DrawCircle(long xc, long yc, long r, CPixel32 edge, CPixel32 fill);
- // draw a circle with fill and edge colors averaged with dest
- void DrawCircleAve(long xc, long yc, long r, CPixel32 edge, CPixel32 fill);
- // draw a polygon (complex) with fill and edge colors
- void DrawPolygon(long nvert, POINT *point, CPixel32 edge, CPixel32 fill);
- // simple blit function
- void BlitNC(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight,
- CPixel32* srcImage, long srcX, long srcY, long srcStride);
- void Blit(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight,
- CPixel32* srcImage, long srcX, long srcY, long srcStride);
- // blit image times color
- void BlitColor(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight,
- CPixel32* srcImage, long srcX, long srcY, long srcStride, CPixel32 color);
- void Emboss(long dstX, long dstY, long width, long height,
- CPixel32* clrImage, long clrX, long clrY, long clrStride);
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #endif