123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976 |
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // (c) 2002 Activision
- //
- // Rail System
- //
- // The rail system is intended to provide a means for generating moving entities along
- // tracks of varying speed and direction. The entities are pulled from the map based
- // upon their targets and recycled in random positions and order
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "g_headers.h"
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Externs & Fwd Decl.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //extern cvar_t* g_nav1;
- extern void G_SoundAtSpot( vec3_t org, int soundIndex, qboolean broadcast );
- class CRailTrack;
- class CRailLane;
- class CRailMover;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Includes
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "b_local.h"
- #if !defined(RATL_ARRAY_VS_INC)
- #include "..\Ratl\array_vs.h"
- #endif
- #if !defined(RATL_VECTOR_VS_INC)
- #include "..\Ratl\vector_vs.h"
- #endif
- #if !defined(RAVL_VEC_INC)
- #include "..\Ravl\CVec.h"
- #endif
- #if !defined(RUFL_HSTRING_INC)
- #include "..\Rufl\hstring.h"
- #endif
- #if !defined(RATL_GRID_VS_INC)
- #include "..\Ratl\grid_vs.h"
- #endif
- #if !defined(RATL_POOL_VS_INC)
- #include "..\Ratl\pool_vs.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef _XBOX
- using dllNamespace::hstring;
- #endif
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Constants
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define MAX_TRACKS 4
- #define MAX_LANES 8
- #define MAX_MOVERS 150
- #define MAX_MOVER_ENTS 10
- #define MAX_MOVERS_TRACK 80
- #define MAX_COLS 32
- #define MAX_ROWS 96
- #define MAX_ROW_HISTORY 10
- #define WOOSH_DEBUG 0
- #define WOOSH_ALL_RANGE 1500.0f
- #define WOOSH_SUPPORT_RANGE 2500.0f
- #define WOOSH_TUNNEL_RANGE 3000.0f
- bool mRailSystemActive = false;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The Rail Track
- //
- // Tracks are the central component to the rails system. They provide the master
- // repositry of all movers and maintain the list of available movers as well as
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CRailTrack
- {
- public:
- void Setup(gentity_t *ent)
- {
- mName = ent->targetname;
- mSpeedGridCellsPerSecond = ent->speed;
- mNumMoversPerRow = ent->count;
- mMins = ent->mins;
- mMaxs = ent->maxs;
- mStartTime = ent->delay + level.time;
- mGridCellSize = (ent->radius!=0.0f)?(ent->radius):(1.0f);
- mVertical = (ent->s.angles[1]==90.0f || ent->s.angles[1]==270.0f);
- mNegative = (ent->s.angles[1]==180.0f || ent->s.angles[1]==270.0f); // From Maxs To Mins
- mWAxis = (mVertical)?(0):(1);
- mHAxis = (mVertical)?(1):(0);
- mTravelDistanceUnits = ent->maxs[mHAxis] - ent->mins[mHAxis];
- mRow = 0;
- mNextUpdateTime = 0;
- mCenterLocked = false;
- SnapVectorToGrid(mMins);
- SnapVectorToGrid(mMaxs);
- // Calculate Number Of Rows And Columns
- //--------------------------------------
- mRows = ((mMaxs[mHAxis] - mMins[mHAxis]) / mGridCellSize);
- mCols = ((mMaxs[mWAxis] - mMins[mWAxis]) / mGridCellSize);
- // Calculate Grid Center
- //-----------------------
- mGridCenter = ((mMins+mMaxs)*0.5f);
- SnapVectorToGrid(mGridCenter);
- // Calculate Speed & Velocity
- //----------------------------
- mSpeedUnitsPerMillisecond = mSpeedGridCellsPerSecond * mGridCellSize / 1000.0f;
- mTravelTimeMilliseconds = mTravelDistanceUnits / mSpeedUnitsPerMillisecond;
- AngleVectors(ent->s.angles, mDirection.v, 0, 0);
- mDirection.SafeNorm();
- mVelocity = mDirection;
- mVelocity *= (mSpeedGridCellsPerSecond * mGridCellSize);
- mNextUpdateDelay = 1000.0f / (float)(mSpeedGridCellsPerSecond);
- // Calculate Bottom Left Corner
- //------------------------------
- mGridBottomLeftCorner = ent->mins;
- if (ent->s.angles[1]==180.0f)
- {
- mGridBottomLeftCorner[0] = mMaxs[0];
- }
- else if (ent->s.angles[1]==270.0f)
- {
- mGridBottomLeftCorner[1] = mMaxs[1];
- }
- SnapVectorToGrid(mGridBottomLeftCorner);
- mCells.set_size(mCols/*xSize*/, mRows/*ySize*/);
- mCells.init(0);
- mMovers.clear();
- if (!mNumMoversPerRow)
- {
- mNumMoversPerRow = 3;
- }
- // Safe Clamp Number Of Rows & Cols
- //----------------------------------
- if (mRows>(MAX_ROWS-1))
- {
- mRows = (MAX_ROWS-1);
- assert(0);
- }
- if (mCols>(MAX_COLS-1))
- {
- mCols = (MAX_COLS-1);
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- void SnapVectorToGrid(CVec3& Vec)
- {
- SnapFloatToGrid(Vec[0]);
- SnapFloatToGrid(Vec[1]);
- }
- void SnapFloatToGrid(float& f)
- {
- f = (int)(f);
- bool fNeg = (f<0);
- if (fNeg)
- {
- f *= -1; // Temporarly make it positive
- }
- int Offset = ((int)(f) % (int)(mGridCellSize));
- int OffsetAbs = abs(Offset);
- if (OffsetAbs>(mGridCellSize/2))
- {
- Offset = (mGridCellSize - OffsetAbs) * -1;
- }
- f -= Offset;
- if (fNeg)
- {
- f *= -1; // Put It Back To Negative
- }
- f = (int)(f);
- assert(((int)(f)%(int)(mGridCellSize)) == 0);
- }
- void Update();
- bool TestMoverInCells(CRailMover* mover, int atCol);
- void InsertMoverInCells(CRailMover* mover, int atCol);
- void RandomizeTestCols(int startCol, int stopCol);
- public:
- hstring mName;
- int mRow;
- int mNumMoversPerRow;
- int mNextUpdateTime;
- int mNextUpdateDelay;
- int mStartTime;
- int mRows;
- int mCols;
- bool mVertical;
- bool mNegative;
- int mHAxis;
- int mWAxis;
- int mSpeedGridCellsPerSecond;
- float mSpeedUnitsPerMillisecond;
- int mTravelTimeMilliseconds;
- float mTravelDistanceUnits;
- CVec3 mDirection;
- CVec3 mVelocity;
- CVec3 mMins;
- CVec3 mMaxs;
- CVec3 mGridBottomLeftCorner;
- CVec3 mGridCenter;
- float mGridCellSize;
- bool mCenterLocked;
- ratl::grid2_vs<CRailMover*, MAX_COLS, MAX_ROWS> mCells;
- ratl::vector_vs<CRailMover*, MAX_MOVERS_TRACK> mMovers;
- ratl::vector_vs<int, MAX_ROWS> mTestCols;
- };
- ratl::vector_vs<CRailTrack, MAX_TRACKS> mRailTracks;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*QUAKED rail_track (0 .5 .8) ? x x x x x x x x
- A rail track determines what location and direction rail_mover entities go. Don't bother with any origin brushes. Make sure to set:
- "radius" Number of units to break down into grid size
- "speed" Number of grid sized units per second rail_movers will go at
- "angle" The direction rail_movers will go
- "count" The number of mover ents the track will try to add per row
- "delay" How long the ent will wait from the start of the level before placing movers
- */
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SP_rail_track(gentity_t *ent)
- {
- gi.SetBrushModel(ent, ent->model);
- G_SpawnInt("delay", "0", &ent->delay);
- mRailTracks.push_back().Setup(ent);
- G_FreeEntity(ent);
- mRailSystemActive = true;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The Rail Lane
- //
- //
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CRailLane
- {
- public:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // From Entity Setup Spawn
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Setup(gentity_t* ent)
- {
- mName = ent->targetname;
- mNameTrack = ent->target;
- mMins = ent->mins;
- mMaxs = ent->maxs;
- mStartTime = ent->delay + level.time;
- }
- hstring mName;
- hstring mNameTrack;
- CVec3 mMins;
- CVec3 mMaxs;
- int mStartTime;
- public:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Initialize
- //
- // This function scans through the list of tracks and hooks itself up with the
- // track
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Initialize()
- {
- mTrack = 0;
- mMinCol = 0;
- mMaxCol = 0;
- // int dummy;
- for (int i=0; i<mRailTracks.size(); i++)
- {
- if (mRailTracks[i].mName==mNameTrack)
- {
- mTrack = &(mRailTracks[i]);
- mTrack->SnapVectorToGrid(mMins);
- mTrack->SnapVectorToGrid(mMaxs);
- mMinCol = (int)((mMins[mTrack->mWAxis] - mTrack->mMins[mTrack->mWAxis])/mTrack->mGridCellSize);
- mMaxCol = (int)((mMaxs[mTrack->mWAxis] - mTrack->mMins[mTrack->mWAxis] - (mTrack->mGridCellSize/2.0f))/mTrack->mGridCellSize);
- //if (mTrack->mNegative)
- //{
- // mMinCol = (mTrack->mCols - mMinCol - 1);
- // mMaxCol = (mTrack->mCols - mMaxCol - 1);
- //}
- // mTrack->mCells.get_cell_coords(mMins[mTrack->mWAxis], 0, mMinCol, dummy);
- // mTrack->mCells.get_cell_coords((mMaxs[mTrack->mWAxis]-10.0f), 0, mMaxCol, dummy);
- break;
- }
- }
- assert(mTrack!=0);
- }
- CRailTrack* mTrack;
- int mMinCol;
- int mMaxCol;
- };
- ratl::vector_vs<CRailLane, MAX_LANES> mRailLanes;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*QUAKED rail_lane (0 .5 .8) ? x x x x x x x x
- Use rail lanes to split up tracks. Just target it to a track that you want to break up into pieces
- "delay" How long the ent will wait from the start of the level before placing movers
- */
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SP_rail_lane(gentity_t *ent)
- {
- gi.SetBrushModel(ent, ent->model);
- G_SpawnInt("delay", "0", &ent->delay);
- mRailLanes.push_back().Setup(ent);
- G_FreeEntity(ent);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CRailMover
- {
- public:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // From Entity Setup Spawn
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Setup(gentity_t* ent)
- {
- mEnt = ent;
- mCenter = (ent->spawnflags&1);
- mSoundPlayed = false;
- mOriginOffset = ent->mins;
- mOriginOffset += ent->maxs;
- mOriginOffset *= 0.5f;
- mOriginOffset[2] = 0;//((ent->maxs[2] - ent->mins[2]) * 0.5);
- ent->e_ReachedFunc = reachedF_NULL;
- ent->moverState = MOVER_POS1;
- ent->svFlags = SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN;
- ent->s.eType = ET_MOVER;
- ent->s.eFlags |= EF_NODRAW;
- ent->contents = 0;
- ent->clipmask = 0;
- ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
- ent->s.pos.trDuration = 0;
- ent->s.pos.trTime = 0;
- VectorCopy( ent->pos1, ent->currentOrigin );
- VectorCopy( ent->pos1, ent->s.pos.trBase );
- gi.linkentity(ent);
- }
- gentity_t* mEnt;
- bool mCenter;
- CVec3 mOriginOffset;
- bool mSoundPlayed;
- bool Active()
- {
- assert(mEnt!=0);
- return (level.time<(mEnt->s.pos.trDuration + mEnt->s.pos.trTime));
- }
- public:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Initialize
- //
- // This function scans through the list of tracks and hooks itself up with the
- // track (and possibly lane)
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Initialize()
- {
- mTrack = 0;
- mLane = 0;
- mCols = 0;
- mRows = 0;
- hstring target = mEnt->target;
- for (int track=0; track<mRailTracks.size(); track++)
- {
- if (mRailTracks[track].mName==target)
- {
- mTrack = &(mRailTracks[track]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mTrack==0)
- {
- for (int lane=0; lane<mRailLanes.size(); lane++)
- {
- if (mRailLanes[lane].mName==target)
- {
- mLane = &(mRailLanes[lane]);
- mTrack = mLane->mTrack;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- assert(mTrack!=0);
- if (mTrack)
- {
- mTrack->mMovers.push_back(this);
- mCols = (int)((mEnt->maxs[mTrack->mWAxis] - mEnt->mins[mTrack->mWAxis]) / mTrack->mGridCellSize) + 1;
- mRows = (int)((mEnt->maxs[mTrack->mHAxis] - mEnt->mins[mTrack->mHAxis]) / mTrack->mGridCellSize) + 1;
- // Make Sure The Mover Fits In The Track And Lane
- //------------------------------------------------
- if (mRows>mTrack->mRows)
- {
- // assert(0);
- mRows = mTrack->mRows;
- }
- if (mCols>mTrack->mCols)
- {
- // assert(0);
- mCols = mTrack->mCols;
- }
- if (mLane && mCols>(mLane->mMaxCol - mLane->mMinCol + 1))
- {
- // assert(0);
- mCols = (mLane->mMaxCol - mLane->mMinCol + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- CRailTrack* mTrack;
- CRailLane* mLane;
- int mCols;
- int mRows;
- };
- ratl::vector_vs<CRailMover, MAX_MOVERS> mRailMovers;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*QUAKED rail_mover (0 .5 .8) ? CENTER x x x x x x x
- Rail Mover will go along the track and lane of your choice. Just target it to either a track or a lane. Don't bother with any origin brushes.
- CENTER Will force this mover to attempt to center in the track or lane
- "target" The track or lane you want this entity to move through
- "model" A model you wish to use, not necessary - can be just a brush
- "angle" Random angle rotation allowable on this thing
- */
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SP_rail_mover(gentity_t *ent)
- {
- gi.SetBrushModel(ent, ent->model);
- mRailMovers.push_back().Setup(ent);
- }
- ratl::vector_vs<int, 20> mWooshSml; // Small Building
- ratl::vector_vs<int, 20> mWooshMed; // Medium Building
- ratl::vector_vs<int, 10> mWooshLar; // Large Building
- ratl::vector_vs<int, 10> mWooshSup; // Track Support
- ratl::vector_vs<int, 3> mWooshTun; // Tunnel
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Rail_Reset()
- {
- mRailSystemActive = false;
- mRailTracks.clear();
- mRailLanes.clear();
- mRailMovers.clear();
- mWooshSml.clear();
- mWooshMed.clear();
- mWooshLar.clear();
- mWooshSup.clear();
- mWooshTun.clear();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Rail_Initialize()
- {
- for (int lane=0; lane<mRailLanes.size(); lane++)
- {
- mRailLanes[lane].Initialize();
- }
- for (int mover=0; mover<mRailMovers.size(); mover++)
- {
- mRailMovers[mover].Initialize();
- }
- // Precache All The Woosh Sounds
- //-------------------------------
- if (!mRailMovers.empty())
- {
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh1"));
- mWooshSml.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh2"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh3"));
- mWooshSml.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh4"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh5"));
- mWooshSml.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh6"));
- mWooshSup.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh7"));
- mWooshSup.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh8"));
- mWooshSup.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh9"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh10"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh11"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh12"));
- mWooshSml.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh13"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh14"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh15"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh16"));
- mWooshSml.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh17"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh18"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh19"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh20"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh21"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh22"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh23"));
- mWooshSup.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh24"));
- mWooshSup.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh25"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh26"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh27"));
- mWooshMed.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh28"));
- mWooshLar.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/woosh29"));
- mWooshTun.push_back(G_SoundIndex("sound/effects/whoosh_tunnel"));
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Rail_Update()
- {
- if (mRailSystemActive)// && false)
- {
- for (int track=0; track<mRailTracks.size(); track++)
- {
- if (level.time>mRailTracks[track].mNextUpdateTime && !mRailTracks[track].mMovers.empty())
- {
- mRailTracks[track].Update();
- }
- }
- // Is The Player Outside?
- //------------------------
- if (player && gi.WE_IsOutside(player->currentOrigin))
- {
- int wooshSound;
- vec3_t wooshSoundPos;
- vec3_t moverOrigin;
- vec3_t playerToMover;
- float playerToMoverDistance;
- float playerToMoverDistanceFraction;
- // Iterate Over All The Movers
- //-----------------------------
- for (int moverIndex=0; moverIndex<mRailMovers.size(); moverIndex++)
- {
- CRailMover& mover = mRailMovers[moverIndex];
- // Is It Active, And Has The Sound Already Played On It?
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- if (mover.Active() && !mover.mSoundPlayed)
- {
- VectorAdd(mover.mEnt->currentOrigin, mover.mOriginOffset.v, moverOrigin);
- VectorSubtract(moverOrigin, player->currentOrigin, playerToMover);
- playerToMover[2] = 0.0f;
- playerToMoverDistance = VectorNormalize(playerToMover);
- // Is It Close Enough?
- //---------------------
- if ((( mover.mLane || !mover.mCenter) && // Not Center Track
- (playerToMoverDistance<WOOSH_ALL_RANGE) && // And Close Enough
- (DotProduct(playerToMover, mover.mTrack->mDirection.v)>-0.45f)) // And On The Side
- || //OR
- ((!mover.mLane && mover.mCenter) && // Is Center Track
- (playerToMoverDistance<WOOSH_SUPPORT_RANGE || // And Close Enough for Support
- (playerToMoverDistance<WOOSH_TUNNEL_RANGE && mover.mRows>10)) // Or Close Enough For Tunnel
- ))
- {
- mover.mSoundPlayed = true;
- wooshSound = 0;
- // The Centered Entities Play Right On The Player's Head For Full Volume
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mover.mCenter && !mover.mLane)
- {
- VectorCopy(player->currentOrigin, wooshSoundPos);
- wooshSoundPos[2] += 50;
- // If It Is Very Long, Play The Tunnel Sound
- //-------------------------------------------
- if (mover.mRows>10)
- {
- wooshSound = mWooshTun[Q_irand(0, mWooshTun.size()-1)];
- }
- // Otherwise It Is A Support
- //---------------------------
- else
- {
- wooshSound = mWooshSup[Q_irand(0, mWooshSup.size()-1)];
- }
- }
- // All Other Entities Play At A Fraction Of Their Normal Range
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- else
- {
- // Scale The Play Pos By The Square Of The Distance
- //--------------------------------------------------
- playerToMoverDistanceFraction = playerToMoverDistance/WOOSH_ALL_RANGE;
- playerToMoverDistanceFraction *= playerToMoverDistanceFraction;
- playerToMoverDistanceFraction *= 0.6f;
- playerToMoverDistance *= playerToMoverDistanceFraction;
- VectorMA(player->currentOrigin, playerToMoverDistance, playerToMover, wooshSoundPos);
- // Large Building
- //----------------
- if (mover.mRows>4)
- {
- wooshSound = mWooshLar[Q_irand(0, mWooshLar.size()-1)];
- }
- // Medium Building
- //-----------------
- else if (mover.mRows>2)
- {
- wooshSound = mWooshMed[Q_irand(0, mWooshMed.size()-1)];
- }
- // Small Building
- //----------------
- else
- {
- wooshSound = mWooshSml[Q_irand(0, mWooshSml.size()-1)];
- }
- }
- // If A Woosh Sound Was Selected, Play It Now
- //--------------------------------------------
- if (wooshSound)
- {
- G_SoundAtSpot(wooshSoundPos, wooshSound, qfalse);
- {
- CG_DrawEdge(player->currentOrigin, wooshSoundPos, EDGE_WHITE_TWOSECOND);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Rail_LockCenterOfTrack(const char* trackName)
- {
- hstring name = trackName;
- for (int track=0; track<mRailTracks.size(); track++)
- {
- if (mRailTracks[track].mName==name)
- {
- mRailTracks[track].mCenterLocked = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- assert(0);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Rail_UnLockCenterOfTrack(const char* trackName)
- {
- hstring name = trackName;
- for (int track=0; track<mRailTracks.size(); track++)
- {
- if (mRailTracks[track].mName==name)
- {
- mRailTracks[track].mCenterLocked = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- assert(0);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CRailTrack::Update()
- {
- mNextUpdateTime = level.time + mNextUpdateDelay;
- // Now, Attempt To Add A Number Of Movers To The Track
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- int attempt;
- int startCol;
- int stopCol;
- int atCol;
- int testColIndex;
- for (attempt=0; attempt<mNumMoversPerRow; attempt++)
- {
- // Randomly Select A Mover And Test To See If It Is Active
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- CRailMover* mover = mMovers[Q_irand(0, mMovers.size()-1)];
- if (mover->Active())
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Don't Spawn Until Start Time Has Expired
- //------------------------------------------
- if (level.time < ((mover->mLane)?(mover->mLane->mStartTime):(mStartTime)))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // If Center Locked, Stop Spawning Center Track Movers
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- if (mover->mCenter && mCenterLocked)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Restrict It To A Lane
- //-----------------------
- if (mover->mLane)
- {
- startCol = mover->mLane->mMinCol;
- stopCol = mover->mLane->mMaxCol+1;
- }
- // Or Let It Go Anywhere On The Track
- //------------------------------------
- else
- {
- startCol = 0;
- stopCol = mCols;
- }
- stopCol -= (mover->mCols-1);
- // If The Mover Is Too Big To Fit In The Lane, Go On To Next Attempt
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (stopCol<=startCol)
- {
- assert(0); // Should Not Happen
- continue;
- }
- // Force It To Center
- //--------------------
- if (mover->mCenter && stopCol!=(startCol+1))
- {
- startCol = ((mCols/2) - (mover->mCols/2));
- stopCol = startCol+1;
- }
- // Construct A List Of Columns To Test For Insertion
- //---------------------------------------------------
- mTestCols.clear();
- for (int i=startCol; i<stopCol; i++)
- {
- mTestCols.push_back(i);
- }
- // Now Try All The Cols To See If The Building Can Fit
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- while (!mTestCols.empty())
- {
- // Randomly Pick A Column, Then Remove It From The Vector
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- testColIndex = Q_irand(0, mTestCols.size()-1);
- atCol = mTestCols[testColIndex];
- mTestCols.erase_swap(testColIndex);
- if (TestMoverInCells(mover, atCol))
- {
- // Ok, We've Found A Safe Column To Insert This Mover
- //----------------------------------------------------
- InsertMoverInCells(mover, atCol);
- // Now Transport The Actual Mover Entity Into Position, Link It & Send It Off
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CVec3 StartPos(mGridBottomLeftCorner);
- StartPos[mWAxis] += ((atCol * mGridCellSize) + ((mover->mCols/2.0f) * mGridCellSize));
- StartPos[mHAxis] += (((mover->mRows/2.0f) * mGridCellSize) * ((mNegative)?(1):(-1)));
- StartPos[2] = 0;
- // If Centered, Actually Put It At EXACTLY The Right Position On The Width Axis
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (mover->mCenter)
- {
- StartPos[mWAxis] = mGridCenter[mWAxis];
- float deltaOffset = mGridCenter[mWAxis] - mover->mOriginOffset[mWAxis];
- if (deltaOffset<(mGridCellSize*0.5f) )
- {
- StartPos[mWAxis] -= deltaOffset;
- }
- }
- StartPos -= mover->mOriginOffset;
- G_SetOrigin(mover->mEnt, StartPos.v);
- // Start It Moving
- //-----------------
- VectorCopy(StartPos.v, mover->mEnt->s.pos.trBase);
- VectorCopy(mVelocity.v, mover->mEnt->s.pos.trDelta);
- mover->mEnt->s.pos.trTime = level.time;
- mover->mEnt->s.pos.trDuration = mTravelTimeMilliseconds + (mNextUpdateDelay*mover->mRows);
- mover->mEnt->s.pos.trType = TR_LINEAR_STOP;
- mover->mEnt->s.eFlags &= ~EF_NODRAW;
- mover->mSoundPlayed = false;
- // Successfully Inserted This Mover. Now Move On To The Next Mover
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Incriment The Current Row
- //---------------------------
- mRow++;
- if (mRow>=mRows)
- {
- mRow = 0;
- }
- // Erase The Erase Row
- //---------------------
- int EraseRow = mRow - MAX_ROW_HISTORY;
- if (EraseRow<0)
- {
- EraseRow += mRows;
- }
- for (int col=0; col<mCols; col++)
- {
- mCells.get(col, EraseRow) = 0;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CRailTrack::RandomizeTestCols(int startCol, int stopCol)
- {
- int numCols = (stopCol - startCol);
- int swapA;
- int swapB;
- for (int swapNum=0; swapNum<numCols; swapNum++)
- {
- swapA = Q_irand(0, numCols-1);
- swapB = Q_irand(0, numCols-1);
- if (swapA!=swapB)
- {
- mTestCols.swap(swapA, swapB);
- }
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool CRailTrack::TestMoverInCells(CRailMover* mover, int atCol)
- {
- //for (int moverRow=0; (moverRow<mover->mRows); moverRow++)
- //{
- for (int moverCol=0; (moverCol<mover->mCols); moverCol++)
- {
- if (mCells.get(atCol+moverCol, mRow/*+moverRow*/)!=0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- //}
- return true;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CRailTrack::InsertMoverInCells(CRailMover* mover, int atCol)
- {
- for (int moverCol=0; (moverCol<mover->mCols); moverCol++)
- {
- int col = atCol+moverCol;
- for (int moverRow=0; (moverRow<mover->mRows); moverRow++)
- {
- int row = mRow+moverRow;
- if (row>=mRows)
- {
- row -= mRows;
- }
- assert(mCells.get(col, row)==0);
- mCells.get(col, row) = mover;
- }
- }
- }