123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478 |
- /********************************************************************** <BR>
- This file is part of Crack dot Com's free source code release of
- Golgotha. <a href="http://www.crack.com/golgotha_release"> <BR> for
- information about compiling & licensing issues visit this URL</a>
- <PRE> If that doesn't help, contact Jonathan Clark at
- golgotha_source@usa.net (Subject should have "GOLG" in it)
- ***********************************************************************/
- #include "window/window.hh"
- #include "device/event.hh"
- #include "gui/text.hh"
- #include "gui/text_input.hh"
- #include "window/colorwin.hh"
- #include "error/alert.hh"
- #include "gui/button.hh"
- #include "gui/butbox.hh"
- #include "gui/deco_win.hh"
- char *tokens[]={"=", "(", ")",
- "[", "]", "right", "down", "up_deco", "down_deco", "'", "text_input", "text",
- "button", "butbox", "obj_ev", "user_ev", "x+", "y+", 0};
- enum {
- void i4_expected(char *why, i4_const_str::iterator i, const i4_const_str &s)
- {
- i4_str *er=new i4_str(i4gets("expected"),2000);
- i4_str::iterator x=er->end();
- while (i!=s.end())
- {
- x.set(i.get());
- ++i;
- ++x;
- er->set_length(er->length()+1);
- }
- i4_warning(why);
- i4_alert(*er, 2000);
- i4_error("expected error : see error output");
- }
- int i4_is_space(i4_const_str::iterator i)
- {
- if (i.get().value()==' ' ||
- i.get().value()=='\t' ||
- i.get().value()=='\n' ||
- i.get().value()=='\r')
- return 1;
- else return 0;
- }
- int i4_cmp_char_str(i4_const_str::iterator i, const i4_const_str &s, char *c)
- {
- while (*c && i!=s.end())
- {
- if (i.get().value()!=*c)
- return 0;
- c++;
- ++i;
- }
- if (*c)
- return 0;
- else return 1;
- }
- int i4_read_dlg_token(i4_const_str::iterator &i,
- const i4_const_str &fmt,
- sw32 &num,
- void *&ptr,
- va_list &ap)
- {
- while (i!=fmt.end() && i4_is_space(i))
- ++i;
- if (i==fmt.end()) return TK_NONE;
- if (i.get().value()=='%')
- {
- ++i;
- if (i.get().value()=='d')
- {
- ++i;
- num=va_arg(ap,int);
- return TK_NUMBER;
- }
- else if (i.get().value()=='p')
- {
- ++i;
- ptr=va_arg(ap,void *);
- return TK_POINTER;
- }
- else i4_error("expecting p or d after %");
- }
- else
- {
- if ((i.get().value()>='0' && i.get().value()<='9') || i.get().value()=='-')
- {
- int neg=0;
- if (i.get().value()=='-')
- {
- neg=1;
- ++i;
- }
- num=0;
- while (i!=fmt.end() && !i4_is_space(i) && i.get().value()>='0' && i.get().value()<='9')
- {
- num=num*10+i.get().value()-'0';
- ++i;
- }
- if (neg) num=-num;
- return TK_NUMBER;
- }
- for (int j=0; tokens[j]; j++)
- if (i4_cmp_char_str(i, fmt, tokens[j]))
- {
- int l=strlen(tokens[j]);
- while (l)
- {
- ++i;
- l--;
- }
- return j;
- }
- i4_expected("unknown token", i, fmt);
- }
- return TK_NONE;
- }
- int i4_next_token_is_rbrace(i4_const_str::iterator i,
- const i4_const_str &fmt)
- {
- while (i!=fmt.end() && i4_is_space(i))
- ++i;
- if (i==fmt.end()) return 1;
- if (i.get().value()==']') return 1;
- else return 0;
- }
- i4_str *i4_read_str(i4_const_str::iterator &i, const i4_const_str &fmt, va_list &ap)
- {
- sw32 n; void *p;
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, n, p, ap)!=TK_TICK)
- i4_expected("'",i,fmt);
- i4_str *s=new i4_str(i4_string_man.get(0), 200);
- i4_str::iterator x=s->begin();
- while (i!=fmt.end() && i.get().value()!='\'')
- {
- x.set(i.get().value());
- ++i;
- ++x;
- s->set_length(s->length()+1);
- }
- ++i;
- i4_str *ret=s->vsprintf(200, ap);
- delete s;
- return ret;
- }
- i4_event_reaction_class *i4_read_reaction(i4_const_str::iterator &i,
- const i4_const_str &fmt,
- va_list &ap)
- {
- sw32 x,id; void *p, *from, *to;
- int t=i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap);
- if (t==TK_OBJ_EV)
- {
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, from, ap)!=TK_POINTER)
- i4_expected("pointer",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, to, ap)!=TK_POINTER)
- i4_expected("pointer",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, id, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",i,fmt);
- i4_object_message_event_class *om;
- om=new i4_object_message_event_class((i4_event_handler_class *)from, id);
- return new i4_event_reaction_class((i4_event_handler_class *)to, om);
- }
- else if (t==TK_USER_EV)
- {
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, to, ap)!=TK_POINTER)
- i4_expected("pointer",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, id, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",i,fmt);
- i4_user_message_event_class *uev;
- uev=new i4_user_message_event_class(id);
- return new i4_event_reaction_class((i4_event_handler_class *)to, uev);
- }
- else
- {
- i4_expected("obj_ev or user_ev",i,fmt);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- i4_window_class *i4_read_object(i4_parent_window_class *parent,
- i4_graphical_style_class *style,
- sw32 &cx, sw32 &cy,
- i4_const_str::iterator &i, const i4_const_str &fmt,
- va_list &ap,
- int in_buttonbox)
- {
- sw32 x;
- void *p;
- i4_const_str::iterator start_i=i;
- i4_window_class *ret=0;
- int token=i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap);
- switch (token)
- {
- case TK_POINTER :
- {
- token=i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap);
- if (token!=TK_EQUAL)
- i4_expected("expected = after %p", start_i, fmt);
- i4_window_class *r=i4_read_object(parent, style, cx, cy, i, fmt, ap, in_buttonbox);
- *((i4_window_class **)p)=r;
- ret=r;
- } break;
- case TK_LBRACE :
- {
- int dir=i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap);
- if (dir!=TK_RIGHT && dir!=TK_DOWN)
- i4_expected("right or down after [", start_i, fmt);
- sw32 ncx=cx, ncy=cy;
- int max_w=0, max_h=0;
- i4_window_class *r;
- while (!i4_next_token_is_rbrace(i, fmt))
- {
- r=i4_read_object(parent, style, ncx, ncy, i, fmt, ap, in_buttonbox);
- if (r)
- {
- if (!ret) ret=r;
- if (dir==TK_RIGHT)
- ncx+=r->width();
- else ncy+=r->height();
- }
- }
- i4_read_dlg_token(i, fmt, x, p, ap);
- } break;
- case TK_RIGHT :
- case TK_DOWN :
- case TK_NUMBER :
- case TK_RBRACE :
- i4_expected("out of place token",start_i,fmt);
- break;
- case TK_XPLUS :
- {
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- cx+=x;
- } break;
- case TK_YPLUS :
- {
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",start_i,fmt);
- cy+=x;
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- } break;
- case TK_UP_DECO :
- {
- sw32 w,h;
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, w, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, h, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",start_i,fmt);
- i4_deco_window_class *cw=new i4_deco_window_class(w,h, i4_T, style);
- sw32 ncx=0, ncy=0;
- i4_window_class *r=i4_read_object(cw, style, ncx, ncy, i, fmt, ap, 0);
- parent->add_child(cx,cy, cw);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- ret=cw;
- } break;
- case TK_TEXT :
- {
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- i4_str *s=i4_read_str(i, fmt, ap);
- if (s)
- {
- i4_text_window_class *tw=new i4_text_window_class(*s, style);
- delete s;
- parent->add_child(cx, cy, tw);
- ret=tw;
- }
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- } break;
- case TK_TEXT_INPUT :
- {
- sw32 w;
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, w, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",start_i,fmt);
- i4_str *s=i4_read_str(i, fmt, ap);
- if (s)
- {
- i4_text_input_class *ti=new i4_text_input_class(style, *s, w, 256);
- delete s;
- parent->add_child(cx, cy, ti);
- ret=ti;
- }
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- } break;
- case TK_BUTTON :
- {
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- i4_color_window_class tmp_win(0,0,0,style);
- i4_window_class *r=i4_read_object(&tmp_win, style, cx, cy, i, fmt, ap, in_buttonbox);
- i4_event_reaction_class *re=i4_read_reaction(i, fmt, ap);
- if (r)
- {
- tmp_win.remove_child(r);
- i4_button_class *b=new i4_button_class(0, r, style, re);
- if (in_buttonbox)
- ((i4_button_box_class *)parent)->add_button(cx, cy, b);
- else
- {
- b->set_popup(i4_T);
- parent->add_child(cx,cy, b);
- }
- ret=b;
- }
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- } break;
- case TK_BUTBOX :
- {
- sw32 def_down;
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_LPAREN)
- i4_expected("(",start_i,fmt);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, def_down, p, ap)!=TK_NUMBER)
- i4_expected("number",start_i,fmt);
- i4_button_box_class *bbox=new i4_button_box_class(0);
- sw32 ncx=0,ncy=0;
- i4_window_class *r=i4_read_object(bbox, style, ncx, ncy, i, fmt, ap, 1);
- bbox->resize_to_fit_children();
- i4_button_class *b=(i4_button_class *)bbox->get_nth_window(def_down);
- if (b)
- bbox->push_button(b,0);
- parent->add_child(cx, cy, bbox);
- if (i4_read_dlg_token( i, fmt, x, p, ap)!=TK_RPAREN)
- i4_expected(")",start_i,fmt);
- return bbox;
- } break;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void i4_create_dialog(const i4_const_str &fmt,
- i4_parent_window_class *parent,
- i4_graphical_style_class *style,
- ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, style);
- i4_const_str::iterator i=fmt.begin();
- sw32 cx=0, cy=0;
- i4_read_object(parent, style, cx, cy, i, fmt, ap, 0);
- va_end(ap);
- }