1. #ifndef __BUILD_H
  2. #define __BUILD_H
  3. #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. extern "C" {
  5. #endif
  6. #include "engine.h"
  7. /***********************************************************************
  8. * Build global variables
  9. **********************************************************************/
  10. extern short ang;
  11. extern long vel, svel, angvel;
  12. extern short asksave; // set to 1 to indicate changes have been made
  13. //static char boardfilename[13];
  14. extern char buildkeys[];
  15. //static short brightness;
  16. extern short cursectnum;
  17. //static long fillist[640];
  18. //static int gettilezoom;
  19. //static short grid;
  20. //static short gridlock;
  21. extern short highlight[kMaxWalls];
  22. extern short highlightsector[kMaxSectors];
  23. extern short highlightsectorcnt;
  24. extern long horiz;
  25. //static long hvel;
  26. //static short localartfreq[kMaxTiles];
  27. //static short localartlookup[kMaxTiles];
  28. //static short localartlookupnum;
  29. //static long lockclock, long lockspeed;
  30. //static char menuname[MAXMENUFILES][17], curpath[80], menupath[80];
  31. //static long menunamecnt, menuhighlight;
  32. extern char names[kMaxTiles][17];
  33. //static long numsprites;
  34. //static short oldmousebstatus;
  35. extern long posx, posy, posz;
  36. //static char pskysearch[kMaxSectors];
  37. //static long repeatcountx, repeatcounty;
  38. //static char scantoasc[128];
  39. //static char scantoascwithshift[128];
  40. //static short showtags;
  41. //static char somethingintab = 255;
  42. //static long synctics = 0, lockclock = 0;
  43. extern short temppicnum, tempcstat, templotag, temphitag, tempextra;
  44. extern char tempshade, temppal, tempxrepeat, tempyrepeat;
  45. extern char somethingintab;
  46. extern char totalclockinreal; // unused
  47. extern long whitecol;
  48. extern long zlock, zmode, kensplayerheight;
  49. extern short defaultspritecstat;
  50. //static long zoom;
  51. /***********************************************************************
  52. * Build function prototypes
  53. **********************************************************************/
  54. void adjustmark( long, long, long );
  55. char changechar( char dachar, long dadir, char smooshyalign, char boundcheck );
  56. int checkautoinsert( long, long, long );
  57. void checksectorpointer( short nWall, short nSector );
  58. void clearmidstatbar16( void ); // Clear middle of status bar
  59. int clockdir( long );
  60. void copysector( short nSector1, short nSector2, short nWall, char);
  61. void deletepoint( short nWall );
  62. void deletesector( short nSector );
  63. void drawtilescreen( long, long );
  64. void editinput( void );
  65. void fillsector( short nSector, char );
  66. void fixrepeats( short wall );
  67. void fixspritesectors( void );
  68. void flipwalls( short, short );
  69. int getcard( void );
  70. void getfilenames( char * );
  71. int getlinehighlight( int x, int y );
  72. short getnumber16(char namestart[80], short num, long maxnumber);
  73. short getnumber256(char namestart[80], short num, long maxnumber);
  74. void getpoint( int x, int y, int *a, int *b );
  75. /* converts a screen x,y into a map x,y in 2D mode */
  76. int getpointhighlight( int x, int y );
  77. /* returns closest wall vertice or sprite | 0x4000 to the specified point */
  78. long gettile( long );
  79. void initmenupaths( char * );
  80. void inittimer( void );
  81. void insertpoint( short nWall, long x, long y );
  82. void keytimerstuff( void );
  83. void loadnames( void );
  84. int loopinside( long x, long y, short nWall );
  85. short loopnumofsector( short, short, short nWall );
  86. int menuselect( void );
  87. void movewalls( short nWall, int );
  88. int numloopsofsector( short nSector );
  89. void overheadeditor( void );
  90. void printcoords16( long x, long y, short ang );
  91. void showmouse( void );
  92. void showsectordata( short nSector );
  93. void showspritedata( short nSprite );
  94. void showwalldata( short nWall );
  95. void sortfilenames( void );
  96. void uninittimer( void );
  97. void updatenumsprites( void );
  98. int whitelinescan( short nWall );
  99. #ifdef __cplusplus
  100. }
  101. #endif
  102. #endif