123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554 |
- include include.asm
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; PROPACK 8086 Source Code for Unpacking RNC Method 1 Packed Files (flat model)
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) 1991-93 Rob Northen Computing, UK. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- ; File: RNC_1FMM.ASM (masm version)
- ;
- ; Date: 21.04.93
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; UnpackM1 (flat model version, 32-bit addressing)
- ;
- ; Function Uncompresses an RNC Method 1 Packed File in memory
- ;
- ; Syntax long UnpackM1(void far *input, void far *output, int key)
- ;
- ; Remarks Unpack uncompresses an RNC packed file held in the input buffer
- ; and writes the uncompressed version of the file to the output
- ; buffer. This function performs no disk access. The packed file
- ; must be loaded into the input buffer prior to calling this
- ; function. Similarly the output buffer is not written to disk
- ; after the decompression has taken place.
- ;
- ; input is the memory address of the input buffer containing the
- ; RNC packed file and output is the memory address of the output
- ; buffer where the uncompressed version of the file is to be
- ; written.
- ;
- ; int key is the value of the key used when the RNC file was
- ; packed, if any other value is used the uncompression will fail.
- ; If no key was used when the RNC file was packed then the value
- ; passed in int key is ignored.
- ;
- ; Unpack can be called with the input buffer equal to the output
- ; buffer, in which case the compressed version of the file will
- ; be overwritten by the uncompressed version.
- ;
- ; Return Value If successful Unpack returns the length of the uncompressed
- ; file. On failure Unpack returns a zero or a negative error code:
- ;
- ; 0 = the input buffer does not point to an RNC packed file
- ; -1 = the packed data in the input buffer has a CRC error
- ; -2 = the unpacked data in the output buffer has a CRC error
- ;
- ; To Call from Assembler,
- ;
- ; push key ; word
- ; push output ; dword
- ; push input ; dword
- ; call UnpackM1
- ; add esp,10
- ;
- ; On exit,
- ; carry flag = result, 0 = success, 1 = fail
- ; AX = length of unpacked file in bytes OR error code (low word)
- ; DX = length of unpacked file in bytes OR error code (high word)
- ; 0 = the input buffer does not point to an RNC packed file
- ; -1 = the packed data in the input buffer has a CRC error
- ; -2 = the unpacked data in the output buffer has a CRC error
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; .386
- ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Conditional Assembly Flags
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHECKSUMS EQU 1 ; set this flag to 1 if you require
- ; the data to be validated
- PROTECTED EQU 0 ; set this flag to 1 if you are unpacking
- ; files packed with the "-K" option
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Return Codes
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Other Equates
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Macros
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- getrawREP MACRO
- rep movsb
- getrawREP2:
- lodsb
- xor al,BYTE PTR key
- stosb
- loop getrawREP2
- ror key,1
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Data Segment
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- start32data
- ; .DATA
- raw_table db TABLE_SIZE dup(?)
- pos_table db TABLE_SIZE dup(?)
- len_table db TABLE_SIZE dup(?)
- crc_table db 200h dup(?)
- unpack_len dd 0
- pack_len dd 0
- pack_paras dw 0
- counts dw 0
- bit_buffl dw 0
- bit_buffh dw 0
- blocks db 0
- bit_count db 0
- crc_u dw 0
- crc_p dw 0
- end32data
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Code Segment
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- start32code
- ; .CODE
- PUBLIC C UnpackM1
- UnpackM1 PROC NEAR C USES esi edi ds es,input:dword,output:dword
- ARG key :WORD ; must be added to above
- cld
- push ds
- pop es ; ensure es=ds
- call init_crc
- mov esi,input ; pointer to packed file
- lodsw
- cmp ax,4e52h
- jne not_pack
- lodsw
- cmp ax,0143h
- jne not_pack
- call read_long ; read unpacked file length
- mov unpack_len,eax
- call read_long ; read packed file length
- mov pack_len,eax
- mov bl,[esi+5]
- mov BYTE PTR blocks,bl
- call read_long ; read crc's
- mov crc_p,ax
- ror eax,16
- mov crc_u,ax
- add esi,HEADER_LEN-16
- mov ecx,pack_len
- call crc_block ; find packed data crc
- cmp crc_p,bx
- jne pack_crc ; branch if bad packed data CRC
- mov eax,pack_len
- mov esi,input
- add esi,HEADER_LEN
- add esi,HEADER_LEN-12
- add eax,HEADER_LEN
- mov edx,input ; input_lo
- mov ebx,output ; output_lo
- add edx,eax ; input_hi
- cmp edx,ebx
- jbe unpack3 ; branch if input_hi <= output_lo
- mov edi,input
- xor eax,eax
- mov al,[edi+16] ; unpack bufsiz
- add eax,unpack_len
- add ebx,eax ; output_hi
- cmp ebx,edx ; branch if output_hi <= input_hi
- jbe unpack3
- mov esi,edx
- mov edi,ebx
- sub esi,4
- sub edi,4
- mov ecx,pack_len
- shr ecx,2
- std
- rep movsd
- add esi,4
- add edi,4
- mov cx,WORD PTR pack_len
- and cx,0003h
- jcxz unpack2
- dec esi
- dec edi
- rep movsb
- inc esi
- inc edi
- unpack2:
- cld
- mov esi,edi
- unpack3:
- mov edi,output
- mov bit_count,0 ; init bits in buffer
- mov ax,[esi]
- mov bit_buffl,ax ; init next two bytes
- mov al,2
- call input_bits ; input lock and key bits
- unpack4:
- mov edx,OFFSET raw_table
- call make_huftable ; create raw codes table
- mov edx,OFFSET pos_table
- call make_huftable ; create offset codes table
- mov edx,OFFSET len_table
- call make_huftable ; create length codes table
- mov al,16
- call input_bits ; input counts
- mov counts,ax
- jmp unpack6
- unpack5:
- mov edx,OFFSET pos_table
- call input_value ; input offset
- push cx
- mov edx,OFFSET len_table
- call input_value ; input length
- add cx,MIN_LENGTH
- xor eax,eax
- pop ax
- inc ax
- mov edx,esi
- mov esi,edi
- sub esi,eax
- rep movsb ; ds:si -> es:di
- mov esi,edx
- unpack6:
- mov edx,OFFSET raw_table
- call input_value ; input count
- jcxz unpack7 ; branch if count=0
- getrawREP
- mov cl,bit_count
- mov ax,[esi]
- mov bx,ax
- rol ax,cl
- mov dx,1
- shl dx,cl
- dec dx
- and bit_buffl,dx
- and dx,ax
- mov ax,[esi+2]
- shl bx,cl
- shl ax,cl
- or ax,dx
- or bit_buffl,bx
- mov bit_buffh,ax
- unpack7:
- dec counts
- jne unpack5 ; branch if block not done
- dec BYTE PTR blocks
- jne unpack4
- mov esi,output
- mov ecx,unpack_len
- call crc_block
- cmp crc_u,bx
- jne pack_crc ; branch if bad unpacked data CRC
- mov eax,unpack_len
- clc
- jmp unpack_end
- not_pack:
- mov eax,NOT_PACKED
- jmp unpack_cwd
- pack_crc:
- mov eax,PACKED_CRC
- jmp unpack_cwd
- unpack_crc:
- mov eax,UNPACKED_CRC
- unpack_cwd:
- stc
- unpack_end:
- ret
- UnpackM1 ENDP
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; read next long word from packed file converting to little endian
- ; on exit,
- ; eax = dword
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- read_long PROC
- lodsd
- xchg ah,al
- rol eax,16
- xchg ah,al
- ret
- read_long ENDP
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; input value from packed data
- ; on entry,
- ; dx = offset to huffman table in work segment
- ; on exit,
- ; cx = value
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- input_value PROC
- xchg edx,esi
- mov cx,bit_buffl
- input_value2:
- lodsw
- mov bx,ax
- and bx,cx
- lodsw
- cmp ax,bx
- jne input_value2
- mov cx,[esi+16*4-4]
- xchg edx,esi
- mov al,ch ; code bit length
- call input_bits
- xor ch,ch
- cmp cl,2
- jb input_value3 ; branch if 0 or 1
- dec cl
- mov al,cl
- call input_bits
- mov bx,1
- shl bx,cl
- or ax,bx
- mov cx,ax
- input_value3:
- ret
- input_value ENDP
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; input data bits from the packed file
- ; on entry,
- ; al = no. of bits to read (1-16)
- ; on exit,
- ; ax = data bits
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- input_bits PROC
- push cx
- mov cl,al
- mov ax,bit_buffh ; bit_buffer (hi word)
- mov bx,bit_buffl ; bit buffer (lo word)
- mov ch,bit_count ; bit count (0-16)
- mov dx,1
- shl dx,cl
- dec dx
- and dx,bx ; mask required bits from buffer
- push dx ; return value
- sub ch,cl ; update no. of bits left in buffer
- jae input_bits3 ; branch if enough bits in buffer
- add ch,cl
- input_bits2:
- xchg cl,ch
- mov dx,1
- shl dx,cl
- dec dx
- and dx,ax
- ror dx,cl
- shr ax,cl
- shr bx,cl
- or bx,dx
- add esi,2
- mov ax,[esi] ; read packed word
- xchg cl,ch
- sub cl,ch
- mov ch,16
- sub ch,cl
- input_bits3:
- mov dx,1
- shl dx,cl
- dec dx
- and dx,ax
- ror dx,cl
- shr ax,cl
- shr bx,cl
- or bx,dx
- mov bit_buffh,ax ; bit_buffer (hi word)
- mov bit_buffl,bx ; bit buffer (lo word)
- mov bit_count,ch ; bit count
- pop ax
- pop cx
- ret
- input_bits ENDP
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; read huffman code bit lengths and create huffman code table
- ; on entry,
- ; edx = offset of start of table in work segment
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- make_huftable PROC
- push edi
- push edx
- sub esp,16 ; reserve space for bit lengths
- mov edi,esp
- mov al,5
- call input_bits ; read no. of codes
- xor ecx,ecx
- mov cx,ax
- jcxz make_huftable7 ; branch if 0 entries
- push ecx
- make_huftable2:
- mov al,4
- call input_bits ; read huffman code bit length
- mov ss:[edi],al
- inc edi
- loop make_huftable2
- pop ecx
- push esi
- mov esi,esp
- add esi,4
- mov edi,ss:[esi+16] ; pointer to huffman table
- mov al,1 ; init bit length
- xor bx,bx ; huff code
- mov dx,8000h ; huff base
- make_huftable3:
- push cx ; no. of huffman codes
- push esi
- make_huftable4:
- cmp al,ss:[esi]
- jne make_huftable6 ; branch if not same bit length
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- mov cl,al
- mov ax,1
- shl ax,cl
- dec ax
- stosw ; code mask
- mov al,cl
- mov cl,16
- sub cl,al
- shr bx,cl
- mov cl,al
- xor ax,ax
- make_huftable5:
- rcr bx,1
- rcl ax,1
- loop make_huftable5
- stosw ; huffman code
- mov eax,esi
- sub eax,esp
- sub ax,16 ; 4 word pushs + 2 dword pushs
- mov ah,ss:[esi] ; code bit length
- mov [edi+16*4-4],ax
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- add bx,dx ; update huff code
- make_huftable6:
- inc esi
- loop make_huftable4
- pop esi
- pop cx
- shr dx,1
- inc al
- cmp al,17
- jne make_huftable3
- pop esi
- make_huftable7:
- add esp,16
- pop edx
- pop edi
- ret
- make_huftable ENDP
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; initialise the crc lookup table
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- init_crc PROC
- mov edi,OFFSET crc_table
- xor bx,bx
- init_crc2:
- mov ax,bx
- mov ecx,8
- init_crc3:
- shr ax,1
- jnc init_crc4
- xor ax,0a001h
- init_crc4:
- loop init_crc3
- stosw
- inc bl
- jne init_crc2
- ret
- init_crc ENDP
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; calculate a 16 bit crc of a block of memory
- ; on entry,
- ; esi = pointer to start of block
- ; ecx = size of block in bytes
- ; on exit,
- ; bx = 16 bit crc
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- crc_block PROC
- mov edi,OFFSET crc_table ; pointer to crc table
- xor ebx,ebx
- crc_block2:
- lodsb ; read byte from block
- xor bl,al
- mov al,bh
- xor bh,bh
- shl bx,1
- mov bx,[edi+ebx] ; lookup crc value
- xor bl,al
- loop crc_block2
- ret
- crc_block ENDP
- end32code