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Additional vicloc scrolls (as of MapleLegends’s anniversary/summer event 2022; 2022-08-13)


For a catalogue of all other scrolls available in vicloc (the “GMS-like” ones), see

For weapons

NOTE: The following weapon types are not represented in the addition of dark scrolls, as of this patch:

  • 2H swords (although 1H swords, and 2H axes, are represented).
  • 1H axes (although 2H axes, and 1H swords, are represented).
  • 2H maces (although 1H maces are represented).
  • Daggers (although some other warrior weapons are represented).
  • Spears (although polearms are represented).
  • Staves (although wands are represented).
  • Crossbows (although bows are represented).
  • Claws.
  • Knucklers & guns.

This effectively results in:

  • An implicit nerf of all thief jobs (excepting brigands and similar), relative to non-thief jobs. Also, an implicit nerf to dagger-users more generally (including e.g. dagger warriors).
  • An implicit nerf of all pirate jobs (excepting pugilists), relative to non-pirate jobs.
  • An implicit nerf of crossbow users (crossbow(o)men) relative to bow users (hunters). This one is deeply unfortunate, as these two classes used to be very well-balanced.
  • An implicit nerf of spears, which were already worse than polearms for warriors/permabeginners anyways. This includes a nerf of e.g. swashbucklers.
  • A buff of wands relative to staves. This is probably deserved, given the existence of the Dark Ritual, but will also potentially make LUKless (as well as pure LUK) builds somewhat more viable compared to traditional low-LUK builds, assuming that players can land 30% scrolls on Heart Wands/Staves (note that the Heart Staff is a wand, despite its name).

For 1H swords

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+5 WATK, +3 STR, +1 WDEF 30% Officer Skeleton

For 2H axes

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+5 WATK, +3 STR, +1 WDEF 30% Stone Golem

For 1H maces

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+5 WATK, +3 STR, +1 WDEF 30% Skeleton Soldier

For polearms

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+5 WATK, +3 STR, +1 WDEF 30% Dark Stone Golem, Tauromacis

For wands

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+5 MATK, +3 INT, +1 MDEF 30% Zombie Mushmom

For bows

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+5 WATK, +3 WACC, +1 DEX 30% Jr. Balrog

For hats

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+2 DEX 70% Mushmom
+2 WACC, +1 DEX 60% Copper Drake

For tops

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+30 HP 30% Taurospear

For bottoms

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+30 HP 30% Commander Skeleton

For gloves

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+1 MATK, +1 INT 60% Red Drake

For shields

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+2 MATK, +1 INT 70% Dark Drake
+3 MATK, +2 INT 10% Tortie
+15 HP 70% Rocky Mask
+30 HP 30% Stumpy

For pet equips

effect on pass 𝗣⁡(pass) dropped by
+10 HP 70% Clang
+50 HP 30% Dyle