makefile 1.3 KB

  1. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  2. #This makefile generates the hundreds2 android project
  3. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  4. ThisSays=@echo hundreds says:
  5. ProjectName=hundreds
  6. OutputPath=output/hundreds
  7. target: prerequisites
  8. prerequisites: prompt
  9. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  10. #NOTE: The recipes follow:
  11. # ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
  12. .PHONY: prompt
  13. prompt:
  14. $(ThisSays)
  15. @echo " Run \"make it\" to make the apk from the source in one command."
  16. @echo " Run \"make build\" to setup the android project."
  17. @echo " Run \"make wire\" to wire up the next project in the android project."
  18. @echo " Run \"make compile\" to compile the apk file, defaults to debug mode."
  19. @echo " Run \"make deps\" to check dependencies."
  20. @echo " Run \"make clean\" to remove the build output files."
  21. @echo " View the makefile for more info."
  22. .PHONY: it
  23. it: build wire compile
  24. .PHONY: build
  25. build:
  26. ./make/ $(ProjectName) $(OutputPath)
  27. .PHONY: wire
  28. wire:
  29. ./make/
  30. .PHONY: compile
  31. compile:
  32. ./make/ $(OutputPath)
  33. .PHONY: clean
  34. clean:
  35. rm -r ./output
  36. .PHONY: deps
  37. deps:
  38. ./make/