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  1. {% extends "base.html" %}
  2. {% import "_macros.html" as toc_macros %}
  3. {% block title %}{{ page.title }}{% endblock title %}
  4. {% block header_logo %}
  5. <p class="header-title">{{ config.title }} | {{ page.title }}</p>
  6. {% endblock header_logo %}
  7. {% block header_nav_extended %}
  8. {{ toc_macros::render_parent_link(current_path=page.path) | safe }}
  9. {% endblock header_nav_extended %}
  10. {% block content %}
  11. <!-- Details -->
  12. <section aria-label="Page details">
  13. <h2>{{ page.title }} | Details</h2>
  14. {% if page.description %}
  15. <p>{{ page.description }}</p>
  16. {% endif %}
  17. {% if %}
  18. <p class="subtitle">Posted on <strong>{{ }}</strong></p>
  19. {% endif %}
  20. </section>
  21. <!-- Table of Contents -->
  22. {% if page.toc %}
  23. <nav aria-label="Table of Contents">
  24. <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
  25. <ul>
  26. {{ toc_macros::render_toc(items=page.toc, max_depth=6, current_depth=1) | safe }}
  27. </ul>
  28. </nav>
  29. {% endif %}
  30. <!-- Page Content -->
  31. <section>
  32. {{ page.content | safe }}
  33. </section>
  34. {% endblock content %}